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L. Marcus

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Everything posted by L. Marcus

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Would you do it with a cow?
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Sanity is overrated, anyway.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings Okies, then, I'm up for it. No worries!
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings I think I can cover it. Unless you wanna wait 'til just after midnight, and then post one? We're what -- six, seven hours ahead of the eastern seaboard, anyway.
  5. Re: Question: Must I model everything I own? I don't GM Superheroic, but I'd say that things that you expect to use with some regularity should be bought with points. Arms, armor . . . For a SF campaign, towels . . . And on a similar note -- a basic house isn't a base. The converted abandoned subway station underneath it -- that's a base.
  6. Re: Legend of the 5 rings . . . Kudos = "They should be honored," basically. I think it's Latin. And I know Storn has done an illustration of a L5R character, so chances are he's given a conversion some thought.
  7. Re: The Last Word All snuggly, eh? I've got a couple of blankies that go so well together with a cup of hot cocoa . . .
  8. Re: The Last Word . . . See . . . Entropy can be both "chaos" or "disorder" and "heat" . . . It's one of those, y'know, puns . . . Anyway, I thought it was clever . . . But anyhoo, blankets and quilts are needed to make a home!
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble was stunt coordinator for Kung Fu Hustle.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Kung Fu Hustle is an eminently silly movie, so I love it.
  11. Re: The cranky thread . . . Beer causes pimples, you know.
  12. Re: Martial arts . . . Penalty Skill Levels in Sweep and HTH Rapid Attack will let you possitively wade through mooks! But on the other hand, serious opponents will become so much harder . . .
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER . . . Look out, peeps, we've got a live one . . .
  14. Re: Cool Pulp Images No, fool! Someone just stole her Derringer! That's why she's so upset!
  15. Re: Feints . . . Wouldn't it be simpler to just let Feints be covered by allocation of CSLs?
  16. Re: Turakian Priestly END Reserves? Thanks, guys. Now I've got a few ideas to play with . . . I like the idea of the prayer beads. Plus, it would only recharge at dawn, during prayer to Ophel . . . Yes . . . Hmm . . .
  17. . . . What should they be like? The TA says that all spellcasters can have personal END Reserves, and the image that comes to mind is a Wizard with his staff, or a Sorcerer with a medallion. But what would a Priest use? His holy talisman? I somehow feel uneasy about the whole concept, but I can't say why . . .
  18. Re: Guns on cards Nobody touches Vera!
  19. Re: Underwater Pyramids. . . . What is the name of that journalist fellow who sees the Constellation Draco in the Angkor Wat and Leo in the Sphinx of Giza? Sounds so annoyingly reasonable I wanna haul off and punch him . . .
  20. Re: Shield Walls . . . Speaking of Roman legions: What of the famed battle formation Testudos -- the tortoise? How to write that one out? It's an extreme version of a shield wall, granted . . . Edit: Found a WikiPedia article . . .
  21. Re: Underwater Pyramids. Sounds kinda eightie's Pop to me.
  22. Re: Shield Walls . . . As a knee-jerk reaction, I'd give a +1 to DCV flat-out. The lack of leaping about is more than made up for in the neighbors' shields.
  23. Re: Underwater Pyramids. . . . Now, there's an image! I'd Rep you, but I'm up agaist the 24.
  24. Re: My Boyfriend is a Special Effect Bad Typist! Baaad!
  25. Re: A Fun and Creepy Thought . . . Well, that's an answer to the Fermi Paradox as good as any . . .
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