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Everything posted by keithcurtis

  1. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday 01/04) I got 2 points for a Taxi quote. Keith "then I got greedy and tried to go for a WKRP quote*" Curtis ________ *booger
  2. Re: Daily Art Findings You so made that name up. Keith "I like Soglar O'Melmahay" Curtis
  3. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times Thank you. For the time it took to read that story, I was made thirty-five years younger. When I was 8 years old, I was Superboy for Halloween. I used that super-costume that my mother made to save the world over and over until I was too big to fit into it. A red bath towel stuck into my dog's collar gave me my partner in the never ending battle. For a brief moment, I was back there. Right back there. Thanks. Keith
  4. Re: Character: Sam Vimes According to one source, he was disqualified from the human race for shoving. Keith "getting the serious write-up bug" Curtis
  5. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times
  6. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times Dazzler vs. Vibe. No one wins. Keith "Unless it's mutual destruction" Curtis
  7. Re: Character: Sam Vimes Keith "You make me smile" Curtis PS. Nobby has the Perk: Probably not the Earl of Ankh
  8. Re: Character: Sam Vimes Good point. He probably needs an Ankh-Morpork Cultural Knowledge Skill, too. He does seem to know a lot about other people's business. Keith "Of course, Carrot probably has this as a super skill" Curtis
  9. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times
  10. Re: Character: Sam Vimes I decided not to. He is without them often enough, and the various perks probably cover it. Also, the others are heroes and probably PCs in their own right. I used the organizer as a follower, since he is never without it, or Sybil would kill him). OK, I'l make it 1 point of Dwarfish, with a note. DCV levels are a must. I'll also change one CSL to an overall. I might add limited danger sense as well. He almost always anticipates ambushes. I figured his perks and reps would give him extra dice for PRE attacks, but he's also pretty unflappable. I'll up the PRE. How many times has Vimes creatively interpreted Vetinari's orders, wiothout serious repercussion? I made him a contact, since he has relatively easy access to the Patrician, compared to, say, CMOT Dibbler. Yeah, I figured 50 points of clerical skills and didn't cost it out. Changes made and edited into the original post. Keith "I'm still working on the Background" Curtis
  11. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times Actually his wife Mera had that ability, not he. And she could do a lot more with it. She was like Green Lantern with water, but not as powerful. Wait, even if he had that ability, he would be perpetuating the pattern you gave. Rats. Keith "I mean, Sea Rats!" Curtis
  12. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times Lamest Superheroes: Captain Marvel Jr. (Freddy Freeman) Professor Xavier Niles Caulder Donald Blake ... what? oh. Keith "never mind" Curtis
  13. Re: Character: Sam Vimes Footnotes are one of my favorite Pratchett devices. Keith "slowly converting Susan, starting with the Amazing Maurice and then working into Wee Free Men*" Curtis ___________ *Crivens!
  14. Re: Character: Sam Vimes Language was difficult, since he doesn't seem to have 1 point (basic conversation) in any language other than Morporkian. He knows a few Berlitz-style phrases in several languages*, but not able to carry on a conversation, even in Dwarfish.** The CuK was supposed to represent an eclectic smattering of words and phrases. Much like I personally know words and phrases in Latin and Spanish, but only have 1 point in French. Keith "and it's a shaky point, at that' Curtis _________________ *"Please Chambermaid, where is my crossbow?" **Dwarves and Dwarvish are Tolkein-inspired. Pratchett embraces the traditional f.
