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Mister E

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Everything posted by Mister E

  1. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules? I'd probably make Superman's player pay the +1 Advantage to make his Flight's SFX Fully Invisible. If there was some kind of semi-canon/general Board concensus/quasi-official ruling that figured, "for these Powers, and Powers with these Advantages, IPE should cost less"... I'd use it. SFX is such an important, (sometimes forgotten), element of the game...
  2. Re: Logic behind Object Defense... Fair enough. At this point, I think it's reasonable to assume that it is the responsibility of the Attack to distinguish itself sufficiently with Advantages and Limitations, in order to represent the varied results. There are rules for shooting through Barriers (such as Force Walls) with generic Attacks, but generally, they are meant for targeting only one target/hex. An Attack with the AoE (Line) Advantage would be fantastic at blasting through everything in its path. Fox1... what is this "KE" you keep refering to, without explaining? "Kinetic Energy"?
  3. Re: Powered Armor Auto Pilot This is a really interesting concept. The AI is obviously a Computer. In the suit of power-armor, it's basically an Automaton. The fact that it has an unconscious human inside of it, suggests it has vehicle properties. The power-armor, a Focus (or OIHID... or just part of the Villain) which belongs to the NPC, gets possessed by the AI (basically a new Character/Consciousness/Mind), who animates the villain to continue fighting... fly to safety... or whatever. One thing I would definitely do, is continue to record how much damage the villain is taking, even after the AI takes over.
  4. Re: Help and ideas with Spider-Man Homage This is my Spider-Man homage character. You can totally use it, if you want. Squid-Kid: Wears an alien symbiote suit, that's white with black effects. (Booties, gloves, belt, eyes, squid-shaped chest symbol.) White fin on his head. Four Whip-like tentacles come out of his back, which he can retract. Shoots ink out of his inner fore-arms. Has a strange "Spatial-Awareness" sense. Can change colors, to blend into surroundings.
  5. Re: That way lies only madness... Okay, this this just ridiculous to me. The Special Effect of a Power, is not the Effect of a Power. To say that a Character who has bought Flight with IPE looks like he is on the ground walking when he is flying, is way beyond the realm of simply hiding the Special Effects of the power, and should be built as Images Linked to Flight. If you were to shoot a Character with Armor (a Power that is naturally Invisible), you would see the bullet not effect the Character in some way... whether it is bounced off... dodged... or simply leaves no wound. It is too much to imagine that after an attack is mitigated somehow with Armor, that the attacker would not notice this. The fact that the Special Effect of Armor is not Visible, doesn't mean that the Effect of Armor won't be. The same way that an Attack with IPE still wounds the victom target, it also alerts him that he is being wounded. If you wanted to wound someone, without letting them know they are being wounded, Images should be required. Check this out: Atlernate Reality Blast: EB 12d6. (60 Active Points) plus Sight, Hearing, and Touch Group Images, -8 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Persistant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (Effects last for one hour; +0). (88 Active Points); Linked to Energy Blast (-1/4), Set Effect (Only to hide damage inflicted to objects and characters with Energy Blast, -1/2). (total cost: 50 points). Total cost: 110 Character Points. With this Power, the Special Effects are totally visible, but the Effects of the Power are masked by Images. Using "Alternate Reality Blast" on a wall, would allow a character to blast a hole in the wall (and everyone would see him attacking the wall), but nobody would be able to perceive the wall taking any damage. When the wall was destroyed, Characters will still see it there; they will still be able to feel it there; if they were to knock on the wall, they would hear it make a sound... but in the end, the wall really isn't there anymore (not in this reality), and they would be able to walk right through it if they knew this fact. If you were to target a Character with an "Alternate Reality Blast", they would see themselves getting attacked; they would actually take damage; but they wouldn't be able to perceive the damage. For instance, if their right arm was blown off, they would still see the arm, and they woundn't feel any pain, but they wouldn't be able to pick things up. (gruesome!). The Invisible Power Effects Limitation is improperly named. Really, it should be called "Invisible Special Effects". A jet that has IPE for the visual SFX of its flight power, doesn't look like it is on the ground when in flight... instead, it won't have any visible propulsion and flight mechanisms (no wings, fins, or jet). You will still see it flying. If a jet has IPE for the audio SFX of its flight power, a bat would still be able to locate it moving around in the air with sonar, but won't be able to hear the jet engines.
  6. Re: That way lies only madness... Okay, so basically this is only your personal opinion, and not a matter of general concensus, or an interpretation of canon material.
  7. Re: Logic behind Object Defense... BODY and DEF need a huge re-vamp. Huge. We don't need a Civil Engineer to come in and fix them: just someone with an eye for consistency, and the ability to conceptualize a few moderately complex variables. For whatever reason, what we have right is pretty much just usable/workable stuff, that's probably good enough for most people... and basically aggravates the heck out of me, because it reaks of either laziness, incompetance, or stagnation. The whole "Breaking Things" sub-chapter is heavy-handed, (by making 'command decissions' about certain things), and to a point, there seems to be a guiding vision... but then it just falls apart.
