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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Re: Club 400 Mirth 6E1 34 has some guidelines on how to adopt the STR chart to more logical values: Define what the maximum lifting weight is in your campaign (for non-superpowered humans). That is going to be the lift for STR 30. Scale it down from there (every 5 Points, halve it). When Bech Press limit is 400 KG, then Lifting Limit is 533,3 KG or (for simplicity) 600 Kg. So the chart would look somwhat like this: 30 - 600 (450 Bench Press) 28 - 450 25 - 300 23 - 225 20 - 150 15 - 75 10 - 37
  2. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses
  3. Re: Club 400 Mirth The STR Chart's Lift is of the scale, when used for heroic. there are sugestions on how to make it more realistic in 6E1. Martial Artist don't have lost of STR, they have Martial Manuvers so they don't need that much STR. Martial Arts is just a Limited STR, No End Multipower. i.e. it gives you +20 STR for Escape, Grab and Damage but not for Lifting or anything like that.
  4. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones!
  5. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses Of course. If it's a mental power, you buy Usese OCV(+1/4) If it's a non Mental you buy Against DMCV (+1/4). Edit: It's the same thing as making a Killing AVAD (Flash Defense) with "Does BODY", whose BODY get's only stopped by hardened Flash Defense.
  6. Re: Removing Body (or Stun) And you should consider that the 18 Point rDEF end is more for Bicks, than your usual martial artist, ep, mentalist or support Magician (who tend to be rather on the 20/12 point end. So they can even take BODY from 14DC normal attacks). And the DC limit doesn't inlcude Haymaker, that you could use against an entangeled target without much problems. Edit: At least when you use the rules. Some around here go even higher with defenses.
  7. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses
  8. Re: Enraged Pricing My idea was more about how Intelligent he would act while Being Enraged/berserk. And frankly, using a X times END attack when you still have half a dozen targets to take down is pretty stupid. The character has to fight in his enraged/berserk status to the best of his abilites, like he would have do do under a Mind Controll. You can't just throw yourself in an allies blast or use your 10 times END attack as Multiattack agains't the one in your group who can take it, to knock yourself out without doing much damage - while mind controlled or berserk. Actually I even think a berserk/enraged guy has to make a defense action when he knows that attack would knock him out (so he couldn't continue to fight againt his group).
  9. Re: Removing Body (or Stun) I had to go through the math to check that for myself. Let's asume 12 DC Attacks: 12d6 Normal Attack can do 0-24 BODY and 12-72 STUN. Average is: 12 BODY, 42 STUN 4d6 Killing Attack can do 4-24 BODY and 4-72 STUN. Average is: 14 BODY, 28 STUN; But the body can only be stopped by a part of your defenses (that are 50% more expensive shouldn't make up more than 50-75% of your overall def).
  10. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses Not nessearily equal. He can still buy less or base most of his hth-fighting ability on some type of Martial Arts (a special Staff Fighting technique for Mages?) and/or as CSL's. That is usually the cheapest way to get fighting skill in a very narrow area. And how about the other way: Magical Martial Arts. There is an example Style called "Enerjutsu" in HSMA, specifically designed for Energy Projectors and Fantasy Mages (so why not for Champion mages too?). The problem with the ACV is, that it value can vary. It says so right in the second sentence. Of course this is more relevant for what defense you choose (since DMCV is most often the better defense to Target, hence it should be more expensive), but the cost saving you get for targetting all your spells this is also an important balancing decision. When in doubt, just increase the advantage to an +1/4 (OMCV vs. DCV), that doesn't counts for DC calculation and see if he dominates the game.
  11. Re: Only while asleep @Xavier: Better read what was written between my post you cited and your post. 99% of what I said was already relativated by the time you reacted and we did get the informations we needed. Yes, when he is an NPC it sound like No Concious Controll. But what about the controlled release that may come later? Is he under the controll of the player then, or does he act alone but can be persuaded to work with him? What about the damage the Duplicate takes, should it be taking over to the host on merging? I ask because a certain set of answers might make a uncontrolled summoning more fitting for the effect. Also, Astral Projection has nothing in it that says it can only be adopted for Astral Voyages. It's just one chase where the get's unconcious and the duplicate exists on a different realm of reality (hence the 100% difference duplicate).
  12. Re: Only while asleep Interesting Idea. But also gives so many more questions: The most important: Does the character controll the Duplicate? Is the duplicate awake? How powerfull is the duplicate, in relation to the character? What happens to the duplicate if he wakes up? What if the duplicate is miles away? What happens with the duplicate if the main form dies? What happens if the character is knocked out/stunned in combat, does it activate? How long does he need to start sleeping? For the Limitation I would go for anything that fit's from Astral Form(6E1 204). For duplication this entire "only when asleep" and "involuntary" is a lot less worth than for most other powers (asuming he has controll over the duplicate). The Reason: While asleep, you don't get actions. But with duplication you do get actions. So it's more like a Multiform with Limitations like "True Form lies around" and "Feedback with True Form" and Extra Time.
  13. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See?
  14. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses Green Lanterns attacks is what I would put under OCV. He creates an energy blast (Blast) and has to physically target it. The same way captian atom does, or superman targets his heat vision. Also, once he starts to make to many attacks OMCV targetting, either the price of the shifting should increase (for him at least) or the pricing for OMCV should increase. The official pricing model (+0 advantage, 3 CP per OMCV, Cost's of Mental CSL) is designed so it stays balanced als long as they are rarer used than OCV. But once you start to make your AOE's and Blast (that do normal or Killing Damage) using OMCV, you are upsetting the balance. Edit: You can also just go the oposite way and make all the Mental Powers use OCV vs. DCV instead.
  15. Re: Only while asleep I still think that Healthy Sleep: Regeneration (10 Body/Hour), always while asleep and Unebliveable Snoring: (AOE RKA 2d6), always while asleep should get totally different modifiers. Also, this was called "only while asleep or unconcious" in the OP, sugesting that there is some controll (as oposed to "always while asleep"), since you can dicide not to use it or have to dicide to use it before getting K.O.
  16. Re: Removing Body (or Stun) "I'll bring you back to where this is only a flesh wound" - Last Action Hero
  17. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses
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