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Everything posted by KawangaKid

  1. EC's and ICONs You mean I can't have EC - Alien Mutant God Powers? Isn't that a set of powers from the same SFX? I liked Astro City's iconic characters. Samaritan was one of my faves because he really was a "Man of Tomorrow".
  2. Re: Thanks! All of which are kinda useless when you have to rush the badly injured child to the hospital in time. Or hold back a tidal wave. Or whatever. In some older campaigns, logical consequences of using those powers messed up the "power-monger" players. Like that time a "hero" who shall go nameless went Mach 3 in downtown... New York I think it was... shattering glass and sending the shards raining down on innocent bystanders. Even the villains would've had to pitch in to help the wounded if they weren't hurt themselves. How much worse could the consequences of some badly aimed AP penetrating HKA?
  3. Oooooh!!!! "Tough as tungsten and loyal to the dirty end..." Man, I miss the Alien Legion... Mah boys Torie Montroc and Jugger Grimrod... and Nic, Mic & Ric...
  4. It's a limitation - use it against them If they have a Secret ID along with the OIHID, then keep sticking them in scenes with someone who will do nasty things to them if they find out the Secret ID. Hit them with surprise AE attacks in a crowd. But foreshadow it so they have a chance to move out of the area (just to be "fair"). Force them back into normal form once in a while because of something they can only do in that form. (A comic book classic) This can range from Billy Batson's "I'm smaller in my normal form" schtick... to having the normal form try to gain the trust of someone they know... to a magic spell that's worded only to affect "super-heroes". Do hostage situations while they're in normal form, so that any act could cause harm to the hostage. This works best with the Secret ID disad. And so on...
  5. Yep - a long lasting Psych that goes back to my earliest days with Champions.. and HERO!
  6. Enemies Online Cool - I can't wait for more stuff to crib from.
  7. Re: Unicorn On the other hand, I do like the IPIL acronym. Ipil-ipil is a native tree in the Philippines... Each tree is very useful, but many of them form quite effective barriers against strong, even typhoon winds.
  8. Or more of Lord Saker, one of my favorite villains. He was able to ignore an alien invasion that had targeted him as one of the prime threats to their success...
  9. Phantom Training Let's not forget that the Phantom has had training from childhood to be the next Phantom. He's probably got some 'book-knowledge' about how to deal with superhuman baddies to give him a bit of an edge (GENERATIONS of past Phantoms' experiences). And the Phantom's got connections in the Jungle... he's got enough mystique to get you 'black-listed'... worse if he 'brands' you with the skull ring.
  10. Deathtraps... I haven't been in all these, but my gaming companions were... A visibly cybernetic hero was trapped at the bottom of a naptha tank (only some naptha was left.. enough to cover his ankles). The only way out: to climb a large metallic chain dangling down into it... one spark & kaboom! A martial artist trapped in a double cylinder of glass. In between the two layers of glass - enough acid to kill the martial artist should he jump through the glass and break it. A team of superheroes located almost at ground zero of several thermonuclear devices in a large alien desert. A non-flying brick trapped in a sphere of glass floating on a lake of acid. I think all of us managed to escape these deathtraps except the poor soul trapped in the first one. ACROYEAR - do you remember any others?
  11. Dream Girl She was sexy as hell, but her premonitions were ALWAYS right. That meant that even if she told you what was gonna happen, you couldn't change it. "You're going to die horribly." "Any chance of avoiding that future?" "No." "Gee, thanks for sharing."
  12. Pseudo-Counterpoint On the other hand, a couple of players new to the HERO system (narrative-system folks familiar with White Wolf & L5R) LOVED the HERO speed table. The said it REALLY drives home the effect of someone who moves faster than you by forcing you. You're forced to take defensive actions, or to wait helplessly and hope that you're not the one attacked... The chaos of combat can still be reflected by requiring perception rolls to keep track of folks that fall out of your field of view. Otherwise, you suffer OCV / DCV penalties against them. Alternately, you could just use the SPD stat as the number of actions per turn, and go in order of DEX, one action per.
  13. Religious Magic I'm VERY interested in the representation of Faith-based magic, and magic systems in general. I'd like to see how far these systems can be pushed to reflect the various types of magic in the genre...
  14. ...and what kind of incentive would this be? Perhaps cheap Kamen Rider & Ultraman toys from the Philippines?
  15. Other Robots! Foreground is also known as Combatra V! Next and to the left is his precursor, Voltes V (Let's Volt, In!)! And finally, Daimos...
  16. Anyway, does anyone know where I can find stats for the following giant robots? With The Ultimate Vehicle coming out - I'm raring for a classic Giant Robot Combat campaign...
  17. Hectic Release Schedule! Good going, HERO! Unfortunately I don't have any place convenient to buy it, but I'm working on a couple of local retailers to begin ordering.
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