  15. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times I can't believe Matter-Eater Lad is on this list. Tenzil Kem is the coolest Legionnaire, ever. Oh, and everyone knows that Streaky's powers came from Kryptonite-X, not white kryptonite, which only kills plant life. Keith "we, uh, we did all know that, right?" Curtis
  16. Re: How many Dragon's teeth adorn YOUR shield? We had a FH group that probably averaged around 220 points, including xp. There were about 8-10 of us, including significant NPCs . We met a dragon on a mountain pass. The GM used... tactics. The dragon wasn't stupid. We got our keisters handed to us. Luckily the dragon only wanted to capture one of us. Two of the characters got toasted, one mortally so (if not for some low grade healing magic). I was playing two of the characters. Guess which ones got snatched and and crisped? Keith "did you guess?" Curtis
  17. Re: Character: Sam Vimes Sorry. I have edited. Keith "caught up in the moment" Curtis
  18. Sam Vimes is the main character in a number of Discworld books by Terry Pratchett, most notably those featuring the Watch. He is the Commander of the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork. He is a deeply conflicted man who rose from the meanest of beginnings as a punk street gang member to become one of the richest, most powerful men in the richest, most powerful city on Discworld. Despite all of the material success and titles that have been thrust upon him, he despises the trappings of class and privilege and remains at heart, a copper. Work in Progress. I haven't filled out any of the background fields yet, but would appreciate some feedback. I finally decided to only cherry pick his foremost psych lims, since he has a boat load. v3 Sam Vimes Val..Char...Cost 15...STR....5 13...DEX....9 15...CON....10 12...BODY...4 18...INT....8 18...EGO....16 20...PRE....10 10...COM....0 5....PD.....2 5....ED.....2 4....SPD....17 6....REC....0 30...END....0 28...STUN...0 8"..RUN....4 2"..SWIM...0 3"..LEAP...0 Characteristics Cost: 87 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Dirty Infighting 4 1) Block/Chin Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 2) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 25 STR to Disarm roll 5 3) Hoist 'n' Heave: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +20 STR to Throw 4 4) Kidney Blow: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6 +1 4 5) Low Blow: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND 4 6) Punch/Backhand: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5d6 Strike 3 7) Tackle: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 3d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove 5 8) Roundhouse/Two-Fisted Smash: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 7d6 Strike 3 9) Weapon Element: Blades, Clubs, Fist-Loads Martial Arts Cost: 36 Cost Skill 6 PS: Copper 15- Copper Skills 3 1) Criminology 13- 3 2) Deduction 13- 3 3) Interrogation 13- 3 4) Shadowing 13- 5 5) Security Systems 14- 3 6) Stealth 12- 5 7) Concealment 14- 5 8) Streetwise 14- 10 +2 with Copper Skills 9 CK: Ankh-Morpork 18- [Notes: Combined with his Bump of Direction (which requires paper thin soled boots), Vimes can navigate the city blindfolded. And has.] 5 CuK: Ankh-Morpork 15- 3 CuK: Assassin's Guild procedures and codes 13- 3 KS: Criminals of Ankh-Morpork 13- 2 KS: World Events 11- 3 Bureaucratics 13- [Notes: Vimes knows how the city government works, he just ignores it.] 1 High Society 8- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Oratory 13- 3 Combat Driving 12- 6 +2 with Dirty Fighting 10 +1 Overall 4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons 3 Tactics 13- 3 Climbing 12- 3 Lockpicking 12- 3 Paramedics 13- 3 Instructor 13- 2 KS: Swamp Dragons 11- 2 CuK: Various Discworld Races 11- [Notes: Vimes often picks out bits and pieces of words from ancient or foreign languages. The multi-species make-up of the Watch has introduced him to many foreign concepts as well. Although a self-describe speciesist, he sees nothing wrong in this. He hates all species (including humans) equally.] 1 Language: Dwarfish (basic conversation) [Notes: Actually less than basic conversation, but it's probably the foreign language he is most familiar with.] Skills Cost: 121 Cost Perk 7 Contact: Lord Havelock Vetinari (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own) 11- 11 Money: Filthy Rich 2 Reputation: Incorruptible cop who gets results (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6 1 Reputation: Often compared to Suffer-not-Injustice Vimes, a regicide (to Nobility) 8-, +1/+1d6 28 Fringe Benefit: Commander, Duke, Federal/National Police Powers, International Police Powers, Knight, Member of the Aristocracy/Higher Nobility [Notes: Although technically, his jurisdiction is Ankh Morpork, Vimes considers anything that annoys