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Everything posted by keithcurtis

  1. Re: Heroes for HERO? I see Sylar's ability as a large VPP. He only gets to add slots when he does whatever he does with the brains. Claire should have some Unluck. If she didn't have regeneration, she'd be dead or mangled ten times over. I realize the audience needs to see her ability once in a while to remind them what she can do, but the number of mutilations she goes through is staggering. Keith "weird juxtaposition of images to have the cutest cast member go through the most horrific effects" Curtis
  2. Re: Order of the Stick I figure Miko's gotta be pretty rattled. That loss of confidence will count for a lot. Also, if her sword just happens to be a Holy Avenger (she was the top paladin), it's now just a sword. I think the Order can take her. I don't know about resurrecting Shojo. It happens in the strip, but feels wrong somehow. My guess is that there will be extenuating circumstances (like, no time before Xykon attacks). Keith "Not sure if there even is a +5 Holy Avenger in edition 3.5" Curtis
  3. Re: Conditional Reputations? Is never "never killed anyone" necessarily positive? I can think of any number of ways it could be used against him. "Stand back Heroman, or I'll shoot your girlfriend!" "Now, now Captain Villain, you and I both know you won't pull that trigger." "Curses!" Keith "He's gotta say, 'curses', 'cause he's Golden Age" Curtis
  4. Re: Heroes for HERO? Good write-up on Claire, but I question the need for a 20 Dex. I would think a 12 or 13 would be more than generous. Nikki is the one with superhuman reflexes. Keith "Liked her bonus disad" Curtis
  5. Re: Heroes for HERO? Why? I don't mean to be a pain, but why would anyone go to a thread that discusses a show if they didn't want to talk about or hear about the show? Heroes is the only show to my knowledge that does this. If you don't want to know about the show in advance, wait until you have seen the episodes before going to a thread that talks about them. If I don't want to know anything about a movie before I have seen it, I don't go to a thread that talks about it. I wait. It's like walking into a room where everyone is talking about what happened on a show last night, insinuating yourself into the conversation and then insisting that everyone whisper or talk about something else. If you don't want to know, don't look. I know we have these neat spoiler tags. They are useful in some situations, but it's a pain in the neck to read a thread that is littered with them in every other post. Susano asked for write-ups. Admittedly, he's on episode three, but he probably is not too worried about spoilers in his own thread if he's asking for write-ups. Gojira, this was not directed specifically at you. Please don't think I'm picking on you. It's just that I see this all the time in the main Heroes thread and I just can't understand it. Keith "Am I crazy?" Curtis
  6. Re: Chimpira's Art Dump Nothing to be afraid of posting there, Chimpira. Haven basically said all the nice things I was going to say. Very nice. The Dynamic linework more than makes up for any perceived lack of dynamic posing. Nice expressions! Keith "one of my weak points" Curtis
  7. Re: QuestionL Would you consider this unfair or rail roading? I would have set up the scenario so that there was a reasonable chance for the heroes to have averted the situation in the first place. Presenting it as a fait accompli and then not being willing to be creative with solutions is railroading. It might be the angsty thing your players like, but presenting an unavoidable situation without resolution is not a game. It's improv theater. Keith "YMMV" Curtis
  8. Re: If Marvel and DC really *do* collapse Won't work. You can't please everyone. Some people like the current mess, and reboots haven't solved anything yet. You'd get just as many people, if not more, complaining that "Character X was ruined in the re-boot". Keith "Buy what you like and let the market work it out" Curtis
  9. Re: Swallowing a Man Whole I wasn't against modeling it. I just didn't think it was something a character needed to pay points for. To use the example above, slamming shipping containers down on someone probably is modeled as an entangle, for combat purposes. But the character shouldn't pay for the ability. Keith "That's the way I'd run it, anyway" Curtis
  10. Re: Swallowing a Man Whole I suppose you might feel compelled to model this, simply so the characters can react to it, but I don't know if I'd make a creature who happens to be larger than a human pay points for the ability. It just is.Otherwise, why not have ALL characters buy it? A human might be able to swallow a pixie. Keith "for certain values of pixie" Curtis
  11. Re: Flash Gordon Series News I don't remember communication, but I definitely remember him watching Hitler on a video screen and referring to him as "my friend". If the scene wasn't used on Saturday morning, maybe it was restored when they folded the "best parts" into the two hour primetime TV movie. Keith "Remembers thinking it was cool that Hawkmen died" Curtis
