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Everything posted by freakboy6117

  1. Those little grey cells huh cysphrett
  2. Ok had some trouble thinking of a good team idea but I hope this one is fun NATO Meta Ops Five elite super soldiers each from a different NATO member nation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO
  3. Jade Razor Tìdāo is the talk of New Yorks fashion world an expert stylist, designer, and hair dresser his showy flowing razor cutting style is a treat to the eyes his demonstrations are a hotter ticket than Hamilton and private consultations are booked 2 years out. Of course Tìdāo is a wandering member of the jade temple he much prefers the outer world shaved heads and robes are just sooo boring. Tìdāo combines jade razor and jade cloth a flowing beautiful style defense provided by swirling silk entangling binding and blocking and slashing straight blade razors delivering cuts with precision to tendons joints and weapon hands.
  4. Reading about the history of Haiti it's an interesting parallel between a mutant homeland and the slave revolution that created the first western black state. Defeated one of the most powerful armies in the world. http://origins.osu.edu/article/pact-devil-united-states-and-fate-modern-haiti
  5. I had a uk hero called Jet knight who flew a small Vtol flyer and had a selection of trick lance tips and an electro sword. Alternatively a jet fighter theme could work Or
  6. I thought Kinematik would be a good fit for Haiti a few dozen high Powered mutants helping with disaster relief could then puppet the government to create a mutant home land with enough reasonably empowered mutants acting as a militia and a general up lift of the standard of living would really keep the american government out. Alternatively Takofanes turns a post hurricane haiti into a literal land of the dead.
  7. Hmm ok Istvatha V'han north korea her D troopers againsts the largest(if not best equipped army on earth with fortified border and already cowed local population. In the most populus part of the world with land connections to 2 of the most power full nations and close by see to a third with a local garrison of US troops near by.
  8. For some reason i picture lord ocular as a steampunk gadgeteer with his eyes being brass electro mechanical weapons.
  9. http://www.impdb.org/ Fortunately there is an Internet movie plane database which says "The Bus" is a modified globe master.
  10. I would also like to say I hate the name maybe I'm emphasising it wrong but it sounds awkward psych-lops or lady psi-clopia might flows a little better but as she has multiple eyes how about lady Psi-raphim like the many eyed angel's
  11. Oops forgot one Old One Eye An organised crime king pin from Scandinavia who believes he is the reincarnation of Odin. (may or may not be true) he has two beautiful Japanese body guards who are secretly tengu raven shape shifters he calls Hunin and Munin he deals in occult artifacts as well as general crime(but again might be madness or ancient knowledge)
  12. Voyeur A blind swordsman and criminal body guard who has the power to see through the eyes of both humans and animals Blind Sight A psychic who can switch off people's senses at will Mind eater A weak psychic who takes power enhancing pills that allow him to consume psychic energy especially constructs like the eyes too boost his strength. What do the eyes do? I'm sure that might suggest more villains
  13. Reboot Amy Nehzia was a gifted scientist working on quantum teleportation she developed a system that would allow her to transmit her quantum state from one place to another but she was terrified that something would go wrong so she built in a fail safe if she flatlined or hit the units panic button she would instantly be restored to the last good quantum state. The experiment would have been a great success if the lab hadn't been targeted by ARGENT their attempts to steal the device they accidentally killed Amy her corpse immediately vanished and was replaced by her prejump self the ARGENT team panicked aiming a fussilade of shots at Amy she died again the device was torn apart by the gun fire and Amy reappeared just as it exploded. Amy would die 8 more times as she appeared confused and with no memory in the middle of the inferno that ingulfed her lab. Eventually the fire suppression systems kicked in an extinguished the flames only for a very confused Amy to appear once more. Amy is now reboot using her quantum teleportation powers which now seem to have become part of her she can jump around the battle field using a variety of devices she has created for crime fighting if she is killed or seriously injured she teleports back to the last safe location she ported too with no memory of events past that point which can be a lot if she has not been using her powers even if it is only a few seconds she will still me confused by the sudden changes.
  14. The five jade wanderers Some of the practitioners of the temple of jade are exiled or leave because of their demons many more leave temporarily to see the world search out new knowledge and test their skills some even go undercover to protect the temple from discovery. The five are all such wanderers though each with their own reasons for wandering the world they have banded together to oppose the fallen and protect the temple Hong Kong and the world.
