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Mister E

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Everything posted by Mister E

  1. Re: How to do very small creatures? I would totally stat the creatures out as if they were normal human sized beings... then Shrink them down to whatever size you want them to have. Whenever they fight beings their own size, you use the normal stats, ignoring the shift from being shrunk. It's kind of an informal "Micro-Scale" Dimension Shift effect... I'm pretty sure this is the method suggested from "Villainy Amok"... the new source book that discusses odd situations like this. I don't actually have this book, and am just gleaning this information from the HERO Boards.
  2. Re: Supervillains and the death penalty Touché. I will say this, though, my knowledge of the LotR has improved. And Chuckg has made some very interesting and insightful arguments in favor of not letting a GM have a villain on death row beg a hero to save his life because he's innocent. (Certainly not with only 72 hours left to live). The truth is, this could have been a whole new Thread called, "Suspension of Disbelief vs. Campaign Verisimilitude." It's a fascinating topic, and I enjoying seeing the two separate points of view.
  3. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules? What about +1/10 for most Powers, and +1/5 for Attack Powers?
  4. Re: Help and ideas with Spider-Man Homage Doc Spider, crime fighting mystery man, extraordinaire!
  5. Re: Damage Reduction Hm... what if the number of Active Points in the Power was figured after the application of the Limitation? It would be like creating an uber flexible new Power: Armor (30 PD); Only Up To 25% Of Damage (-2) (15 active Points)... EDIT: Not surprisingly, this is the actual Cost of Resistant Damage Reduction 25%.
  6. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules? Man... what a super idea. : What if the PER roll bonus was dependant on Active Points? ...say +1 per 5? That way, the biggest/fastest/strongest Powers will also be the loudest/brightest/stinkiest Powers.
  7. Re: Damage Reduction I'm actually pretty hot for this idea. Does anyone have good intuition for statting Limitations? Here's my early shot in the dark... 25% = -1 3/4 50% = -1 75% = -1/4 Now keep in mind, figuring out the costs of new Powers is my Kryptonite, and I hate doing it, but I like the idea of this Limitation: Bullet Resistant: Armor (40 PD) (60 Active Points); Only Up To 75% Of The Damage (-1/4). Total cost: 48 Character Point. Duo-Dimensional Physiology: Armor (50 PD/50 ED) (150 Active Points); Only Up To 50% Of The Damage (-1). Total cost: 75 Character Points. Power Sink Field: Force Field (30 ED) (30 Active Points); Only Up To 25% Of The Damage (-1 3/4). Total Cost: 11 Character Points. Do the Costs of these Limitations agree with any of you?
  8. Re: Help and ideas with Spider-Man Homage The Spider-Monkey?
  9. Re: The "Tumbler" Bat-Tank from Batman Begins If anyone has written up a version of the "Tumbler Bat-Tank" for HERO yet, it would be nice to see it here. I'm probably going to build a knock-off clone for use in my own Campaign. I hope people find this website as inspirational as I did. Cheers, ~ Mister E
  10. I found a sweet website with tons of Bat-Mobile historical info, and one really kicking page devoted to the "Tumbler" Bat-Tank from Batman Begins. Here's the link: http://www.batmobilehistory.com/2005-batmobile.php
  11. Re: Vehicle question. I just checked the Ultimate Vehicle... and I'm right about the heights equalling the widths... except in the case of Sizes 0, 1, and 2, which have heights of 1 Hex minimum... So I'm going to fix the Volume of them in my little example.
  12. Re: Vehicle question. Well... the Volume should be doubling with each Size increase, along with the Mass. A Size 3 vehicle is 2 Hexes long, and 1 Hex Wide. I would assume it is one Hex tall... so: 4m x 2m x2m = 16 cubic meters. I'm pretty sure you chould just double this every size catagory. Size 0 = 4 cubic meters or less (an exception)* Size 1 = 6.4 cubic meters (an exception)* Size 2 = 10.24 cubic meters (an exception)* Size 3 = 16 cubic meters Size 4 = 32 cubic meters Size 5 = 64 cubic meters Size 6 = 128 cubic meters .....and so on. Just to test this... a Size 6 vehicle is 4 hexes by 2 hexes (and I'm guessing 2 hexes tall). So that would be: 8m x 4m x 4m = 128 cubic meters! Cool. EDIT: So a quick mathmatic-type way to figure this out, would be: 2^(1+Size) = volume in cubic meters. (*) See Next Post.
  13. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules? This seems well thought out to me.
  14. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules?
  15. Re: Supervillains and the death penalty This is a matter of debate for NGD Threads. I think we should focus more on what people are doing in their campaign worlds.
  16. Re: The Forumverse name game
  17. Re: Carrying a Big Stick -- Clubs, How Much Damage? Just because I thought it might help... The Ogre Size you have up there could be considered 10 Points worth of Growth (the half-way point between zero Growth and 15 Points worth of Growth). Thus, Ogre Sized Weapons would be +10 STR Min, and +2 Damage Classes, compared to regular sized weapons.
  18. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules?
  19. Re: VPP Nightmare! This is a joke character. (And BTW... no way in hell is having braces going to cause a Major Reaction in people.) Diesel the Gadgeteer was designed to be a hassle in game.
