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Everything posted by keithcurtis

  1. I wouldn't even worry about that. People don't move as freely indoors with furniture and walls and doors all over the place. I'd just treat everyting normally and ignore the fact that your hexes are now 1m instead of 2m. Does it really matter? I suppose it might for ardent realists or some genres (Champions, perhaps). Honestly though, We've done this for years in our games, sometimes even using totally arbitrary scales ("This room is 4 hexes by 5 hexes", without ever defining what a "hex" is.) Keith "Playing fast and loose with Time and Space" Curtis
  2. Of course not. Like I said, this is a house rule. You are entirely correct in your interpretation of a SvS roll. We usually make the rolls simultaneously and the one who makes their roll by the greater amount wins. It's a little different but it works for us. We just rule a tie as going to the higher stat rather than indicating success for hte "second roller". If their charcteristics are the same, then it's business as usual. Keith "Must learn to cleak spearly" Curtis
  3. Although it is not an official rule, I have solved this graininess problem in my campaign by ruling that any tie in a Skill vs Skill contest goes to the person with the higher appropriate stat. Now there is even a difference between a 19 INT and a 20 INT. Keith "Better gaming through house rules" Curtis
  4. In one of the final books it is revealed that his form is dictated by subconscious will. If something is heavy on his mind, he will tend toward that direction. A villain uses hypnosis to direct his form changing. Keith "The Great and Powerful" Curtis
  5. You've all got it wrong. Stormtroopers are not characters. They are SFX manifestations of the Emperor's Presence Attacks. Think about it. They never (well almost never) hit or hurt anyone, but they do cause them to hesitate run away or obey commands. Keith "similar to guns in the A-Team" Curtis
  6. Some of my favorites: Gaming Stuff Knights of the Dinner table Online Webstrips THE Gaming strip DORK TOWER More Gaming goodness RPG World What do the characters in a Computer RPG think about their world? Real Life More computer RPG, but funny Adventure stuff The Wandering Ones Post-Apocalypse fun. Good source for survival and tracking trivia Schlock Mercenary Sci-Fi Merc.s Errant Story Give it a try... Crater Kid retro Sci Fi fun Exploitation Now Over now, but a lot of anime stuff if you can wade through the soft porn of the earlier strips Other Stuff Ozy and Millie Insightful gag strip Sinfest The Left... Day by Day ...and the right Keith"You can tell a man by his funny pages" Curtis
  7. I think the idea is that you just don't get hurt as badly by things that would kill other folks, not htat you get hit less often. Keith "How many times can that bullet graze my scalp?" Curtis
  8. What's the prob? If you don't like Damage Shield as written, house rule it. Does ANYBODY use the rules exactly as written? In any system? Keith "my house, my rules" Curtis
  9. You've just described my campaign world. Keith "Ton of Weird" Curtis
  10. I usually use 3 foot hexes for interior fights for that very reason. Otherwise, there's no sense of tactics. You might as well just play it out in your head. Keith "What do you mean my kitchen only holds one person?" Curtis
  11. Attack rolls 3 Always hits, triple stun 4 Double Stun, unless this was the number needed to hit 5 1.5x Stun, unless this was the number needed to hit 6-15 normal 16 Always misses 17 Always misses 18 Always misses, something unfortunate happens to attacker (bowstring snaps, sword breaks, hits friend, etc.) We originally used this for Champions and carried it over into FH. Greater chances for missing made high OCV characters less dominant. We also treat all skill rolls of 16+ as failures. I suppose it's really a holdover from D&D, the last three nubers on the 3d6 bell curve aren't too much different from the 5% for a 1 or a 20 on a d20. Keith "Besides, it's just too much fun to yell, 'CRIT!' " Curtis
  12. Re: Silly power You sir are forbidden from my games! You may go and play with Champsguy's martial artist. Very funny. Keith "What do you want to do with YOUR experience?" Curtis
  13. Spoken like someone under the age of 35. Keith "I still eat too much junk food" Curtis
  14. Actually, I'd like all negative stun to be GM discretion. Mooks should stay down. Major villains should get a recovery so they can attempt an escape. Heroes and medium importance villains can get recoveries if it's early in the evening. Keith "Likes to get to bed at a reasonable hour" Curtis
  15. Encumbrance: I made a look-up table based on the 4th Edition encumbrance rules. You cross index your armor value to the activation roll and get your DCV mod from that. I double the value for my current campaign since the location is equatorial. Keith "Not realistic, but quick and even-handed" Curtis
  16. Ahh, but you can endlessly quibble over which is more "valid". Keith "no flame hotter than a kitchen match" Curtis
  17. Are you kidding? Sanitation Hero would have the write-up for one of the greatest heroes ever: Sewer Urchin! Keith "Sewer Urchin. Definitely, Sewer Urchin, yahh." Curtis
  18. Certified Public Accountant Hero Busboy Hero Dental Assisatant Hero Anti-Hero Auntie Hero Interior Decorator Hero and my favorite: Villain Hero! Keith "Who actually holds a degree in Interior Design and has eaten many Hero Sandwiches" Curtis --oh yeah, Sandwich Hero!
  19. I'd like to see NO sixth edition! Don't you realize we'd have to buy our whole HERO library all over AGAIN? Keith "cha-ching!" Curtis
  20. Not a Hero rule, but an M:tG rule. There was a card that said the opponent would "Lose next turn". Someone tried to argue that meant he would lose the game on the next turn. I had a player in a Champions game want to be invulnerable. THat was OK. I let him use a mechanic a villain was using: Desolidifcation+Str affects real world. He wasn't even a big brick, which was a deciding factor. I let him have a ARW gun. He also asked for a jet belt with several levels of NCM to get around from place to place. Wonder of wonders, when the game starts, he tries to do a non-combat move-by on a villain. He blew the DC cap out of the water by several factors. I tried to quell it by stating he couldn't use non-combat velocity for a combat maneuver. He correctly pointed out you could, at a penalty. I finally told him he was violating the spirit of the game. He pouted and said that the move through was how he had envisioned the character and if he couldn't do it, he wouldn't play it. Sheesh! "envisioned the character" my big toe. If he had "envisioned the character" that way, why didn't he mention it to me during the design process? Why the wimpy gun? He didn't play the character again. Keith "GMing with an iron fist" Curtis
  21. IIRC, Bad Medicine for Dr. Drugs had a decent map of a high school. I don't think it was as bad as some are saying, but I could be looking back with nostalgic glasses. Keith "I got nothin' here" Curtis
  22. Heh. Snort. GUFFAW! :D Keith "Good One!" Curtis
  23. Re: Worst...Supplement...Ever... It had decent art though. Jackson (Butch) Guice IIRC. European Enemies gets my vote. Keith "No Frecnh jokes, please" Curtis
  24. I have to agree on the subject of plot seeds. While reading through the book, I constantly had to fight of the urge to start writing up adventures. There is an idea in almost every paragraph, certainly one on every page. Keith "Time...Limited... Must... resist... running... Star... Hero..." Curtis
  25. Re: game mechanics ? As long as the SFX make sense, I don't see why not. Examples: A poison gas NND called shot to the head might do extra damage. It's targeted on the mouth/nose area. A soul drain NND shouldn't make any difference where it hits. Keith "Mr. Common Sense" Curtis
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