  15. If you want something more discrete the peide piper gambit might work using your herpetogical control overwelm a city with snakes then offer the services of hamlyn and piper humane pest removal collect a nice fat government check that you can then use to buy legit businesses to launder your illegal earnings. rinse and repeat.
  16. Well seeing as it's easter Next team is the bad eggs 5 egg themed villains
  17. Hype-A-flow Haqeem farooq wanted to be the best freestyler he had the rhymes but not the speed he started taking speed and coke it helped but made him jittery and he flubbed his rhymes. then his dealer offered him something new Hyper a designer drug that gave him super speed without the jitters but it cost so much and despite his extraordinary fast flowing rhymes he Couldnt get a break. He turned to crime to maintain his habit. Hype-A-flow is a pretty vanilla speedster darting in and out of the fight and delivering blistering flurries of punches. The only real difference is the continous flow of high speed stream of concience rap trailing his blurred streak.
  18. Great I enjoyed coming up with her.
  19. 玉夜壺 Yù yèhú or the jade chamber pot had perhaps the worst job in the temple as the night soil man he emptied the latrines commodes and chamber pots as well as mucked out the animals. He was actually happy in his job until one of the temples wandering monks returned from time exploring the world and brought back the joys of the modern flush toilet. With his role suddenly Reduced from essential service provider to the guy who mucks out the animals Yù yèhú grew angry as he believed that monks who had treated him kindly because he would empty their chamber pots early or kept them well stocked with paper now mocked him for his stench. He left the temple and gathered the other four so he could make good money and never have to deal with other peoples crap again. Jade chamber pot style has two elements the bare handed forms are about getting in close grappling and pulling an opponent down to the ground the style emphasises holds that work against opponents covered in mud or other slippery substance and using your own slipperness. The style also uses the practitioners strong smell to distract foes getting in close so the pungency literally makes the targets eyes water and them gag. (while Yù yèhú no longer has the stench of his old job about him he likes to douse him self in expensive perfumes often several at once that has much the same effect) The second part is the arts weapon element based around a sharpened shovel the whirling heavy blade is ferocious and enemies learn to fear it especially as the slightest cut can cause terrible infections. Practitioners of the art of the jade chamber pot are also experts at throwing handfuls of whatever comes to hand to blind and distract targets(often to their disgust as you can imagine) as a prelude to attacks.
  20. Irn Bro A few years before the first appearance of Irn Bro an American property tycoon avoiding some tough questions to do with mafia connections and illegal slave labour decided to reconnect with his Scottish roots. He fell in love with the rugged beauty of the Highlands ok honestly he fell in love with the money a five star hotel and golf course would make. It was all going well until some key properties wouldn't sell to him. Then one of the holdouts was destroyed by a super human brawl. Suddenly he saw the possibilities using his underworld contacts he acquired a Russian surplus combat engineering power armour suit. The original pilot was a roided out body builder from California turned mercenary. That was until the tycoon tried out the suit and became addicted to the power and freedom. He tries to keep up the original pilots surfer slang but when he gets excited tends to slip into his own speech patterns usually haranguing his foes calling them losers wannabes and morons. The Irn Bro is a Russian surplus combat engineering power armour suit painted in bright safety orange interspersed with rust and traces of original Soviet red and green the suit is bulky unwieldy and slow moving but immensely strong and durable with limbs seemingly made of girders. it's left arm can be replaced with a variety of power tools like Jack hammers minesweeping flails and huge chainsaws. The tycoon is particularly fond of the flamethrower torching his targets whilst screaming "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" as he douses them with napalm. He uses the suit and the rest of the team to drive down property prices bankrupt his enemies by targeting their developments and short selling the stock of companies that the team robs or attacks. Next team The five fallen warriors of the temple of jade the hidden jade temple a other dimensional temple hidden some where in the mountains around Hong Kong. The temple is an isolated community where every role has a martial art based on there job so you have for example, Jade lotus the sword wielding mistress of the jade garden style with moves like wind over grass, thorns of the rose, seedling growing through stone . Jade sickle the style favoured by the temples farmers wielding farming tools turned weapons sickle, nu-chuck, pitch fork and tonfa. Jade hammer style for the black smiths a style that is based on strength and power and big heavy hammers. Jade scroll the precise accurate style of the temples scribes based on calligraphic representations and precise contact with pressure points. Describe five Rogue fighters why where they banished and what is their styles.
