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Posts posted by greypaladin_01

  1. It is probably easier to pick the episodes that I DIDN'T like.... I still watch the whole series from start to finish every few years or so.    But "Illusion of Truth" was just bad to me.   I understand why for plot reasons it was done, but felt like all the characters turned their brains off for it.

    B5 had me sucked in from the pilot film.   I had taped it off TV and watched it over and over until a year or so later when the actual series started.   Easily one of the best Sci-Fi Epics of all time.    I feel it's strength is the ongoing story, but that was so unusual to the tv-watchers of the era that it suffers getting new converts.  They were too used to one-and-done type shows.   But to this day I have yet to find someone that gives it a real chance that didn't get totally sucked into it.

  2. 7 hours ago, ScottishFox said:


    It's a reverse attack roll the way I do it based on the spell casting ability of the caster.


    So if an attack roll would hit on a 11 or less then a saving throw works on a 10 or less.

    Attack roll of 13 or less would be a saving throw of 8 or less.

    Attack roll of 14 or less would be a saving throw of 7 or less and so on.


    To keep the numbers roughly matched to D&D percentages I do keep track of which classes are proficient with which saving throws and they get their proficiency modifier added in.


    I think I am following this, then you would use the advantage/disadvantage element you described before based on class/race/items.  I assume that characters can get bonuses to saves to reflect items or increased proficency modifiers?


    I appreciate you sharing what you are doing.  I have always been intrigued by the toolkit nature of HERO, but rarely see someone overhauling it so much to fit their needs. 

  3. one of the things 5e seemed to do was remove alot of the save or die mechanics.  However saves are VERY intergrated into all of the race and classes in it.  If you are doing a conversion then ignoring the mechanic seems hard to do.  Especially since most saving throws are to reduce damage.   


    However in a pinch the idea of the STAT roll as save does seem like the best adaptation.   Although I guess you could leave what the effect of a Save does to each spell when converted.

  4. I have been working on a campaign for a little while now that would involve vehicle combat as part of it.   Both space combat for starfighters as well as vehicle combat on the ground level.  While I am comfortable with the character side of things, I realized that I am a little less clear on the official rulings for vehicle combat.

    Reading through my Ultimate Vehicle sourcebook, it referenced a great deal of skill checks and maneuvers for combat as well as the relative DCV penalties for Size and the like.   What I was not seeing however was an actual example of play.   (In fact I am finding that this is an annoyance in MOST rpgs, you might get 1 example of a short combat in a core book, then nothing but small blip examples of a rule here and there.  Why is it so hard to have 1 full example using new rules in the book if they are something beyond the norm?)


    If anyone knows of a HERO book with an example of play for vehicle combat using the various skill checks and other details from the Ulitmate books please let me know.   Or if there has been something like that on the forums I would appreciate some guidance.   I attempted a Forum search but apparently failed my skill check on it.


    Thank you all!

  5. While I know Steve Long had reasons for killing off Muerte (licensing maybe, i don't recall) I find it a lost opportunity.  As far as a Dr. Doom type character that your average hero group could actually face more directly he filled a good gap.   As mentioned with Dr. Destroyer, his power growth makes it so he is almost entirely regulated to background status, direct conflict will wipe most 'standard' level hero teams.


    You could make the argument that 'standard' should not be facing him, but why have iconic villians if you can't actually face them at some point?  Muerte served as a great Doom style enemy for earlier in campaigns for me so was a bit sad to see him removed.

  6. I will admit it has been years since I REALLY dug into New Millennium, but my memory's impression was that it was pretty solid in concept with alot of good overview and some details but there was alot of inconsistency and continuity mistakes in it.  But nothing that a little GMing cant patch.    I'll have to dig out my books to look over it a bit closer.

  7. At the risk of derailing things.   I think maybe part of the issue is the renaming of the city when rebuilt.   Even going Robocop and New Detroit-ing it would have not 'erased' the city.  Giving it a new name feels more like replacing something new that ignores the old.   This is all very subjective, but taking a 'real' city in game world context and then making it fictional one did always feel a little odd.    New Detroit:  The Millennium City, would have solved that maybe to a degree.


    For my votes on the main topic though.   I think that a few more options all over the country would be nice, even if they are not overly detailed.   If we are going to have fictionalized cities in the DC style then lets have more than just New York city five different times.

  8. Hello everyone.  I was hoping that all the people that post here might be able to help me make sense of the Reduced Penetration limitation.  


    I understand mechanically that if you hit, your divide the damage dice in half and roll them, then apply the BODY damage separately against defenses, but combine the STUN before applying.  This is to simulate something that is stopped more easily by armor or tougher defenses.