him to be his beat.] 10 Follower [Notes: This is an imp in a little box, registered to Insert-Name-Here, who nevertheless reminds Vimes of important events. Like 6 o'clock, when he msut read "Where's My Cow?" to Young Sam.] Perks Cost: 59 Cost Talent 2 Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); IIF (Paper-thin soled boots; -1/4) 6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) 3 Lightsleep 5 Resistance (5 points) 3 Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions Talents Cost: 19 Val Disadvantages 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima 15 Social Limitation: Public Identity with lots of enemies (Frequently, Major) 5 DNPC: Lady Sybil Deidre Olgivanna Vimes (née Ramkin), Duchess of Ankh 8- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) 15 DNPC: Young Sam 8- (Incompetent) 5 Enraged: When street justice seems like the only alternative (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14- [Notes: Vimes works hard to control "the beast", his personal sense of murderous outrage at injustice. To combat this, he invokes the Watchman, often symbolized by his shield. Although the conflict is always presented as precarious and difficult, the numbers here reflect the actual occurence of the rage. He rarely fails to keep the beast down.] 15 Hunted: Various enemies, until lately through the offices of the Guild of Assassins 11- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish) [Notes: Vimes has made many enemies. His clashes with the Guild of Assassins were frequent. Recently, the Guild has taken him off their list of acceptible targets. Whether they consider him too difficult to kill or simply envision a world without him to be less desirable than a world with him, he remains to be the second person ever to be awarded this honor. The first is, of course, Lord Vetinari.] 20 Psychological Limitation: Stubborn. Bear traps are less tenacious. (Very Common, Strong) 20 Psychological Limitation: Commitment to the Rule of Law (Common, Total) 20 Psychological Limitation: Commitment to Family (Common, Total) [Notes: A subset of this is must read "Where's My Cow?" to young Sam every night at six o'clock. No exceptions. None.] 5 Physical Limitation: Recovering Drunk (He wasn't rich enough to be an alcoholic) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) [Notes: In later books, this rarely features as a remote temptation. However, he refuses to touch alcohol.] 2 Lawfully granted point bonus Disadvantage Points: 122 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Total Character Cost: 322 Height:1.84 m Hair:Brown Weight:80.00 kg Eyes:Brown Appearance:Vimes is a robust man in his late forties or early fifties. He has a rough look about him that does not mesh at all well with the plumes and tights his Duke "job" sometimes requires him to wear. His entire bearing says, "copper". If he does not control it, he has a tendency to assume "the walk", the leisurely stroll of a policeman on the beat. This can be an embarrassment at formal gatherings. Personality:Sam Vimes is a study in contrasts. He hates privelege, yet relies upon it to do his job. He pursue the rule of law, but is willing to commit back alley tactics in the pursuit of justice. He is the city's most equal opportunity employer, but claims to be a speciesist. (He hates them all-including humans- indiscriminately). He was a drunk, but mostly to combat his natural state of knurd (which is so far the opposite of drunk that it comes out the other side into a state of unbearable sobriety.More than anything else, Sam Vimes is a Policeman. He believes firmly in the Rule of Law, though he has creative ideas on exactly what the Law is, where it comes from and how far its reach extends. He has arrested the Patrician (the city's dictator), and the opposing commanders in a major war.His biggest internal conflict comes from trying to control what he calls the Beast. His internal sense of outrage at all the injustices that make up the world is so overpowering that it threatens to consume him if he does not keep constant control over it. He bottles up this murderous anger, using his badge as a shield, only letting it off its tether when needed. Quote:"Just because someone's a member of an ethnic minority doesn't mean they're not a nasty small-minded little jerk..." Background:Sam Vimes was born in Ankh-Morpork in Cockbill Street, a neighborhood so poor that all they could afford was their pride. They might not have money to buy more than day-old bread and stale cheese, but you could eat it off a spotlessly clean floor by the gods. He had a misspent youth running with the street gang, the Cockbill Street Roaring Lads. He joined the City Night Watch somewhere around the age of 16 and has been a copper ever since. He rose in the ranks as the Night Watch fell from favor. The Thieves' Guild had taken over the