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Everything posted by Vorsch

  1. Re: [Character] Triage Triage has no reason to be able to jump 6km. Plus ever character i make could have the same for 1-3 points Now maybe its rules leagal but would you serioulsy let any character spend 1pt for what is effectivly 50pt of NCM leaping?
  2. Re: [Character] Triage Dosent it bother anyone that for 1 pt you can leap 6km in one phase, Instant escape if nothing else? Also i think i would rule it permanent on your leap, ie you always have to use it. I like the character apart from that, but no way on the Mega-Leap. And lendable might seams prices wrong. This is a naked advatage at +3/4 on str 40, so 30AP with a -4lim gives 6 points. Uses of this power reduces your str by 40 and costs 30end per phase, and they lose the str when you stop paying end.
  3. Re: [Character] Apex Given your str i think your def is to low. Str 70 brick with 20 def, 28 minimum, if only pd Also hoist as a skill. never seen the skill used, i know your strong but its a supers universe i doubt your character is a "proffessional level" hoist expert PS I like the character, totaly clean of abuse. very refreshing
  4. Re: Would you allow this power I would allow it, because as it happens i was thinking of the persistant advantage as it relates to end use and realized that there are good examples of powers that would not care if the user was conscious or not and still draw end. eg Force field belt with end reserve, you turn it on, you get KOed it stays on. and drains the battery. some magic types might have this kind of thing as well. Vorsch
  5. Re: Can anyone give me the Character Names in the Strike Force book? Overlord, Dr Destroyer with a better attitude. half alien. still 20d attacks back in the day of 250pt characters Powerlord his son. Stupid brick/power suit Firehawk another son, benevolant Dictator of some islands of the us coast. Rather powerful energy projector Producer mad android of a film producer who can make ANYTHING with robots. Some extradimentional demon, charasmatic. sell your soul kind of deal and most of all each other.
  6. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. Rainbow archer had dex40
  7. Vorsch

