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Everything posted by KawangaKid

  1. The new Checkmate series from DC, while seemingly portraying certain characters as very out of character, seems to be a good model for a Dark Champions campaign. It has great potential for politics and backstabbing, as well as dealing with the occasional superhero or supervillain group that is misbehaving. It's a U.N.-backed organization (with a very tenuous hold on its charter), with a super (Alan Scott) and a human (Amanda Waller) at the very top of the totem pole. Check it out!
  2. Re: Crimson Skies Plane Conversion Some of the Crimson Skies missiles / rockets did have some sort of guidance trickiness to them, so I guess the vehicle rules would be used for those. In the absence of a hexmap-based combat, I suppose the interception combat rules could be used as well.
  3. Re: Friends, 1934 Shouldn't Monica have a Psychological Lim reflecting her Obsessive-Compulsive nature? Or is that not Pulp in flavor?
  4. Re: Crimson Skies Plane Conversion Excellent Idea!
  5. Re: Crimson Skies Plane Conversion I can see a weapons table slowly developing here too! Is there any other resource for flight manuevers? I'm currently examining this link to determine the effects of the maneuvers both on combat and on the individual characters...
  6. There's a Graphic Novel coming out concerning Mark Twain & Nikolai Tesla coming out with a weapon that will ensure world peace. They are opposed by J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison... and it is called The Five Fists of Science! Check out this link for more.
  7. Re: Crimson Skies Plane Conversion I'm gonna have to get my Ultimate Vehicles book back... it looks similar to what I'm thinking of doing for my conversions. Did you base the weapon damage of weapons of the same caliber?
  8. Re: Crimson Skies Plane Conversion Okay - may I see one or two of them? And why do you say they're not true conversions? Were there issues with a straight conversion that made them unplayable?
  9. Does anyone know of a site that has these? I'm trying to start-up a Pulp Campaign where planes have a more prominent presence, and am thinking of adapting the setting.
  10. Re: Astro City: How to get the feel of the series in Champions? For me there are several things that make Astro City what it is... ... it's not "realistic" in terms of the overall universe. Busiek himself noted that somehow the world hasn't changed despite all the fantastic technology in the world and the knowledge of the existence of aliens. ... it IS "realistic" in terms of the characterizations and the people who live in it. It's a perpetual look at how the heroes see themselves, how others see the heroes, and so on. ... each story is MORE than what it appears to be: The first Samaritan story could also be viewed as a story of a man who dreams of doing something he loves (flying) but does what he must, and sneaks it in when he can during his work (flying from emergency to emergency). Samaritan as an exploration of the over-achiever who is driven by responsibility but still holds on to his personal dreams. The Confessor storyline is definitely a coming-of-age story for altar boy, especially for one who's lost his father and is learning from a new father figure. Steeljack's story is a very noir story dealing with an ex-con trying to go straight. A lot of these stories could have been done in a normal setting... but somehow the superheroic elements allow them to become better mirrors and exploratory sandboxes. IMHO, of course.
  11. Re: Millennium City walled or not
  12. Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes An interesting take on religious heroes was done in Astro City where there is a team called the CrossBreed. Interestingly enough they don't spend all their time fighting crime. They actually preach on the street as a group and hand out flyers. No, seriously. They're all individuals who have metahuman abilities and believe that God (a Christian one) granted them their abilities for a Purpose. Interestingly, it doesn't suggest they actually were - it's what they believe. Noah, the leader, has weather control powers (and some suggested supernatura l abilities - he could sense vampires). Peter has earth control abilities, Mary has wings and therefore flight, Daniel looks like a humanoid lion and acts like their Wolverine - but turns out to be an accomplished healer as well, David can grow to a huge size and Joshua has sonic abilities.
  13. Re: IST San Angelo version 3.0 Very interesting! I'm also currently running a San Angelo campaign, so all this information is quite useful to me!
  14. Re: DC Suckverse? It's because the very NEXT storyline that they were set to do was the wedding and the marriage. Unfortunately, the higher-ups said, "You can't let them get married BEFORE Lois & Clark get married on the TV show. Stretch it out." Unfortunately, everything had been leading up to the wedding and marriage so someone suggested, "We could kill him." And since no one else could come up with anything better they agreed. I didn't really enjoy the storyline, though I felt that the "World Without A Superman" could have been better, since there was great potential there to really underscore the many contributions Supes makes to the DC Universe on MANY levels. Maybe Infinite Crisis will do that.
