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Everything posted by Vorsch

  1. Re: Economics 101: Character Building in a Point-Based System Gary your a man after my own mind. especially as my names Gary So Treb whats Z'lfs answer to that little conundrom. Vorsch
  2. Re: Super Human Registration Act in 5th ed I feel aregistration act wkile sensible on paper would not work for a game premise, if by the very fact of being a Hero makes you a criminal (hero being defined as a super who battles Vilains whom conventional forces cant contain) then its not realy a champions game, more of a x-man game. Also depend on the relative power level of heroes and vilains compared to conventional forces, can the law be enforced? if not the first time gravitar shows up she can pretty much do as she likes, with the hero just staying at home going "gee i dont want to break the law, let her destroy the whitehouse." No ones going to arrest superman or god forbid martian manhunter, they simply cant be fought by any weapons in the human arsenal.
  3. Vorsch


    Re: Galactus! Odd as he actualy fights Okay hes weakened, but he still fight Marvels Mightiest and they actually beat him. Has been hurt many times by beings below his Vast power.
  4. Re: Always On.... If the character dosent actually regenerate and just resurects then its a fair lim. By default resurect is always on, your dead and can take no actions. Hence cant activate this power, unless its always on. Just had to reiterate that point appologies As to inherent, my arms are, but i dont actually have to use them all the time. Plus inherent is a stupid advantage, name me 2 official characters that have it. (dispell multiple limbs, i ask you, sigh)
  5. Re: Thought I understood MP, maybe I don't? To limit the MP the OAF whould have to be the same, ie couldnt have OAF gun and OAF shield. Somone could disam the gun but by rights you should have acces to shield slot. MP lims are tricky to balance. My above comment probabily isint stated explicitly in the rules but im sure in gets in by the lim not being a lim gets no points rule.
  6. Re: CHA: Kai Sun - Fist of Heaven Im curious how much damage you expect these low cost advantaged HAs to do when combined with str and MA.
  7. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules point being you requie special rules to limit it to 1/turn and no more. just like steve longs version. Body only implied? thats nice but i dont see a limitation expressly stating that. so its a lim, only to duplicate 4th regen. begs the question, why not use 4th regen?
  8. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules And where pray tell is the rule precluding me from taking it further down the time chart say to each segment? And what about lims, such as This rec cant be used to regain stun, an easy -1 as thats practically all it does apart from gain 1 bod per month. Also now ripe for advantage stacking, more so than 5ths version. Not that im a fan of 5ths version. Its non constant, can be turned off and on by the user? and breaks steves vision of unlimited healing. I agree with anyone who thinks it deserves to be a seperate power, rather than a illegal collection of special advantages and limitations. For the record, here my version of 5th regen. 10 Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Cannot be turned off; -1/4) reason i give a lim for not being able to turn it off is that it can be used to test wolverine types, quick cut and your identified. also i wanted it to cost 10. Oh and that goes for instant change as well.
  9. Vorsch

    Clown Ideas?

    Re: Clown Ideas? Any adventure involving clowns deaths.
  10. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's How many times in comics is a word weilding MA seen to do any stun damage to the likes of hulk collossus Etc. Unless they do body due to the fact its a special adamantium/magic/monomolecular sword. same applies to guns
  11. Vorsch

    The Defilers

    Re: The Defilers Im fine with the 120 str ( Red end), 15 ego and 43 con ? 45 ego 60 con, Its a personification i cant seeing it have less ego than my milkman (hes tough). An epic vilain while not stupidly overwhelming, though i wonder about dex 30? why?
  12. Re: La faune nocturne de Paris: A Short Story of Zl'f & Le Magister Well I liked it. But just cos restrainably is ok by your gm dosent make it alright by all gms. Merely defending a privous poster
  13. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power Call myself cyclops and retire before getting a girlfriend.
  14. Re: Populations and Genetics Most of those sucess rates would yield the same population increase as humans. The difference being it takes a few months to a year to have a succesfull conception. Also are human populations aloud to increase without end, where do they all live? Humans will be supplanted, and quite rapidly. relatively speaking 10generations or so. Personnaly id see more problems with 1000+ immortal supers affecting world politics than in the eventual breeding out of the human population.
  15. Re: Superfluous Powers Try Hand attack, the definition of a pointless power. has to come pre with built in limits. thats not a power, thats a joke. (ie its alreadt a limited form of another power which already exists, and is even worse than said power. str no fig)
  16. Re: Martian Manhunter Question and other oddities If you dont need to breathe and have at least 1G acceleration force of will flight, you can get to mars in 1/2s=(1/2 at^2)x2 200x10^9=at^2 (200x10^9/a)^1/2=t 39 hours, and i belive hes faster than that. twice that if mars is farthest away from earth Ilike him better than superman, for all his stupid unrelated powers.
  17. Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke? As this attack is equivalent to being hit with a battleship gun, at what point does the player or GM think hes not going to kill people? Point of refernce i view a lage tank gun at 6d6 (Vehicle book notwithstanding)
  18. Re: How do you use Regeneration in your campaign? I keep seeing the lim Extra time 1turn -1, how is this arrived at? Surely it rquires the x1/2 modifier on the lim due to its supossedly constant/persistant nature. Why is the Instant power not got Continuous +1 ( ie how can a +1/2 persistant advantage do MORE than a +1 constant advantage ). If not constant what about the attack roll, even if self only still needs a half-phase action (its not constant after all?) Also needs always on even if at-0. I like the cumulative suggestion.
  19. Re: Question about Armor in Champions From the other side, out of all the characters published with armour how many could turn it off logically. Can Defender turn off armour? He can take it off but he cant turn it off. Armour needed to be adjusted in 5th but wasent, Pd and Ed exist along with resistant def work fine for armour. Armour should be Visable and always on.
  20. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist And the final words Danger sense
  21. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing Team Leader... Never use reason when heroic bull**** will do translated, motivate there hearts not there brains
  22. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... Im basing my oppinions of the comics ive read, such as thor superman captain america not City of heroes idea of a brick. The heavy hitters, so called because they deal the most damage not because they can take a hit, are to a man bricks and blasters. Not kung fu masters no matter how skilled. Our visions seem quite different, but sameness would be boring after all.
  23. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... A brick is a superstrong character, not a invulnerable character. Toughness helps but you have to be strong to be even considered in the running for the title of team brick. And str deals damage, if the str20 MA deals more damage than the str100 brick id feel cheated if i were that brick.
  24. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... I said they do as much damage, not that they should. Because DCs are capped by campaign the brick hits them by str alone (note number of str60 bricks in supposedly 12dc campaigns) they have nowhere to go. cant buy Ha cant buy MA. Just dosent make the bricks damage impressive in the way a MAs spd and dex are. Consistant?
  25. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... If bricks cant do the most damage HTH what the point? Note blasters should equal bricks damage dealing, not the kimono wearing human
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