    Super Metals

    Re: Super Metals I belive promethium metal is dc's anser to adamantium. A door made af it was quoted as being unbreachable even by superman, who neither proved or disproved it. also the goverment seams to have no problem making relativlely large quantities of it. Someone mentioned Iridium previously, this is a real element rare on earths crust but found in high abundance in asteroids.
  8. Re: Shapeshift: Still having trouble adjusting from 4th to 5th. So a 100kg snake has desolid? i missed that in the write up of snakes.
  9. Re: Mental, the short stick? I see no reason why a high ego opponent should escape from a "mind controll" easier than a low ego. It should be the mentalists choice if each +5 gives a -1 on breakout rolls or (+10) extra effect. It should be a standard 11< roll, after all your attack suceeded but had to beat his ego, ergo people are on the same playing field whether they are galactus or john doe. Maybe a roll would be rquired by any mind attack,"only got 20 against a 30 ego +2 to breakout casually"
  10. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? Gotta love a rewrite of the a no 1 bad ass energy projector ( appologies to the DR D, but they ruined you ). Firewing is the No1 ranged combatent on earth. final side note can gravitar breathe vaccuum have firewing pick her up, skys the limit, not.
  11. Just trying to build a sonar using character with HD Heres the thing If i pick active sonar i dont get 360 under the Hearing group??? Hearing is 360 sight isint, well mine isint. what am i missing Anyone else have this kind of problem, similar issues etc
  12. Re: Visible Foci So you get a free light source when evils about to attack? sounds usefull to me
  13. Re: Skill enhancers:Suggestions Ive been confused, are skill enhancers part of 5thed? Its not in HD under talents, but i still see people using them.
  14. Re: How far can a telekinetic throw himself? I would consider Magneto to be a tk user, limited but the power to move the golden gate bridge would be a sure fire use of tk. Note hes standing on the bridge at the time.
  15. Re: VVP and AP limits Ghost Angel you are correct in that example i stand corrected
  16. Re: VVP and AP limits Well if were getting metaphysical so are all real numbers, and all +complex numbers
  17. Re: VVP and AP limits wasent trying to shake up the system, just bring to light something id just discovered that could be used to limit VPP abuse namely: You wont be as powerful as the guy that actually bought the power straight. I see so much critiscim of VPP that i thought this would be a interesting solution. ie GM its a 60pt game folks player 1 I want a 12d6 eb GM no problem Player 2 I want a 60pt VPP GM sorry dude thas 90pts AP, you can have 40 pt VPP Player 1s happy hes top dog in eb Player 2s happy he aint the best but he can do loads more That was all. Thanks for input though Edit I dont consider Infinite slots to represent having slots at all
  18. Re: VPP to work with MP Follow Up Well im cheating there from 4ths mystic masters. Point to you
  19. Re: VPP to work with MP Follow Up Having just reread the whole page, its a bit stupid. Actually its a lot stupid In fact its moronic. example Str gained from a EC with density increase/growth cannot add to a MP with HA ( hammer) So a growthed Thor does the same damage with mojiliner until he exceeds the hammes HA bonus ( and every write up gives the hammer some HA bonus, usually lots) Thanks to 5th for telling me the rules of common sense. another triumph
  20. Re: VPP to work with MP Follow Up I dont think ive played in a game or seen a campaign where a VPP wasent allowed to add to a MP or EC slot. Silly if Aid is allowed. Dont tell Tyranon as he used to boost his abilities with a VPP bases of worshippers. Or the Archmage with his Orb, noted as enhacing its range with his Magics ( It being a MP an his magics being a VPP )
  21. Re: VVP and AP limits While a VPP is considered a Frame work, whats it it supporting? MPs have slots ECs have slots VPPs have ..... anything goes My point was merely to treat the AP (inc controll cost) of A VPP as a self enforcing limit which makes specialist have more raw power than VPP multitalented characters. And i dont belive this requires a formula, it the actual way the powers bought, and written. ( just not considered )
  22. Re: VPP to work with MP Follow Up A VPP can add whatever to whatever. ( Given right sfx ) Its why i hate them Though EB Pd to Ed would be a +1/4 variable sfx Advantage
  23. Re: VVP and AP limits But a VPP is not merely the pool cost, it has to have the Controll cost addeded to it, now limiting the controll cost has no affect of the VPP AP. A VPP HAS to have the control cost, its part of the Whole package, you can make a MP with 1 slot if you wanted, or 0 if you wished to waste points ( or call it magic potential ) And if not a power unto itself may it have ANY cost? 60ap game 120VPP cosmic, if its not a "power". Merely meant as a point of discussion. and i wonder how MR DOES EVERTHING is regarded by his teammates, who are restricted to 60APS same as him but, what ever they do he does.
  24. Having read a recent thread about VPP, i had a thought which had not occured to me, or i belive raised by other posters. In a 60 AP limit campaign, a 60pt VPP is illegal, it is after all a 90AP power I have used hero designer to confirm this. I have seen many submissions in 60AP campaigns which include 60pt VPP with the controll cost ignored. This to me suggests a easy fix for characters wishing VPP, they may have it as long as the AP is under 60pts ( or whatever ). so a character could have a 40pt VPP for 60pts, or 24 cosmic. seams fair................yes/no This would make VPP users not as powerfull but still in campaign limits with no chance of "anything you can do i can do better" mentality. If this has been brought up before i appologise but i would like oppinions.
  25. Re: Why do we object to mechanics? My problem with luck is that the character defines that he is lucky enough to evade a given attack, and suffers no damage. GM, fine it misses. But what if the attack was AP, or Penetrating, or nnd does body? Now that same attack hits, an in the case of NNd does body (vorpal blade lets say ) combat luck provides no defence. As a player this would annoy me. as its not possible for the sfx of luck to affect this attack in any way. Especially as the owner of the attack defines what sfx his NND will not work against.
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