  15. Re: [Need Help] Thors from around the world. check out the Sandugo website here. Go to the link "Maharlikans" on the left side. Otherwise... here's a list from that page... The Pantheon The Maharlikan Pantheon is ruled by the mighty Bathalang Maykapal and is composed of the most powerful gods in Kalualhatian. Bathalang Maykapal - Lakan of the gods, the all-father Agni - the god of fire Apolaki - the god of war Aropayang - the goddess of rain and water Balangaw - the god of rainbow Cupta - the god of death Dal'lang - the goddess of beauty Diyan Masalanta - the goddess of love Hagibis - the god of speed Idiyanale - the god of agriculture Kidul - the god of thunder Lalahon - the goddess of harvest Lihangin - the goddess of the wind Magwayen - the god of the otherworld known as Purgatoryo Malyari - the god of power and strength, also known as Bernardo Carpio Poko - the god of the sea Siginarugan - the god of hell known as Impiyerno Sisiburanen - the releaser of souls Macandaue - warrior god of the Pintados Varangao - warrior god Ynaguinid - warrior god
  16. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Found out about the thread too late, and anyway am not as avid an Avengers fan as some of the others... but I would've loved to join. Anyway, all the best of luck! Is there any chance we'll be able to follow the progress of this game? The 3rd Generation idea is really neat, and one of the concerns I've long had in trying to fix the Marvel timeline in my combined Marvel / DC Universe... I hope to mine it liberally for my own campaign.
  17. Re: Marvel's Best Martial Artists 1) Shang-Chi 2) Doctor Strange, Iron Fist 3) Captain America/Black Panther 5) Daredevil, Captain America Clones 6) Mandarin 7) Moon Knight 8) Black Widow 9) Elektra 10) Silver Sable I'd stick Shang-Chi up there, though based on the comics, he's technically a Pulp Hero character rather than a super-martial-artist. Doctor Strange is allegedly one of the best martial artists in the world, but he uses his magic a lot. Iron Fist beat the X-men once, and Wolverine supposedly beat Shang-Chi... but I'm ignoring those...
  18. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Have the various comics actually established what the parent styles are of each martial artist? I know Batgirl's got this funky special one... ... But I think that Bats got his training from a variety of masters in surprising locations, like a Kung-Fu Master living on some island in Hawaii and a Pankration adept in Siberia. Weird stuff like that, I can't actually remember.
  19. Re: DC Universe Overview Okay... getting back to the original question... there's a good set of resources on Newsarama detailing what the ding-dong-hey's going on in Infinite Crisis, and contains a large amount of tongue in cheek spoilers. Crisis Recovery : An Annotated Guide to Infinite Crisis #1 Crisis Recovery : An Annotated Guide to Infinite Crisis #2 Crisis Recovery : An Annotated Guide to Infinite Crisis #3 For a quick review of the Crisis on Infinite Earth and the Multiple Earths Theory check out Crisis Histories As for what the heck's going on with Supergirl, it may help to check out the history of Power Girl! Power Girl's Convoluted History Good luck!
  20. Re: Greatest Super Battle Ever Hm... there are a number of them, right? Although the most recent one for me was the Wonder Woman - Superman fight in the recent "Sacrifice" arc. I really liked the Nightwing vs. Deathstroke fights over the years too.
  21. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Based on a batman - nightwing - green arrow crossover years back, it's been suggested that Batman actually tends to hold back when fighting Lady Shiva. He warned Connor that because he managed to battle Shiva and survive, he'd attract unwanted attention from the martial arts circuit... ... unwanted for Bats, anyway, since he prefers to fight crime rather than dealing with martial artists with gunslinger mentalities.
  22. For the Doctor Who fans seeking to run a campaign... it's not the same without the theme music! However, those seeking to evoke a particular mood may find this site useful: http://whomix.trilete.net/?wmid=music It has a variety of remixes of the theme. I like the variants "Good as Gold" and "Epic" as well as "Evolution", which is a remix incorporating all the various Doctor Who themes that have gone before... right up to the present one! Enjoy!
  23. Re: Are the Early Wolfman/Perez Titans a ripoff of the Avengers? Not the Avengers, I think. The common accusation at the time was that the New Teen Titans were a clone of the Uncanny X-men. Actually, both Perez and Wolfman have stated that they weren't trying to copy the X-men (though it may be argued they were certainly tapping into the same target market)... but it was a losing battle - every single thing they tried to do differently seem to be read as a copy of something in X-men. Then they decided that they would tap into that an introduce a "Kitty Pryde" type character: Terra (who was meant to be a traitor from the beginning). This really sent the comparison-trackers for a loop when the storyline "The Judas Contract" rolled around.
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