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Everything posted by ghost-angel

  1. I'd go with the Duplication example in FREd personally, XDM is for moving the body around, Duplication as they example builds it is a good way to move out of body.
  2. i didn't see it first time around either ... But, the first mechanic is the easier of the two by far. And can be limited by simply stating "For Rigellian's the penalty is a -4, for other races it is either impossible or at a larger negative to the roll." Of course, some people like to account for every little tiny detail with points, in which case your method is better.
  3. I personally feel the current method works with no problems. Of course, with the formula you mentioned I can see where people have problems using it. Took me a long time (years) to get my current group to use the following formula: (11+OCV+Modifiers)-Die Roll = DCV Hit. OCV is your OCV Modifiers is any modifers you know apply, like Range, Martial Maneuver adjustments, CSLs, Environmental penalties/bonuses, and so on. Any Modifiers you GM is appling to you that you don't know about he can tack strait onto the DCV Hit answer. DCV Hit is the DCV or less that you just tagged with your attack. This way you don't need the DCV of the enemy, the GM can keep that all sneaky and stuff and the player only needs what is written on their sheet. Say, they have an OCV of 7 with +2 CSL for OCV .. the formula is 11+7+2 = 20. they roll a 12. 20 - 12 = 8. So the player can now say they hit a DCV of 8. If the GM has modifiers he can apply them, if he imposed a -2 to the characters OCV he simply subtracts 2 from the "DCV Hit" for a 6. If the GM subtracted 2 from the enemies DCV he does nothing to the characters "DCV Hit" just subtracts 2 from the DCV of the target and see if it is equal to or under the "DCV Hit" total. I find that formula works best for old and new player alike and prevents you from wanted/needed to rework the system to try and make it simpler. Dont go messing with the clunky 11+OCV-DCV thing, it makes for messy numbers and requires things that are not on a PCs character sheet for a player to deal with. I find the formula I mentioned above much more strait forward and simpler.
  4. Not off hand ... suppose I could make one, I'll add it to my list of things I'd like on my website. But here's a short list to start with: Where are they from? [can be important when interacting with the world] How was their Childhood? What are their Personality and Disposition like? What do they do for a living? Do they enjoy it or want a change? Why are you here? (ie, make them give an in character reason to be doing what the campaign is centered around - adventure, crimefighting, whatever.) This is probably the most important character concept question I ask myself as it is the general motivation for any character to fall in step with a group. Hope that's a start down the right path.
  5. Re: Re: Simple solutions to try first I saved up enough points for one of those, but ... my Orbital Doomsday Device has yet to arrive .. I got the points from my Experience Plus Visa, it said 6-8 weeks for delivery but, honest now, who has time to wait that long to blow up the planet? to comment on the above .. we never throw out the rules wholesale, but if the dramatics of a scene would be ruined by sticking to the rules we tend to ignore them favoring story and plot over The Numbers.
  6. In this case where you bought both the MS and the Normal Teleport inside a MultiPower to simulate going really far and really close I think it would be reasonable for your GM to say you can teleport to the distances that gap between where the Normal stops and the MegaScale starts. It seems fair to be honest. This goes under the category of "Story supercedes Rules".
  7. Re: fully scalable megascale The Fully Scalable MS is ON TOP OF normal MegaScale, not instead of. So to MegaScale to 1km and make it able to go back to 2m (1Hex) it's a +3/4 Advantage. the +1/2 Fully Scalable is an Adder to MegaScale that would allow you to go from the level you purchased MegaScale to all the way back to 1Hex = 1Hex. I hope that makes better sense. I completely agree with your simple solution BTW, discuss it with your GM and group and agree on a fair point cost.
  8. Base is the Base Skill Roll as defined by 9+(Char/5) +1 is just that, +1 one to the roll. Example: Breakfall is a 3 for base/2 for+1 Agility Skill. You have a DEX of 15 so your Base Roll is 9+(15/5) = 9 +3 = 12 for 3 pts. Now you want a better than 12- chance for your Breakfall so you buy a few levels, say two levels, which is 4pts (2pts per level) and gives you a +2, now your roll is 14- (12+2 = 14). that help?
  9. Yes, the catch is it only goes down to the smallest level of Megascale of 1" = 1km. Once megascaled you cannot take it below the 1km level anymore. Here's a thought though: +1/2 - Fully Scalable Megscale, for an additional +1/2 a character can scale a Megascaled power from 2m to the highest purchased value. A megascale purchased to 1,000km is a +1 or +1 1/4 with Scalable or +1 1/2 for Fully Scalable. Is an idea at least. In Hero - Everything Can Be Fixed.
  10. The transporter problem can be solved with a few more points involved .. place the power inside a Multipower, the first slot is the Megascaled Teleport, the second slot is the same level of teleport (80" in your example) without Megascale applied. Voila, you can transport someone 1" or 800,000 KM depending on which button you hit. As for the Variable Advantage the advantage itself states that you should probably predefine which advantages can be taken by the power to fit within the special effects and GM caveat. The system is Open Ended by nature and expects you as the player and GM to limit it according to your needs.
