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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Re: The Beautiful People I also deprived them of: Being experimentation material for Teleilos. The inability to procreate, unless Mr. T. allows it. Whatever stupidity Mr. T. or his selected few "non-eights" get into their mind.
  2. Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates Have done some more work on the officer templates. First i determined what every Klingon officer has in the 5E supplement: 1 Computer Programming 8- 1 SS: Astronomy 8- 1 Systems Operation 8- 1 WF: Klingon Blade Weapons 2 WF: Advanced Small Arms 3 Fringe benefit: Petty Officer (equivalent) 1 Bureacucratics 8- 1 KS: Klingon History 8- 1 KS: Klingon Law 8- 2 PS: Klingon Officer 11- Complications: -5 Distincitve Features: Klingon Uniform (Easily Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable) -20 Social Limitations: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major) Total Cost: -11 And then what the Combat Troops (Marines) should have: 1 Computer Programming 8- 1 SS: Astronomy 8- 10 10 points worth of CLS that affect either Klingon Advanced small arms and/or Klingon Blade Weapons 4 Surival (choose 2 categories) 1 Systems Operation 8- 10 Klingon Martial Arts 1 WF: Klingon Blade Weapons 2 WF: Advanced Small Arms 3 Fringe Benefit: Petty officer (equivalent) 1 Bureaucratics 8- 1 KS: Klingon History 8- 1 KS: Klingon Law 8- 2 PS: Klingon Officer 11- Complications: -5 Distincitve Features: Klingon Uniform (Easily Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable) -20 Social Limitations: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major) Total Cost: 13 Changes: Thrown out Interrogation (doesn't fit for post TOS Klingons anymore). Changed the way System Operations works, away from "limited-category" to normal Familarity. Fixed WF:Klingon Blade Weapons and WF:Advanced Small Arms for all personell (otherwise, he wouldn't keep that position long) I kept bureaucratics - even Martok complained about the paperwork when he was Admiral of the 9th Fleet and this is still an empire spanning the entire beta quadrant. I am not so certain what Astronomy does. Is this something like "general knowledge of all relevant worlds"? Haven't defined Klingon Martial Arts for now, but will most likely be a Style for Klingon Blade Weapons. Anything you think I should make different?
  3. Re: The Beautiful People That's why I think a sneak-cure is the best way (the counter-virus). It works similar to the original: multiphasic (phase one is getting your brains back), same transmission way, those not affected seem more intersting. But in stage two it kills the symbiotes and makes you immune to them, as well as undoing every neuronal reordering it has made. How right is it to cure them: The symbiotes are a well hidden Mind Controll. As such, the target opposing any cure is normal (but not what he would want, if he wasn't controlled).
  4. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Where and when? Afaik they stood towards them the same way they stand toward any other soldier that is willing to die for it's cause (like the Gungans and Humans on Naboo). Of course, we have no information on how free willed they were in their loyality. Where they truly loyal (because the seperatist hated clones to beginn with and would just kill every one they met), or was it programmed loyality? Something in the middle? We don't even know what hapened to them after Episode 3, but afaik there were no new ones made and the stormtroopers in Episode 4 where normal (indoctrinated) humans.
  5. Re: overmentalizing And even then, the way you obtained the information that lead to finding this evidence may make it invalid in court.
  6. Re: Area Shield Wondered about that too. But that seems to be a quirk of the system and I think I will just ignore it for this example. Or are there any more damage type anomalis?
  7. Re: Olympic Records in HERO I doubt it is a good idea to increase the SPD to get to high overall movement rates. SPD is more "reaction time" (the more you have, the faster you can react and act). Maybe fix the SPD for atlethes at two or three and increase the movement rate beyond human maxima (as they had very hard to train for those fast legs). This should get closer to the realistic records than trying to shortcut it with SPD.
  8. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses
  9. Re: overmentalizing I know, you want to have your superpersuasion guy whose actions can't be detected. This discussion is exactly the opostive way, we want to give a GM tools that allow him to better controll an overly excessive mind reader. Also, there is no rule that says I can't build a detect (previous uses of mental powers on person; perhaps combined with clairsentiece[past]). So when the gm want's it, he just can rule that such things exist (if it is an "Forensic Mentalist" in Police Employment or a "Mental Manipulation Detector 2005" having said detect, is up to him).
  10. Re: Area Shield How about direct Damage neagation with Ablative, perhaps using the alternative way for ablation (-5 AP/Hit that's to strong)? If you use multiple layers of those (for easily breakeable shields) and maybe have a way to replace one layer with a fresh one (for high end cost), this could allow to mimic any version of such a shield... I've got to make the math on that Idea.