  21. Sobekneferu one of the first Known Female Pharaoh Sobekneferu was known as the beauty of Sobek (the crocodile headed god of the nile). like both the nile and its god for which she is named Sobekneferu has a dual nature. she is a stunningly beautiful woman with powers of , fertility and the warding of evil magics. she uses these powers to heal the sick and wounded enhance her friends and allies and protects herself and others from harm but she is also a violent brutal fighter as many of her enemies have discovered to their cost when her beautiful smile opens wider and wider and wider still revealing more huge teeth than could possibly fit. in her fury she is a beauty to terrible to conceive. she fights like a crocodile a surprising burst of speed followed by those wicked teeth and powerful limbs entwined around her foes dragging them down trashing around as her tooth filled maw rends and tears their flesh. She revels in successful battle and has a fondness even for enemies who show great military prowess as one blessed by the nile Sobekneferu is Immune to its dangers she can control the crocodiles Hippos and snakes that call it home will never drown or grow sick from its waters and moves through them like a fish. she can control the waters to calming or exciting them or diverting them around her as needed. rereading The Mighty death tribbles rules Sobekneferu may be disqualified as she relates to gods and egyptian mythos although this is her name So OH terrifying little hairy ball of death and patron of the arts a ruling please
  22. its interesting the reason the super hero Genre became the defining genre of american Comics was the comic code authority which killed off a lot of the other more popular Genres true crime horror etc . in the countries where that wasn't the case you had very different stories being told but there are still a lot of super powered or costumed individuals in these countries. in america characters that would not have been considered super heroes got rolled into those titles and changed by them. think Jonah Hex The black Hawks and Nick Fury. other nations stories are more diverse the british kids comics The Beano , Dandy or whizzer and chips are full of people with super powers like desperate dan Billy whizz or Faceache but they tell very different stories. 2000ad has a long list of superpowered and super human characters but again very few are classic super heroes (even the ones that are are bad at it E.G. Zenith or the Balls Bros) . Tintin lucky Luke or Asterix and Obelix in america might have been rewritten as characters in a super hero comic just like Conan and red sonya fought with and against spider man . looking at the League of Extraordinary gentlemen through that lens is fascinating these aren't super heroes they are classic literary characters but reimagined through the tropes of Super heroes they become a super team despite the lack of spandex suits. the question then becomes what is a super hero what is the difference between Harry Dresden and Dr Strange or better yet John Constantine. Is Lara croft a super heroine or does her lack of a mask and code name make her different from Black widow say.
  23. Well that's 5 including general America so Cysphrett you get the next team also congratulations on getting 3500th reply to this thread
  24. The last Aristocrat Lord Percy Von Bourbon-Basset is the last hold out of the former capitalist regime. most Western monarchs had passed their land and property to the people In exchange for a life long job as a figurehead representative of their people and custodians of historical items and a share in the glorious utopia. The oligarchs and corrupt had been bankrupted and broken by the power of the communist post scarcity economy. Only Lord Percy is left sickened by his loss of power prestige and wealth he has embarked on a campaign of terror against symbols of the people and stealing wealth and treasure. Lord Percy von Bourbon-Basset is a classic snide upper-class Cad. Oiled hair perfect handlebar moustache. He is dressed in a version of a cavalry officers uniform from around the napoleonic period his left arm is covered by an beautifully embossed gilt braced that contains a rope launcher and energy shield at his left hip rides an antique cavalry saber modified with a generator that can generate electric stun bolts or an energy blade that will cut through just about anything at his neck he wears a gorget that gives him a low level forcefield that protects both from damage and environmental dangers. On his right hip is a pistol that looks like a flintlock bit fires either energy blasts or canisters of a variety of devices. In his own universe He has an army of the disenchanted selfish and former rich. Now he is on his own but retains his skills as a theif terrorist and counter revolutionary. He fights to return to a world where the rich are wealthy and the poor do as they are told he is opposed by the supertech agents of the international committee for disaster recovery.
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