  11. We run both one shots and ongoing campaigns.. for the ongoing there are two major ones, one designed to be episodic in nature, the other very connected and intricate. The episodic one is open ended, has no real overall plot beyond it tends to take place in one city. All story lines affect each other, at one point all the supers in the city disappeared, currently most of them are still gone. But it has no overall plot idea behind it. This was designed to have a rotating set of players so ppl could jump in/out as they have time to game. The other one had a begining, has an ending but is open as to when the ending will occur. this one has a set number of players and if one of them can't make it we usually put it on hold (occasionally we have gone on since not every plot line needs every player). Currently the players are racing to actually prevent or at least delay the end of the campaign - which is the apocalypse. Of course, that ending may not end the campaign, just force another goal in mind.
  12. Re: remember the first rule of hero What he said! I agree completely, the names are only helpers in the right direction... Roleplayed properly someone who's taken a bucket of STUN (enough to CON STUN them) is effectively in The Land Of Pain and spending the next action regaining their senses and possibly finding Up again. If someone came along and healed up enough STUN before the CON STUNned characters next action as heals all their STUN up I'd probably let them go about business as normal on their next phase. part of STUN really is how much pain you're coping with. Barring that whole idea the EGO roll bit is a great way to go and best simulates the mental resolve to ignore the pain and keep moving (very heroic). edit: Oh yeah, forgot - the Anita Blake series is pretty cool, but kind of drops off and gets a bit boring around Obsidian Butterfly and the books after that. I definately preffered the first few books over the last few.
  13. I'll preface this bit by stating I'm not German, and I don't speak the language fluently by any means. I can't even hold a short conversation to be honest .. well - not yet My understanding of Unaufhaltsamme is that it isn't so much a physical "unstoppable" but a mental state of "unstoppable" .. a closer translation might be "Unmovable" versus "Relentless"... I'm not sure which form/concept of unstoppable was intended though. Of course, my problem with English is that everytime I go to learn another language I find too many options in English to translate the Non-English to and my brain trips up. The only language I've ever gotten down is French and that took ten years.
  14. That build would work just fine, it'd be a bit expensive and possibly hard to figure out point wise. But it works. It's probably the next easiest build to making the build SFX with Physical Disads attached to represent what happens when they're seperated.
  15. I couldn't see the site in question but from the description it didn't seem to be this: http://www.metalstorm.com their 36 barrel box fires 1 million rounds per minute. None of the metal storm weapons have moving parts - they use electronic firing mechanisms. The weapons stacks the rounds one behind the other when firing the first round is "pushed" which increases it's kinetic energy, making the first round out of the barrel the most lethal. To bad it doesn't hold 1 million rounds. A sustained minute of fire from that would scrap most things.
  16. Under Optional Rules for CSL p36 a character that has bought a CSL under the 8-pt level cannot apply CSL bought for ranged attacks to their DCV. So for those using the "better shot does not make you a better dodge" rules there you go. As for what I said ... it did not mention not using the MA. I would assume that anyone in combat will use their MA and their CSL. One of the rules as I understood it was that you cannot assign CSLs outside of your phase. That being the case if you are in combat and are using a MA of some form you can take your 3pt CSL and place it in either OCV or DCV and they stay applied unitl your next phase when you can reassign theml. The biggest difference I see to the 3 and 5 pt CSL is simply range of options... 3pt can be used for Karate while the 5pt can be used for Aikido, Karate and any other Melee (Hand-to-Hand fighting you can do). The idea being that once outside your phase you don't suddenly stop moving like your a martial artist .. cinematically I'd assume you'd be doing blocks, and sweeps and other "Martial Art Type Things" to keep from being hit.. also you have Abort actions you can default to that do not allow you to reassign CSL becuase you abort only to that Action (Dodge for example). Example: In your turn you will be performing an Offensive Strike, you have 4 CSL at the 3pt level for your MA. You assign 2 to OCV and 2 to DCV, so your final OCV bonus is +0 and final DCV bonus os +3... later you abort to a Martial Dodge which gives an additional +5, for a total of +8 DCV bonus (+1 from Offensive Strike, +2 from CSL, +5 from Martial Dodge). Or, if you do not Abort to a Martial Dodge but are simply attacked you still have a DCV bonus of +3... Now: If in your turn you perform an Offensive Strike, assign 2 of your 4 CSL to OCV but do *not* assign the other 2 of your 4 CSL then you do not get to later assign those 2 CSL to an Abort action if you take one, they are simply unused until your next phase. Next: Let's say you are closing in with an enemy, will reach them this Phase with a Full Move but have no actions left over to attack the enemy with, you decide to play it safe and take your 4 CSL and place them into DCV to simulate you are doing "dodging things" to prevent your attacker from smacking you with a Martial Maneuver... those DCV levels to nothing if the enemy decides to toss an EB into you since those DCV levels are for Martial Maneuvers, unless you Abort To a Martial Dodge, then you'd get a full +9 DCV because the CSL Levels were applied to a Martial Maneuver. This is, at least, how we have always handled martial arts... the idea being that since you can't reassign or reuse CSL until your next phase but you want to keep some DCV levels around just in case you need to abort to a Martial Dodge (you can make the player declare that 3pt CSL delcared as DCV are "put into" Martial Dodge and only apply if the player aborts to that maneuver). I realize my first post wasn't all that clear or as exhaustive as this post is, I was in a hurry this morning as I had to go buy lizard food. either way a CSL at the 3pt level for a specific MA only applies if a maneuver from that MA is used, regardless of it's assignment to OCV or DCV. At the 5pt. level if the CSL is declared as HtH CSL then it applies no matter what (under the optional rule it applies only to HtH attacks made against the player).
