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Everything posted by Steve

  1. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/texas-facing-humanitarian-crisis Downtown office buildings and parking structures are lit up throughout the night while other neighborhoods are dark. They are not only lacking electricity, but the water system is failing too.
  2. He passed away today at the age of 70 due to complications from lung cancer.
  3. If you were to put the series into a genre, is it a Pulp Hero setting? Since it's mostly a comedy series with some drama, I wasn't sure what genre it best fits into. My favorite recurring characters other than those in the camp are General Burkhalter and Major Hochstetter.
  4. After reading through the Beverly Hillbillies thread in this forum, it got me to thinking about another fun series from decades ago, Hogan’s Heroes. I think it could probably be done pretty well with 175-point Heroic characters. Any thoughts on abilities? I’m thinking most of them had at least a die of Luck.
  5. I suggest building it this way. Buy the first 2-3 points of defense normally (or maybe toss on a limitation like Non-Persistent), then buy 2-3 more points with an additional limitation “lets 1st point of BODY damage through” to get pretty much the effect you want. That’s the limitation used in a Champions power write-up “You Only Nicked Me” that I like using on some builds like you describe.
  6. Isn't there also LTE to consider in the case of armor? In the case of fighting with a weapon and shield, a shield bash would be considered part of a Multiple Attack. As others have pointed out, just using it to defend should not cause extra END usage.
  7. Looking forward to Western Hero and Martial Enemies.
  8. I don’t have my books handy at the moment, but I recall that there was one Turakian Age wizard using a time travel spell and ending up in the Valdorian Age. They then didn’t have sufficient magical power to leave it. I can’t remember if this was from the Turakian Age or the Valdorian Age sourcebook.
  9. The actor who played Screech on "Saved By The Bell" passed away at age 44 from cancer.
  10. Robinhood seems to be immolating right before our eyes. Robinhood seeks another billion dollars this week after burning through four billion dollars last week.
  11. I checked the wallstreetbets reddit, and it looks like they aren't the ones behind that one. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l9runf/the_silver_squeeze_is_a_hedgefund_coordinated/
  12. Yes, there was a tremendous amount of buying happening Friday. There is fear of what the opening brings Monday morning. There is a shortage of physical silver right now, so prices could go through the roof over the next few months.
  13. Has the Robinhood exodus begun? A petition to remove Robinhood from the Apple app store for violating terms of service.
  14. It looks like someone bought billboard space on Time Square. I guess anyone can do it, which I didn't know before. Here's a link. It's not expensive, and it could be fun, especially if someone catches it on camera and it goes viral.
  15. Mark Cuban Presents A "Little Trick" For Creating The Mother Of All Short Squeezes "Here's a little trick: everyone who is long GME should instruct their broker tomorrow to make their shares not lendable." Here's his full thread from Twitter: "Lets talk $GME shorts vs De-Fi. When someone shorts a stock that is already heavily shorted, they have to pay a fee to borrow that stock. In the case of $GME that fee has been hovering around 30% this week. Shorts have to pay (Price x .30)/360 per day. In DeFi that's a 30% APY. For RH Traders that own $GME that money, as best I can tell, is held in street name. Which means that 30% APR goes 100pct to @RobinhoodApp 😬😬😬. Imagine if you pooled your crypto and the platform was getting 30% APY and didn't pay all but fees to you ? What would happen ? This is one more way that Wall St takes advantage of the little guy. If you are moving from RH, look to see if you can find some place that allows you to hold the shares and lend them in YOUR name, so you get the Yield (Yield Farming in stocks !). Not all will allow it. But if they do, one trick that I have been on both sides of is to lend out stock to shorts at a high APY and then call back my shares, which forces the short to cover. Now if #WSB did this en masse, it would be the mother of all short squeezes . The beauty of what has happened with #WSB is that Wall street is learning an expensive lesson that The Way Things Have Always Been Done is not How Things Should Be Done. There is power in numbers working together. Buy and Trade Together can be a whole lot more powerful than old-school buy and hold. I'm not saying HOLDing stocks is bad. It can be great and have the same impact as HOLDing crypto. And the same principals even apply. The number of shares outstanding and their growth is comparable to coins mined (without the algorithmic control). If small trades can work together and share information together the power to move stock pricing moves quickly from the analyst on Wall Street to the people working together. There is one VERY IMPORTANT caveat. No amount of trading together can keep a bad company in business." So it seems that the longer people can hang on to the stock, the more the hedge funds that shorted this stock bleed. And if they make their shares non-lendable, then those who borrowed it to short it must immediately buy it back at current prices. Ouch. The algos must be burning up their processors trying to figure out a way out of this for their masters.
  16. Actually, the higher stock price gives them an opportunity to try and raise more capital, which could stave off bankruptcy. It might also give them more time to update their business model. That's a theory being floated by Peter Hanks at dailyfx.com recently.
  17. An article from Zerohedge, Robinhood has now capped maximum holdings in 36 stocks to just one share. That is total new shares, not shares per order. Something bad is going to happen to them this weekend, I think. They might be about to implode.
  18. It's still at 112% short? I used my Stash app account to buy a share yesterday, so consider me part of the rebellion.
  19. Robinhood staff unhappy with the trading halt were given a $40 DoorDash credit. Yay? The trading platform is now limiting holdings of GME to two shares? WTH?
  20. GME is at $348.14 at the moment. With the short interest still at over 121% per TD Ameritrade this morning, the wallstreetbets crowds are really giving the hedge funds involved in this a lot of pain. The Robinhood platform is also losing a ton of customers after all the funny business they did this week, and the bad press they are getting over it.
  21. Steve


    In worlds with only super-skills and gadgets and no real superpowers, would a prison in a Dark Champions universe be much different than the real world? Is there any information on Dark Champions prisons other than what is in the Hudson City sourcebook?
  22. The financial markets are in quite a turmoil due to what's going on in this reddit forum. Hedge funds are losing billions, and it doesn't seem to be stopping. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/
  23. Plants and animals would be an excellent resource for time travelers to come for. I earlier mentioned diseases unknown to modern times, which the Valdorian Age probably has an abundance of. Something could even be brought back accidentally, and the time traveler becomes Patient Zero.
  24. It's actually not as bad as that. Remember, he needs that armor to keep alive as he is very, very old. Back in the Valdorian Age with its diseases unknown to modern times, he might last only days or weeks once his armor fails. At the outside, he might last a year or two. Hardly enough time to make a real, lasting impression.
  25. Well, since the official take is that the Valdorian Age is a time of reduced magical power, it might end up being a one-way trip. Time travel based on superpowers or rubber science may be able to get you there, but then they don't work again while you are there. Cue Doctor Destroyer in a rage when his technology suddenly fails, and he finds himself trapped amongst a bunch of primitive savages. This actually makes the Valdorian Age an interesting possibility for exiling superhumans, or exiling people in general actually. The other reason to go there might be to pick up some surviving artifact that is harder to acquire in the Turakian Age.
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