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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. And of course the event in DC will turn out to be another super-spreader, on top of everything else.
  2. Dean Shomshak wrote The Mystic World, source book for the supernatural/multiversal part of the official Champions Universe. Almost all the characters from that book, and from the villain compendium Arcane Adversaries, were written by him and/or came out of his RPG campaigns. Dean also wrote The Ultimate Mystic, a thorough guide for adapting real-world mythology, folklore, and occultism to gaming in general, and Hero in particular. Those books are all for Fifth Edition Hero System, although most of those characters were translated to the Sixth Edition Champions Villains trilogy. However, much of what they cover was drawn from Dean's Fourth Edition books, The Ultimate Super Mage, The Super Mage Bestiary, and Creatures of the Night: Horror Enemies. Basically, when it comes to magic in Hero, Dean Shomshak is the guru.
  3. I think Trump will be remembered as a sort of American Bonnie Prince Charlie.
  4. Lindsay Graham has long shown himself to be a political lamprey, so this definitely settles who the biggest shark in the Republican pond is now.
  5. Yeah, they tried that while hunting Riddick. Not a good idea then, either.
  6. Saying "yes" at this point would be more of a political detriment to them than a benefit. I'm confident if the reverse was true they'd reverse. Trump must be apoplectic. But perhaps this will drive home to him that the impunity granted by his office is effectively gone.
  7. It's funny how the names of the alleged agents of evil change over history, but the rhetoric stays the same. Democrats. Communists. Jews. Catholics. Witches. Almost as though having someone to hate is more important than who they are.
  8. This is what happens when an attempt to steal an election fails.
  9. Like Dean said in the Demonologist's write-up, "He takes the petty rivalries of his fellow Devil's Advocates in stride; power relationships are the very essence of demonology."
  10. If you haven't seen this thread from the Champions sub-forum, you might find a few ideas of interest: Champions Universe: Unique Character Origins
  11. It's a sign of how deeply woven the Champions history is, when there's this much inspiration you can pull out of it. BTW Jhamin, Brother Bone isn't in Arcane Adversaries. Dean Shomshak included him in the earlier incarnation of the Devil's Advocates for Creatures of the Night: Horror Enemies. BB, Granny Hex, Maze, and Apollyon all got dropped, but some new characters took their places.
  12. The only reason this many people believe in election fraud, is that Trump and his Republican allies, including Cruz, have been saying for over half a year, without evidence, that there would be/has been fraud. Now Cruz wants to use people having been convinced by their lies, as sole justification for an investigation.
  13. Trump was exhorting the protestors at a rally in Washington just this morning. He didn't mention violence specifically -- he never does -- but even he can't be so stupid as not to have anticipated how they'll interpret his words. Let's keep in mind, though, that while shocking, so far this aggression is localized. We shouldn't assume it will spread, because that breeds fear, and fear is what Trump uses to manipulate people. https://fox2now.com/news/live-protests-rock-washington-dc-during-congress-meets-to-confirm-bidens-victory/ This Fox News story actually called Trump's claims of election fraud "baseless." Did I wake up in an alternate universe?
  14. I remember it, but this is a lonnng thread. No one can be expected to know everything posted to it. But if it's cool like this, it deserves reposting.
  15. Normally I can't stand listening to Tucker Carlson, but I admit I'm curious as to how he'll address this event. I'm betting, condemn out of one side of his mouth, excuse and justify out the other.
  16. Scott Bennie was very active from the earliest days on Champions Online, playing, commenting or answering questions on their forums, sometimes posting short stories around his PC, Thundrax. On their forums he would sometimes mention health issues, most often his failing eyesight, but I had no idea he needed long-term care. It was actually over a year since I'd seen anything by him related to CO, and I had gotten worried. It seems I had reason to. I posted Sean Fannon's contact info to the CO community, in case any of them want to wish him well.
  17. A few years ago I played in a few sessions of a kind of "Justice League Dark" storyline with official Champions supernatural characters. I was Robert Caliburn, another player took Doctor Teneber, while the remaining players built PCs around other NPCs alluded to in The Mystic World but not game-statted: Dr. Ibrahim Khalseran, the ghost of Lieut. Mark Gentry, and the vampire Charles Torres. They were gathered at the instigation of the Drifter. BTW by the end of that story Teneber had found a new body for Gentry to inhabit.
  18. Ethically speaking there's little to choose between McConnell and Trump. This was the final act of a fiction covering the real issue, the power struggle between them for control of the GOP. McConnell has clearly won that, at least for the foreseeable future.
  19. SPF's notification implied it's serious, but was otherwise guarded as to what the problem actually is. Either he doesn't know himself, or it's a matter Scott wants kept private, at least for now. For the time being I have no problem with wishing Scott well, whatever his condition is.
  20. Join us. You know you want to. You'll be happy. 🤩
  21. (1) Georgia state law requires that only one of the parties in a taped conversation be aware it's being taped. (2) Trump immediately afterward tweeted that he had had the conversation, misrepresenting the substance of what was discussed, and arguably implicitly waiving confidentiality. It was only after said tweet that Raffensperger released the recording to the public. (3) Any official telephone communication with the POTUS is supposed to automatically be recorded by the White House for posterity.
  22. Like politics in the Sixties, this upheaval may be necessary correction in the face of deep flaws in American society. Like that earlier period what's coming almost certainly will be painful, but the result could be a net move forward.
  23. You just know she only won by hitting on Jeff Probst.
  24. I really expected a joke setup. That was actually rather serious.
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