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Posts posted by megaplayboy

  1. 23 hours ago, archer said:


    While you might be correct, I defy you to give me the reading on a thermostat from 101,000 years ago at 2 pm.

    Sadly, modern global temperature recordings only go back to 1850, though you can get temperature recordings from England and parts of Europe as far back as 1657.  


  2. I don't really envision the setting as being that grim and bleak.  The heroes are overwhelmingly likely to succeed eventually.  There may be some early indicia of success, like preventing a nearby star from blinking out.  And the simple miraculous appearance of superpowered beings is likely to instill a greater belief that a "miracle" will save humanity.  

    In terms of resource allocation, I expect that for the first decade or two preceding the start of the campaign, the spending is in the "black box budget" territory, a few tens of billions a year.  When the crisis becomes more public, the funding will be increased to trillions per year.  

  3. I think that a large portion of the public won't take it seriously until the end is fairly near(when the Andromeda Galaxy blinks out of existence, e.g.), and the government will be trying to pump up optimism and hopefulness to keep the economy and fabric of society from collapsing.  It may be part of the early storyline that the heroes have to show some signs of small success in order to stave off global depression(in the emotional sense).  

  4. 5 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    Given the premise of your world, what would the focus of stories/campaigns be? What would the supers have to contribute beyond what the researchers have found or can find?


    Traditional conflicts between superhumans won't seem very important if the world has only five years left to live. Unless there are supervillains who embrace nihilistic anarchy, and the heroes have to put them down.

    I think it would emerge that the underlying problem could only be addressed by superhumans.  I think the world at large would be aware of some kind of crisis but not fully cognizant that the end was near.  I expect that there would be some opportunistic villainy.  The culmination of the effort might be to seek to "reboot" the universe the way comic book companies reboot comic book universes.  

  5. So, whilst navel-gazing about the nature of reality, I hit upon a really weird campaign premise.

    Basically, around 2025 or so, quantum computers have developed sufficiently that they can predict future natural events(like weather forecasting 2 weeks in advance, astronomical phenomena, and so forth).  One day, a quantum computer projects that a distant galaxy, a billion or so light years away, will simply blink out of existence suddenly.  Scientists don't know what to make of this prediction, until it actually happens one day in 2030.  Some further disappearances of distant galaxies begin to cause a quiet panic in the scientific and expert community.  It appears that reality/existence is falling apart and, based on calculations, the Earth itself will cease to be within about 25 years.  

    Multiple major countries begin to work on funding research projects to try to understand what is happening better and try to find ways to avert or reverse this cataclysm.  It involves experts from both predictable fields and from unexpected ones(comic book writers, for instance).  Eventually, counting national, private and collaborative projects, about a baker's dozen of huge megaprojects are underway around the world, and after 2 decades of steady work, one of the results is the appearance of superhumans and superhuman beings.  Somehow they are the key to reversing premature onset entropy or POE as the crisis is called.  But they only have five years...



  6. 29 minutes ago, Starlord said:

    Not for me.  I'll still be waiting for the debate when he has to think on his feet, not read a well-written, well-rehearsed speech.  Though, I'll still be voting for him regardless.

    Senile people can't be "well-rehearsed" and they can't hit all the nonverbal "marks" for a speech like that.  

    I think he will handle Trump in short order at the debates.  In fact, he may do so well, and Trump so poorly, in the first debate, that there may not be a 2nd or 3rd debate.

  7. 5 hours ago, Badger said:

    I am staying clear of the conventions. They end up as basically pep rallies. 


    And I hated those things in high school, and being forced to attend them.

    Different this year, a bit.  Being virtual means they have to have a condensed,  cohesive message every night.  Crammed into two hours.  It's like a cross between a very slick infomercial and a sincere pledge drive by your local PBS station.   Better than it sounds.   No endless chatter by news anchors during down time.

  8. 11 minutes ago, ScottishFox said:

    Well, in the possibly good news bucket I was skimming data on covidtracking.com and noticed something.


    The cases are going way up - which has been highly publicized.


    The number of daily fatalities continues to drop.  This isn't getting any media attention that I've noticed and I watch way too much media.


    Given the case load starts to really accelerate after June 10th we should have seen a pretty big bump up in fatalities by now.  We'll see how it goes, but maybe this is testing becoming more broadly available and not indicative of a massive surge in fatalities coming up.




    In the second chart we do see a bump in hospitalizations and fatalities around July 1st, but this makes me hopeful the worst is over.





    ICU hospitalizations reportedly lag positive test results by up to 3 weeks, so the uptick seems correlative here.  I'd expect to see an uptick in deaths no later than mid-July, this being the previous pattern.  If you are correct, any uptick might be subdued or reduced.  

  9. Noteworthy that subgenres and sub-sub-genres mean that something completely covered by a 3 point skill in one genre might expand to 300 points of options and special abilities in a sub-sub-genre.  That is one way to keep everyone from buying Combat Driving to 20 or less.  Give them lots of options that make it clear they won't have comprehensive mastery of all things automotive and driving related any time soon.

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