    I see that it is used for shotguns as well as claws on monsters in the bestiary.   But at least at the HEROIC levels of game, it seems like these weakens the attacks to be almost useless.   Anyone with 3 or 4 PD of Resistant defense would be virtually immune.  This doesnt seem to make sense to me, especially with shotguns or large creature claws.


    Am I missing something important?   Any insights would be appreciated.  



  9. Hello fellow Heroes!  It has been nearly 10 years since I last worked with HERO (5th ed) but I have some questions on something in the Heroic Tier.


    I am trying to understand how the Mass rules for armor works.  I am more familar with 5e but I think it would probably be the same in 6e so answers for either should be fine.    My understanding of the Weight Table  (5e /p468) is you get the mass based on the DEF and Activation Roll of the armor.   For the purpose of this DEF is the average of the PD/ED value of armor, right?   So 2 PD/ 6 ED armor would be considered DEF4 on the chart?


    Thank you all for your help!

  10. I am a little confused as to how the Stun Multiplier on the Hit Location chart works in 6e.  


    With 6e, we now only roll a 1/2d6 for the Stun Multiplier on KA  (a nice change for sure).  However even though this is the case, the STUN mods on the hit location chart still go up to x5.   Is this working as intended as just a special benefit for the extra complexity of the Hit Location chart?  Is there an alternate chart published in one of the other sourcebooks that gives an alternate chart if we did not want to have such heavy multipliers?

  11. I have a D&D campagin that I am actually working to convert over into Fantasy Hero.... obviously not EVERYTHING translates well, nor are we trying.  However in looking through the Bestiary I didnt spot anything that looks even approximate to the classic owlbear.   As this is a common creature in the region the players adventure I would like to keep them in the transfer.   Has anyone done workups or found comparables in the bestiary?


    Thanks in advance!

  12. Thank you all for the assistance.   Ultimately I am trying to have an extra tool to give players to help with RP encounters.   Something to avoid their personal meta beliefs in situation or inablitiy to be as 'sharp' as their character might be to come into effect.


    Ultimately I think perception is the way to go... unless I just create a new skill.  It is to give players a chance to help spot mistruths or lies from NPCs  but still allow the NPCs to try and 'bluff'   perhaps NPCs that are smooth talkers would have -3 on Insight check or some such...  


    As always thank you all for the help!!

  13. Thanks for the inputs!    I tend to agree that INT / Perception seems to be the way to go for this.


    To Clarify:   I am aware that certain skills have opposition skills, however it seems that for the most part they are built around PC vs NPC in their use.   PC1 uses Charm to try and get information from NPC1...  NPC1 rolls EGO check to see if they can resist letting anything slip.

    It feels kinda clunky to use similar situation back on the players.  The thing I liked with the Sense Motive / Insight system was that it could be used as an assist for RP encounters.    PC2 is taking with NPC2 about a potential job...    NPC2 is attempting to downplay the danger and risk involved,  PC2 attempts an Insight check.

    PC2 fails the check...  the player might feel suspicious, but there was nothing in the NPCs manor that PC2 noticed and they agree on the contract.

    PC2 makes the check....  PC2 notices  odd body language or the fact the NPC is sweating a bit....  GM tells them "while the job seems genuine,  NPC2 seems to be a bit cagey about the danger"   thus allowing the players to try and press for more details and perhaps call the bluff.


    EGO is more will power and resisting so felt wrong...  Perception seems more in line with this   INT rolls being for noticing things and drawing conclusions.


    I am not against creating a new skill.... but hoping the other HERO gamers have some insight on ways to make this go smoothly.


    Thanks again.

  14. I am working on Fantasy Hero and Champions games... and while I have played D&D and Hero alot.. im stuck on this. 


    I am looking for a way to do something similar to Insight / Sense Motive checks for the VS on Acting, Persuasion and such.  What would you all recommend?


    Thank you

  15. Re: Digital Hero downloads?


    I realize that quite some time (and editions) has pasted, but is this still valid. I didnt see a link for Digital Hero through the forums. I was hoping to finally finish off my collection but dont see how to get them.


    Is it finally gone with no support at all?


    Thanks for any help available...

  16. Re: Special Effects vs Rules


    Thanks for all the input everyone... work reared its ugly head and this is the first chance I've had to check back on the boards.


    I'll compare notes with my co-GM and see what we can come up with from here...


    Thank you all again... this is one of the reasons I've always liked HERO the fan base is always much more open to sharing their experience and ideas than in many other boards I've seen..

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