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Everything posted by KawangaKid

  1. A hammer hits harder than a fist because it's made of a harder substance, has a bit of extra weight... and is a simple machine called a lever.
  2. How differently will END on Charges be handled from END batteries on charges? Does that mean if a charge of 10 END is not fully used up in a phase, then the whole thing is used up anyway? Same with END Batteries?
  3. Actually, I never got to see PAD (Powered Armored Dude) or even BDM (Bladed Death Machine). I'd let you play 'em.
  4. HAHA! I sorta remember this one too! Didn't you stroll across the lit airfield too in this one? My favorite Champions moment was the time that we set off the nukes meant for Earth on the invading Planet Boa (ruled by the Boans, naturally). A real saving the earth adventure...
  5. Freakiness Some dude over here (the Philippines) wants to trade me a 1st Edition Champions RPG set for... something. I have no idea how much it's worth, therefore I don't know what to trade for it... waitaminnit. I'm not a collector, I don't need it!
  6. *CHUCKLE* That was my solution for Doro (BODY & STUN Drain, Killing Attack, whatever). Just kill the suckers he absorbs, link it to a shapeshift and a bunch of conditional skills and overall levels for the kinesthetic skills. If you want him to know everything the victim knows, link a Telepathy to it or something.
  7. Filipino Vigilantes I saw this thread after being disturbed by an 'old' movie that I saw on TV. I just realized that many of our public officials are actually former movie stars or TV personalities (newscasters, radio folk, etc.). It's not too far-fetched that a Filipino Super could eventually run for office and win. Especially since some of our current officials espouse Vigilanteism in their movies (more Punisher-like justice than Batman).
  8. More of Power Company. That's by design. I'm one of the few comics fans in the group, and the rationale of a centralized organization handling the assignment of metahumans to investigations and operations is a bit more plausible. Can't always rely on "Marvel Coincidence" to take place.
  9. GREAT! That'll be quite exciting for my players...
  10. Oh OUCH! My players are also learning about the importance of resistant defenses in the next game... they've already seen what a lack of it can mean for regular agents.
  11. My Newbies My current campaign had a buncha players playing with pre-generated characters built by yours truly (with some input from the players). Then, they became intrigued by the system and began borrowing books to cobble together their characters. Last weekend, they put their characters into play. Despite my gagging on some of the characteristics (SPD 6 on two characters) and abilities (5d6 RKAs and 2d6 AP HKAs), I decided to let them go in as built. They were pleased, and shocked at how powerful their characters were. They're looking at toning down their abilities... ... I haven't hit them with the devastation that a well-coordinated squad of agents can do to them yet...
  12. You can call him... Gundam Man! I hope you don't mind if I refer some of my local gaming group to view your design. Some of them like Anime Giant Robots and are building a suit similar to yours.
  13. The Philippines is strongly influenced by both American and Japanese comics & animation. Even the old pulp serials were emulated here. However, since we also have local action heroes with big guts (One example was our Former President Joseph Estrada)... there's also a tendency to have some heroes wear 'normal clothing'.
  14. Well, there are a number that have come out over the years; not many have reached the U.S. as far as distribution is concerned... Darna is set to get a limited run out to the U.S. The rest were really indie comics for local distribution. As for English Language translations of the classic Pinoy (slang term for a filipino) Komiks... sorry, ain't no such animal as far as I know.
  15. Philippines & Bay City My Metro Manila campaign "Champions of Manila" features the Philippine team attached to the metahuman agency called FREELancers Philippines. This is directly lifted from the Top Secret/SI campaign also known as FREELancers. My Bay Area campaign "Champions of Bay City" features the parent organization FREELancers (West Coast). Neither has an official team name. All 'secret ID's' are assigned code names for operatives.
  16. *sigh* Sadly, Acroyear has even played "Normalman". All base stats, wasn't it? I don't know how you survived combat.
  17. Sure thing! I just loved the Valentina character. Suddenly, my local version of VIPER became far more interesting... A Cult Classic Nest Leader if I ever saw one...
  18. Oh, that's Sandata. He's a newer character from a team known as Sandugo (Of One Blood). That team can be seen in http://www.geocities.com/sanduguan in the art gallery. His costume is based on our Philippine Flag.
  19. The launch of the Philippine superheroine DARNA's latest comic book took place last weekend. Here's a picture of the model in full costume. You can find more pics of the event at http://sagingkomiks.bravepages.com/darna/launch.htm Brief Background: Very similar to the Billy Batson / Captain Marvel origin. A young girl (about 6) named Narda makes a living singing songs with her younger brother Ding, while their guardian / grandmother mends clothes. One night, a comet falls to Earth... Narda finds a small stone with the word "Darna" written on it. Curious and intrigued, she takes it home. Along the way, she spies some boys who regularly tease her. Scared that they may take away her stone, she hides it in her mouth. She escapes them, but accidentally swallows the stone. When she gets home, the pain in her stomach becomes unbearable and she relates the story to Ding and her grandmother. When she mentions the word "Darna", there's an explosion of sorts and in her place stands a tall buxom woman calling her self Darna and claiming she's an Alien from the Planet Marte. Ding and grandmother, afraid and angry demand to know what happened to Narda. Darna them "transforms" back into Narda to calm their fears. Her powers are that of a flying brick. Some versions of her do a Kryptonian riff, while others owe a debt to Wonder Woman. Her costume has changed over the years (our own version of Ultraman or Kamen Rider, I guess). She often fights supernatural beings, like her arch-enemy Valentina - the Snake Woman.
  20. Re: Re: Creeper / Dial "H" for HERO I caught the similarity as I wrote it, but I wanted that part where you go "man, I'm not the right guy for this - I should've been Sister Shiva, Nun of Destruction instead..."
  21. Creeper / Dial "H" for HERO Howabout a guy who's kinda like The Creeper. He's one of those experiments on people, except this was with the Dial "H" for Hero twist. On his own, he's a competent normal. Each time he uses the dial, he gets a DIFFERENT set of powers that lasts for about 1 hour. To save on the headache of having to come up with a different set of powers each time you dial, you could just have a set sequence of 5 or 7, but you MUST go in that order. No skipping. To make matters worse, the Hero Identity knows everything that the Normal Identity does, but the Normal Identity can NEVER remember anything that the Hero Identities do.
  22. SHAOLIN SOCCER You should also keep an eye out for "God of Cookery", another Stephen Chow film... Other recommended HK flicks include "So Close" (girl buddy film / heist / techno-thriller with HK supermodels as the main cast members) and "Double Vision" (buddy cop film / horror with David Morse). "Double Vision" gets points for the line delivered to David Morse... "In all your years in the FBI, you've never encountered a demon before?"
  23. Keep in mind that you'll be incurring those gestures and / or phase delay each time you attack. Kinda puts the damper on things...
  24. Yeah we should call it... RAFTS.
  25. Death Knight - I remember him... Still - whatabout the return of ... THE FABULOUS FROGMAN!!!! Or even Bendable Buddy.
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