  8. Re: Alternate Earth: Superman 2005 Still just brain-storming here: For origin of powers... I'm thinking atomic-radiation and toxic chemicals are right out. With the common general understanding of space and astronomy we now have, I'd have to say that the alien angle probably wouldn't be that hot either, but it is still open to possibilities. Bionics has some potential, but it's not easy for most people to swallow, aesthetically. The same goes for eugenics and genetic engineering... however, genetic engineering is super-duper big, right now. The fact that humanity really is only just barely starting to mess around with genetics, and our understanding isn't anywhere near being able to create a truly "super" man... it seems like alien guidance of some kind would have to be required. Either something truly extra-terrestrial, or an A.I... maybe even a "Ghost In The Machine", from the internet. What do you think? Computers certainly are a big deal, these days... almost forgettably big. The problem, though, is you don't want the origin to get too complicated, because then you risk loosing people in the details. Simplicity is the key. One sweet easily digested ‘concept’, is the Holy Grail. I keep thinking about Dune… Star Wars… and the Matrix. (Drugs/eugenics… sub-cellular genetics/chi… and [random mutation?]/cyber-Zen). I need to keep thinking… There are some good ideas here, but I’m not sure we’ve nailed it, yet… and the more thoughts we toss around, the likelier someone will come up with something that is truly “inspiredâ€. So please keep posting.
  9. Re: That way lies only madness... Is this canon... the general concensus of the HERO Boards... or just your opinion. I only ask, because this is counter-intuitive for me. The fact that Superman is visibly flying seems to be just the "end effect" of the power (similar to the actual wound created by an EB). The "SFX" of the power (flight based on pure will... [which is very cool])... does not seem to be perceivable. Now, I can totally understand having players and GM's (myself included), simply make the decision that it's not worth worrying over, and forgetting about it. But, the rules-lawyer in me really wants to nail this down, at least semi-officially. You must understand... at the core of my being, I'm a horribly cruel and monstrous rules-lawyer. This is my darkest, not-so-secret secret/Psychological Limitation, that I battle against constantly with an 8 EGO.
  10. Imagine, if you will, a world where comicbooks of superheroes didn't exist. A world where Superman wasn't created back in the 30's, and all that followed likewise never happened. No Batman. No Fantastic Four. No Spider-Man. Nothing. Now, say tomorrow, some guy in the comicbook industry had an inspiration for the completely brand new, and previously never explored, concept of using a superhuman as the main hero in an adventure comicbook. Say he wanted to call this character "Superman". My questions for you are: What would Superman look like? What powers would Superman have? and... What would be the source of Superman's powers?
  11. Re: Mystic Superheroes For Marvel: Blade Modred the Mystic Nightmare Vengeance Werewolf By Night Juggernaut Demogoblin
  12. Re: New Power: Invulnerability Invulnerability sounds to me like it would be good for building a god-like immortality SFX character, who was basically normal in all ways, except that it could never be wounded or killed. Am I interpreting this correctly? If so, it would be great for characters like... I don't know, the Beyonder? Does anyone think Superman would qualify to have this Power? Maybe.
  13. Re: That way lies only madness... Okay... this is something I'm a little weak on: Does Superman's Flight have no visible SFX to Normal Sight? Sure you see him fly around, but you don't know how (by what mechanism) just by looking at him, right? The Green Lantern, OTOH, has a green glowing aura emanating from his ring, when he flies. This is an obvious visual SFX. Likewise with Hawkman's wings; Thor's hammer; and Iron Man's rocket boots. Superman just flies like some kind of miracle. Should his flight be bought with Invisible Power Effects?
  14. Re: Walking On The Sun The Saint of Killers... man, what a sweet origin story that guy had. Freezing Hell with his hate... killing the Devil as an after-thought, while leaving... If he had just a little more personality, or any kind of personal agenda, he would have rawked uber-hard. As it was, he was more of a walking force of nature, than anything else. Kind of a cosmic manifestation of divine vengence. Very cool.
  15. Re: Damage Reduction How would you feel about giving a Reality Shifting XDM Power an Unluck Disad Side-Effect?
  16. Re: Damage Reduction The 'fact' that from one instant to the next, it is impossible to not end up playing the part of an alter ego, is an inevitable reality, according to many philosophies and sciences. Yep. It's about as broken as Cosmic VPP's. Hm... I haven't done the math... exactly how big of a Cosmic VPP could you buy with the points spent on a Reality Shifting XDM Power? This is fascinating. I could totally see this happening. This would very much have to be in a campaign with a Relative Reality cosmology.
  17. Re: Damage Reduction How interesting, Mister E! I never quite looked at Extra-Dimensional Movement in relation to Alternate Realities like that, before. I'd rep you, but I can't. You know how it is. No kidding.
  18. Re: The Forumverse name game Awesome!
  19. Re: The Forumverse name game "My name is Glutimaximus, best of things: Look on my curves, ye Mighty, and desire!" ~ Oddhat You are a wonderously good thing, Mr. Oddhat; and it makes me profoundly happy that I share a world with you. It is clear to me, that great minds think alike... and so do ours. Please look forward to getting much rep from me in the future. P.S. Your Egyptiod write-up was super cool. I'm sure he'll be pleased when he reads it.
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