policing of the city, and he was unable to stomach what the Watch had become. After 25 years, he had become a hopeless drunk. After Carrot Ironfoundersson came to the city, his fortunes began to turn around. The Watch were instrumental in defending the city from a Dragon. The newfound respect and sense of purpose revitalized him. From then on his fortunes have only improved, and vastly so. He met and eventually married the richest woman in Ankh-Morpork, the Lady Sybil Ramkin. The Watch slowly expanded both in numbers and diversity. He now commands a force of several hundred, including humans, drawfs, trolls, a golem, a zombie, gargoyles, a gnome, a werewolf, and against his strongest objections, a vampire. Due to his marriage and his frequent invaluable services to the city, he has risen to become one of it's foremost citizens. He is the Commander of the Watch, a duke, a knight, and reluctant ambassador. Despite all of this, he cannot believe his good fortune and sees himself as a member of the lower class he was born into. Powers/Tactics:Vimes grew up in the part of Ankh-Morpork second only to the Shades in its roughness. He learned to fight dirty in order to survive. To this day, he wins by not following the rules the opponent has laid out, and by anticipating his opponents plans. In this latter he is aided by his unflagging pessismism regarding human nature. He expects the worst of people and is seldom wrong. He also has a great knack for putting hmself in his opponent's shoes and looking at the situation from their perspective. He is known* to employ brass knuckles and coshes from time to time. Vimes is very dangerous in hand to hand combat and has even managed to kill a werewolf with his bare hands. ________________________________ *Well, not known, precisely, since those in a position to witness their use are usually unconscious or about to become so. Campaign Use:Vimes has a presence so large it threatens to intrude itself into any Discworld novel set within Ankh-Morpork. He is an incorruptible cop who sees the universe as his beat. It's hard not to use him. Keith "ooh. My first posted character" Curtis
  19. Re: Discworld HERO And the ever popular, "FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC" Keith "Kidby's Vimes does bear a striking resemblance..." Curtis
  20. Re: Discworld HERO Actually, there are tons of guilds. While reading a couple of the novels I came across several not mentioned already, so I turned to the font of all knowledge of pop culture: Wikipedia. Guilds of Ankh-Morpork Keith "VINI VIDI VETINARI" Curtis
  21. Re: Discworld HERO Thinking about it, Nac Mac Feegle would be expensive. They have kick-butt physical characteristics, super speed, invisibility (functionally), buckets of fighting skills, , reduced size, X-Dimensional travel, and the simultaneous perk of wealth and Pysch Lim: must steal, when not fighting or drinking. Keith "There can be only only one t'ousand!" Curtis
  22. Re: "Elevator Pitch" your campaign Paraphrased from the Savage Earth home page: What is the Savage Earth? The Savage Earth is a role-playing game using the Hero System rules. It is a setting of fabulous lost technology living alongside high magic and barbaric splendor. Where is the Savage Earth? The Savage Earth is our own planet in the distant future. Some great catastrophe has tipped the planet on its side, throwing the world into ecological chaos from which only now is civilization re-appearing. When is the Savage Earth? None know for sure, for all records were lost in the time of the Demon-Kings, when the world was ruled by beings of vast power and cruelty. The Demon-Kings are gone now, banished by the Prometheans, but their technology lives on. Who lives in the Savage Earth? Many different kinds of people. Humans, certainly, but the arts of the Demon-Kings gave speech and thought to animals, who are slowly becoming more human-like. Inanimate objects may also be imbued with motion and thought as well. Civilization is the province of the Adepts, people who have learned to control a smattering of demon King technology by studying the teachings of the Prometheans. The wilderness is a place of high danger, inhabited by hardy barbarian tribes. Why is there a web site for the Savage Earth? The Savage Earth is posted for the convenience of the players and GM. The information here is to be regarded as a worldbook. Currently there are two groups of players. The first is the original tabletop crew, the second is the on-line crew. The chronicles of the first may be read on the Chronicles page, the tales of the second may be read at The Savage Earth Forum. Anyone who wishes to run a campaign in the Savage Earth is welcome to do so. Keith "QED" Curtis
  23. Re: Discworld HERO How would you write up an Igor? Keith "marthter ith curiouth" Curtis
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