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Everything posted by Vorsch

  1. Its cheap be strong and a genius yeay 5th SERIOUS DISCUSCION INVITED Why is int so lowly prised
  2. Re: Champions Characters DEX Inflation Why? As people have no problem accepting dex 20 as baseline, and GMs would accept any concept/character without a second thought, what about Str. Just make every character with str 20-30, after all heroes are better than normals and all comic characters are able to dodge cop bullits and beat them up. I feel higher str across the board would upset people more as "unrealistic" due to Strs actual real physical effects compared to dexs more conceptual nature.
  3. Re: Who is the greatest Marksman (or Woman) Even God couldnt hit you directly. Yay 5th
  4. Re: Is there any originality left in comics? No just well informed. Anyone who dosent get that is a) being funny dead
  5. Re: Average Human Running Speed and What is Sprinting SPD 7 Running 10" is not legendary ability, its doing the hundred in 5 seconds-
  6. Re: Silly question, How much damage do nukes do How evermuch damage a ton of tnt does +25dc say 12-15D6 killing -1d6 per doubling of distance from ground zero ( not a adv that exists, would rate as +1 ) Plus a nasty NND killing for radiation oppinions vary wildly on the subject, the 3rd ed write up had it killing ghost if i remember correctly.
  7. Re: Average Human Running Speed and What is Sprinting The rules dont cater for this kind of real world comparison. as it stands a spd 2 normal ( thats you and me ) could run the hundred in 25seconds. A Spd 4 10" running sprinter would take about 7.5 seconds. both of these human values are not consistant with reality, the rules are for hex movement on maps and bear no real relation to reality.
  8. Re: Double Knockback, How do you find it? Hugh i wasent pro rating str str 50 10d6 HA +5d6 double kb result 20" Kb-2d6 I just treated them as seperated powers which added. if pro rated the attack would be 21d6, not a hell of a difference. If D KB is never bought then it fails to be useful, if the same result can be got by HA without using silly lims.
  9. Re: Double Knockback, How do you find it? But my option 2 is as expencive as double KB, and there are always more expenvive ways of constructing powers. Ego blast can be constructed as EB based on ego invisible
  10. I recently decided to make a kinetic/inertial based brick, her major power was Double KB on str. The character evolved through 3 redesigns 1) str50 with double kb and 0 end, problem was i needed the 0 end because i was burning 9 per go. 2) Next i changed it to something similar 37 75 10d6 Ha, only for Kb (-1/2), 0 end , this seemed better and cost the same as double KB. Only difference was it didnt benifit haymakers and such 3) Next i thought 5d6 Ha, double Kb, 1/2 end, only for Kb This fitted into a 50pt Mp and did the same thing as 10d6 ha only for Kb but i paid less end. My point being that the pure Double Kb adv seemed too expencive for its utility at +3/4, i could make almost exactly the same power in version 2. How do you find D Kb and would you condone the use of Ha to replace it. I just feel +1/2 would actually make me want to buy it cos at +3/4 straight str is far more usefull and gives only 2"-3" less kb for most brick characters. This applies to Eb as well, just i was using it for HTH.
  11. Re: Missile Deflection question Also comes down to whats a missile? is a AI fully developed personality wise Cruise missile still a missile or a character. Also what the mass/DC limits on missile deflection, can i deflect the deathstar beam or asteroid impacts? Is there a rule saying how much you can deflect? If based on Str what happens when your powers Forcefields.
  12. Re: Damage Reduction Howler had 75%dr vs sonics in 4ed, a -2lim if i remember correctly and it was in a EC ( but possibly not )
  13. Re: WWYCD: The Invasion Is On... That is a nice scene, and as i read and enjoyed invasion ( even having to buy a ripped copy of the 3rd ) would have looked good in there.
  14. Vorsch

    Modern Gods

    Re: Modern Gods Have you looked at some player write ups?
  15. Re: Silver Avenger Write-up? A 2000pt SA with 200 potential str is not the SA boosted primus agents im talking about. No campaign i play has 100s of these being paid by the goverment and wearing uniforms and taking orders. I mean whos going to reprimand them?
  16. Re: Is Combat Driving Enough? I would treat them as seperate skills. after all a stunt pilot wouldnt necessarily be a Ace combat pilot
  17. Vorsch

    Modern Gods

    Re: Modern Gods God of Oil Worshippers everone who dosent drive a camel to work
  18. Re: WWYCD: Holes in the story Intercept would fly away and nuke the place....it has to be evil.
  19. Re: Where is Martial power kick? Im looking for 4-5 pt manuver, no -1d6 for ma, +1d6 kb, +2d6 dam , +0 ocv, -2 dcv, full phase 4-5pts a choice like disarm not apower build, it IS a MA manuver acording to source material.
  20. Re: Where is Martial power kick? Martial KB kick is a staple of the genre, yet doen not exist in Hero. A power build for what is obviously a accetable MA manuver is i feel the wrong way to go about it. And im talking Supers rather than Wuxia
  21. Re: VPP Nightmare! Even a Cosmic VPP is limited in what it can do, -0 only powers of a specific sfx Just means you can change it effortlessly rather than take half second and a skill roll, neither of which affect the powers you can try for. A Gadgeteer VPP that cant produce breathing apparatus or IR gogles is absurd, while a Power Cosmic one that could would be equally absurd. Sfx defines what you can try for. As stated the VPP she has is not limited by resources, if it was that would be a limititation, so arguments saying she has not the right materials are wrong. If time travel is possible tech wise then theres nothing in her description that says she cant do it, apart from a special power, but then again so are gas masks.
  22. Re: Sky High the movie, now with Extra Vitamin "S" (spoilers) Using Kb to justify str is unlikely to give good results, hero KB is plain wrong.
  23. Re: Where is Martial power kick? But im still taking the -1d kb mod Why not a MA attack Like haymker/strong strike +2d6 +1d6kb ( and no penalties for being MA)
  24. Re: Duplicating alot Simply tell the player NO Hero requires you to use the most expensive way of simulating this power.. and he dosent have infinite points A triumph of stupidity over playability
  25. Re: Where is Martial power kick? I dont know but i feel there should have been some double kb or +1d kb attack, in MA manuvers but i cant find it. Bruce lee was kicking people halfway across a room 20 years ago so it not a new thing.
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