  11. Re: overmentalizing And while you are in there, going through all the archives you could hit some deeply repressed memory (it was good protected, so you were sure it is important). This could overwhelm you and it might certainly mentally incapacitate your target. And Mind Controlling to let them confess? "That wasn't the truth, he/she forced me to say that." And before you can say "damn" your MC target is free and you have a civil rights lawsuit at your heels (from an known, powerfull "anti-mentalist" lawyer) - in addition to the one for unallowed Mind Controll/Mind Reading. About the IPE for mental effects: That only affects how hard they are to detect in a fight. There are certanly scanners that can detect Mindread in Progress or a way to find evidence of it's use in the past, like you could find evidence from an invisible, unhearable energy blast. When you want more guides: Shadowrun has to deal with similar problems (mind reading, mind controll, magic in general) in a modern world and has some more ideas how to deal with it (it also deals with Clairsentience and other Hero-Yield/Stop-Sign Powers).
  12. Re: overmentalizing Tsun Tsu said: It's sometimes a good idea to give a spy wrong informations and then let him be captured, so the enemy learns of the falsehoods and is convinced they are true. And as usual, people will always believe what the learned with their own senses or own deduction, and hardly ever think this has all been set up so he makes the false conclusions. That's a good point. Unless this is Dark Champions, the Mentalist should show some restraint. Code vs Killing also means you can't Mindprobe anybody as deep as you want, after all such a thing can has serious effects of the psyche of someone. There was this one Thanagerian in JL, that the Manhunter scanned despite of his mental defenses. That one was a vegetable afterwards (especially in his reoccurence during JLU). That said, how about a perk: "License to Mindread" or "License to Mindbend", 10 pt each (Like the License to Kill; and can be taken away like that if used without restraint).
  13. Re: Mages & Psychics and Alternate Combat Value uses The OMCV vs DMCV shift is mostly so you can get your non-mental Powers to work with your better OMCV and to work against the weaker Defense Value (the reason OMCV vs. DMCV is +1/4 for non-mental powers). Also, I am not certain that OMCV get's all the same negative Modifiers OCV get's on attack rolls (or is this part of LOS?). The same goes in the other direction too: When you have a Hypno Blaster (Mind Controll) for your 10 OCV Champion, make it an ACV (OCV vs DCV) for +0 Advantage and it works the way you expect it: Normally trying to hit the target, not mentally "locking" onto them. About the pricing: There are three types of Combat: HTH, Ranged, Mental. OCV/DCV work for to of them. MCV only for one of them. And you can't Block the other two with OMCV, or Dodge them with DMCV (goes the other way, but then you will only want DMCV wich is way cheaper).
  14. Re: The Beautiful People It's a good hidden Mind Controll, so sure I could and would. All you need is a "counter-virus", using the same way of spreading as the symbiotes. It should ony take out the negative effects at first (entralling, lowered INT). Maybe market it as "Super Intelligence Addon" so people like to get it. The Counter Virus should in the end kill and induce Imunity to the symbiotes, so people once cured don't get affected again (or just stay there as a ward).
  15. Re: Area Shield Don't worry to much about points. This will most likely have to be bought as a vehicle anyway.
  16. Re: Area Shield The only vs. Blaster is not nessesary, as it already only vs. Energy and Power Defense attacks. Had a slimiar idea, but I see the folowing problems: The enemy can't run into it/You can't shoot others intside the field without protection It can't be overwhelmed by attacks that do nearly enogh damage to get throug. It doesn't blocks the STUN nearly as good as the BODY (normal STUN is roughly 3 times the BODY rolled). The Body Part of 10d6 is guaranteed to be blocked, but the stun is guaranteed to get through.
  17. Re: Area Shield The Drain is interesting, especially since you only need the dome/circle to be affected. However there is only one Way Transparent and it's only for certain attacks, so the core rules won't work. If somebody knows the AGP and a rule for that there, it could help. The shield can be broken down with enough firepower. For the mechanic (if we use transparent/desodified barrier): The shield has pretty high BODY and Defenses. When the Shield get's body damage, the generator "reactivates" the power to heal the body damage and seal any breaks (that is why a generators END can be drained by enough firepower in short time). This gives me another Idea: What if the shield has low body and PD (maybe 1 BODY and 0 PD), but the "reactivation" just heals the hole from something physical passing through? It's still so weak against physical, a casual STR of 5 should be enough to get through and most attacks would just have beam (even the Tank Gun with AOE).
  18. Re: Personal Companion Bots. and a months long voyage....
  19. Re: Extra DCV vs penalties PSL are specially designed/balanced to counter Penalties. They are not identical or limited forms of (Combat)Skill Levels. Also, the halving or set to 0 (-100%) aren't penalties and always go last (after any penalteis and thus PSL's). The books encourage to not let players circumvent those modifiers. Putting Limitations on CSL's is also forbidden (at least for things like "only for OCV/DCV/DC" or things like "only when doing X"; Focus examples exist).
  20. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Give your players the small finger (or such an idea)....
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