  20. Re: Carrying a Big Stick -- Clubs, How Much Damage?
  21. Re: VPP Nightmare! It seems to me, that the two of you are having a hard time co-conceptualizing exactly what the deal is with this player's Gadgeteer Character. So are the gadgets arcane-tech, or just tech? And if they are arcane-tech, what does that mean? How is this SFX defined? Can she build anything she wants, or is there some kind of Inventing Skill process (and GM approval) that has to happen? Can she give herself levels of Growth? Extra-Dimensional Movement? Desolid Invulnerabilities to specific SFX? Have you guys actually come up with "Tech Levels" for the campaign? And if so, at what Tech Level do her gadgets fall under? What are the limits of this Tech-Level? The most important thing, is this character needs to know that VPP's don't turn Players into GM's, or Characters into gods. Building Life Supports with a VPP is not a bad thing, especially if they help the whole party out. Wanting to crack the campaign's verisimilitude and seriousness by exploiting the weaknesses in the system, is straight up not cool, but it happens. Don't let it beat you down. Take the Player aside, either before or after the game, and let them know you have an issue with the way their Character is in the Campaign. Sometimes the biggest problem is that the Player is having a hard time dealing with the Power Level of the game, and can't control the actions of their Character for whatever reason. It's not really the Player's fault. It's more of an RP comfort-zone issue.
  22. Re: Carrying a Big Stick -- Clubs, How Much Damage? My recent experience building the "Planetary Size Template" helped a bit. I'd say these weapon builds were practically as good as canon.
  23. Re: And in his wake ... desolation (Power Design Help) I think what I would do, is build it as a Major Transform able to target planets, turning them into lifeless Deserts, and then give the Power the "Partial Transform" Advantage. With the Partial Transform Advantage, as the planet is taking Transform Damage, it begins to visibly change. The wake of destruction, where hundreds and then thousands of square miles of Earth's surface turn into Lifeless Desert, should be interpreted as simply cosmetic from a planetary point of view. 2/3's into the Earth's full Transformation, major atmospheric changes could start imposing penalties on Earth's inhabitants. This would be the Minor Transform fortelling the doom of a completely lifeless desert planet. My favorite way to allow an attack to target an entire planet, is to give it the Transdimensional (Planetary Macro-Scale; +1/2) Advantage. To fully Transform the Planet Earth, should require at least 172 points worth of Transform BODY Damage, given a planet with a BODY of at least 86, I believe. I'd probably give Earth quite a bit of Power DEF too, but I wouldn't know where to begin with that. If you Googled the Density of the Earth... and then cross refrensed that with the Power Density Increase... it might give you an idea of how much Power DEF it should have... not that that really means anything, of course.
  24. Re: Carrying a Big Stick -- Clubs, How Much Damage? Obviously you have looked at the HTH Weapons in the main book. Clubs are all Normal Damage (N), "Bought as Hand-To-Hand Attack (but to which character add damage only by exceeding the STR Minimum)." You should reference the Growth Power to figure out how to modify the Weapons. I wouldn't worry about the 5 point Growth increments, and would instead focus on the 15 point Growth increments. This is where you doublings of Reach... Height and Width... and +15 STR. 60 Points worth of Growth is where 5ER suggests giving a character Area Of Effect (One Hex) to the Character's STR. I did some measurements, and some math, and this as roughly the point where a Character's hand is the size of a Hex. In my game, for every 15 points of Growth beyond 60, I double the AoE of the hand-print. 15 Levels of Growth: Club... 7d6 N... 25 STR Min... 1 Handed Club, War... 8d6 N... 27 STR Min... 1.5 Handed Club, Great... 9d6 N... 30 STR Min... 2 Handed 30 Levels of Growth: Club... 10d6 N... 40 STR Min... 1 Handed Club, War... 11d6 N... 42 STR Min... 1.5 Handed Club, Great... 12d6 N... 45 STR Min... 2 Handed 45 Levels of Growth: Club... 13d6 N...55 STR Min... 1 Handed Club, War... 14d6 N... 57 STR Min... 1.5 Handed Club, Great... 15d6 N... 60 STR Min... 2 Handed 60 Levels of Growth: Club... 16d6 N...70 STR Min... 1 Handed, AoE (One Hex) Club, War... 17d6 N... 72 STR Min... 1.5 Handed, AoE (One Hex) Club, Great... 18d6 N... 75 STR Min... 2 Handed, AoE (One Hex)
  25. Re: Walking On The Sun Where is this coming from? The game has its problems, but it handles the Superhero Genre just fine... better than any other game I've checked out. Do you know of a System that handles Superheroes better than HERO? If the Human Torch is Desolid to Fire Attack, and Fire Lord burns him with an Affects Desolid Fire Attack... that seems pretty cool to me. The "Hand-Wave" that takes place during the Desolid Invulnerablity Power, is really nothing of the kind. The fact that everyone perceives the hand-wave, and it offends them, is silly, and extremely concervative in mindset. The Desolid Power is a constellation of rules, just like every other Power, and aspect of the Game System that is HERO 5ed revised. The Desolid Invulnerability Power is its own entity both apart from, and a part of, the Desolid Power in general. If I'm a Red Dragon, and I'm Desolid to Fire, and I am shifted into the Elemental Plane of Fire, where pockets of Quintessential Fire exist that are built as Effects Desolid Fire objects that even Effriti fear, I'd probably stay away from them. What you should really be pissed about, is the fact that Desolid doesn't have any rules in it, to make characters immune to Mental Attacks. What's up with that?
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