  12. Re: The new face of Iron Man Well it can't be the real shield, 'cause it's all busted up an' stuff. Keith "should be tougher than any armor Stark can make" Curtis
  13. Re: Plucking Out Eyes Yeah Hit Locations and Disabling, but I'd modify that by genre. In some games, I feel that an eye pop is extreme, for instance, four color supers, or some kinds of High Romance Adventure. I'd never pop out Tarzan's eye, for instance. In that case, I'd go for a temporary blinding caused by swelling. ("My man's cut, my man's bleedin'!") I'd reserve true ocular removal for gruesome or gritty stories ("Out, vile jelly!") On the other hand for a bloody Hong Kong Theater Secret Move, I could see it as a power. Keith "kudos to quote spotters" Curtis
  14. Re: The new face of Iron Man Red flag! Red flag! BS detector going off! Keith "I can't tell you how I know this because it's privileged information" Curtis
  15. Re: If Marvel and DC really *do* collapse "Trade PaperBack" A "graphic novel" format that reprints a particular run of a given comic. It's the reason why so many comic stories are planned for 6-8 issue arcs these days. Comics are periodicals and must be replaced month per month and either remaindered or put into inventory. Trade paperbacks can be ordered in smaller quantities, at need, and remain on the shelf until sold. They are "evergreen" products. That is, ones upon which the initial outlay has been made and hopefully recouped, and which can do nothing now but sit on the shelf and wait to be converted into money. Keith "verbose" Curtis
  16. Re: One Finger Hand Stand I'm very suspicious. Keith "But I'm a natural skeptic" Curtis
  17. Re: Flash Gordon Series News I actually liked the Filmation version better than the campy movie. Keith "But not Filmation's cheesy second series" Curtis
  18. Re: Sulfur hexafluoride in action Actually, a very quick perusal of a variety of sites indicates that this is not precisely the truth for gases. For example, monoatomic gases transmit sound faster than molecular gasses (Hydrogen is faster than breathing air, for example). Also, the density of the air has little to do with the speed, unlike most solids. Air under pressure does not conduct sound significantly faster or slower. The temperature and the composition have a lot more to do with it. I admit that most of the math I found was beyond me, but that's what five minutes of research turned up. Keith "live and learn" Curtis
  19. Re: Discworld HERO Respect? Or fear? Keith "We need to see more of Chief Priest Ridcully" Curtis
  20. Re: Parasite/Rogue Effect If it's a villain, it just happens. I'm perfectly fine with plot devices as NPCs. For Heroes, I'd go with a suppress/vpp combination, after exhausting myself trying to convince the player to choose another concept. Keith "Mister Simple" Curtis
  21. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times Just consulted Wikipedia. Golden Age Aquaman had super strength and communicated with sea life like porpoises by "speaking their language". He was also fully human, the son of a scientist who found the ruins of (presumably) Atlantis, and raised his son underwater. All sorts of scientific secrets were used to give him his abilities. Silver Age eventually developed telepathy, had normal strength and a half-Atlantean origin. Keith "Thank you, O Wiki Oracle" Curtis
  22. Re: Discworld HERO You're just traveling down the other trouser leg of time... Keith "assuming mutual definition of soda, again" Curtis
  23. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times From reading the old Aquaman stories as a kid, and the cartoon, all I remember is breathing underwater, swimming really, really fast, and commanding and talking to sealife. Most of his stories (like so much silver age - I can't really speak to golden age, since at the time I had no way of knowing what was new and what was a reprint), revolved around creatively solving problems using sea life. He was gimmicky. Keith "impressions and experience only, no claims are made to scholarly research" Curtis
  24. Re: Discworld HERO There are tons of witches. From Wikipedia: 1 The Lancre Coven 1.1 Esmeralda Weatherwax 1.2 Gytha Ogg 1.3 Magrat Garlick 1.4 Agnes Nitt 2 Tiffany Aching 3 Other Witches 3.1 Sarah 'Granny' Aching 3.2 Gammer Beavis 3.3 Gwinifer "Old Mother" Blackcap 3.4 Aliss Demurrage 3.5 Old Mother Dismass 3.6 Mrs Letice Earwig 3.7 Hilta Goatfounder 3.8 Erzulie Gogol 3.9 Petulia Gristle 3.10 Ammeline 'Goodie' Hamstring 3.11 Annagramma Hawkin 3.12 Dimmity Hubbub 3.13 Miss Level 3.14 Miss Tick 3.15 Diamanda Tockley 3.16 Eumenides Treason 3.17 Lucy Warbeck 3.18 Alison Weatherwax 4 Fairy godmothers 4.1 Desiderata Hollow 4.2 Lily Weatherwax Keith "Wikipedia - Source of all pop culture knowledge" Curtis
  25. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times
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