  17. "Nicht Aufzuhalten" is the closest you can come to Unstoppable .. literaly "Not Stoppable".
  18. schwererstein [Heavy Stone] Ok, it's silly but sounds imposing... right? Steinwand [stonewall] Unzerbrechlich [unbreakable] hrm.. I like that last one, I'll stop here.
  19. You assign skills levels on your phase, so you would put them in DCV on your turn, so you put the CSLs into DCV or OCV when you use your martial maneuvers (or even if you don't use any offensive maneuvers that phase). Your DCV will continue to be increased by the CSLs until your next phase vs Hand to Hand combat regardless of what the enemy is attacking you with - it's assumed you will still continue to use Kung Fu (or whatever your MA is) to defend yourself even if it's not a specific maneuver.. DCV is a factor of your ability to dodge, block and duck in conjunction with their inability to aim properly. On that note - if you used the CSL for OCV on your phase when you attacked they are NOT available for DCV until your next phase when you can reassign them.
  20. Says you back at ya. If I were your GM and I felt the need to set off a nuclear bomb it's because you needed to be dead, and you would die. I don't care what kind of uber forcefield/armor/damage reduction you had .. you'd vaporize. But, every GM is different. On that note, why is it ness. to define an atomic bomb at a game level? will it ever actually be used? A game system has a hard time quanitfiying something as vicious as an uncontrolled nuclear fission reaction. You get Blast Damage, Heat Damage, Shockwave Damage, Radiation Damage and because we know an A-Bomb will blast both ways, first out then in (or was it the other way around? I can't remember) some of that damage happens twice.
  21. Build the Bandanaa (Nadir?) as a normal character like you would any other then add the following disadvantages: requires Animal (whatever it is) to function properly. [Physical Limitation: 25pts.] the "Animal/Bandanna" then becomes the "SFX" of the character and is appropriately treated as a Plot Development.. letting Story dictate how they interact and what happens when they seperate. If you can't tell from many of my other posts I do not let "rules" get in the way of a good plot. If the plot is good enough or looks fun enough the rules can be shifted to best work with the concept/story. I see gaming as a kind of "Real Time Writing Exercise" with multiple authors.
  22. the charaters (very high powered campaign): Dr. Faust - the gadgeteer, firey little redhead, also the groups "leader" as she has buckets of healing/AID so can come back from the inevitable damage she gets from standing in the front. Molly - speed/brick, and hyper senses. {the PC plays with us over the phone, or if his computer is working a VoIP connection} Koh Rin - time manipulation, the only one with any sense of restraint. [Newest in the group, and her character is showing signs of cracking..] Sarah - invisiblity, massive RKA. the ranged character. [from an earlier session and mostly unrelated: Sarah: "OK, I knock on the door, and when they open the door, I throw in the grenade...." GM: "Despite your best efforts, this is not a Warner Brothers cartoon." this was the groups plan after nearly an hour of planning to assault this one room.] The setup: The group is a dismension hopping outfit at this point bent on either saving their Earth or destroying it (if we can't have, can't no one have it). So far we've managed to stick to option 1. Demonic Hordes are invading. They end up in a dimension with no working tech (things tech just don't work at all). We have orc like creatures and werewolves on our side vs Demons on their side. We're trying to take their main citadel which has the gate they use to get to this dimension - we shut off the gate we win this dimension which was being used to manufature tech for use in other dimensions (tech doesn't work here, but can be made here). This dimension is essentially a weapons plant. The citabel is the classic "On the high point, one approach the backside overlooks the sea" kind of thing. We need seige weapons, but have no time to build them. We do have Rocs, but no rocks (ha!) .. this happens: GM, beginning the evening's adventure in the dimension with no tech: "Blackmane pulls up the map on her computer screen..." Sarah's PC: "And we beat the GM to death." GM: "No, she's pretty much doing it on a piece of sand." Sarah's PC: "A piece of sand?" GM: "Yes, a piece of sand..." Koh's PC: "Just one? A very small one?" GM: "I give up!" [should have been a sign of things to come] later: GM as Blackmane [Werewolf Pack Leader]: "This is the main citadel, we're not sure what's there..." Koh Rin: "Tofu!" Blackmane: "Um... yes, there might be tofu. This is the sea citadel..." Molly's PC: "As opposed to the Double D citadel" GM: "I'm going to kill you all." [he makes a good effort..] later still: We know Demons eat raw meat, we have cows on hand .. someone suggests using them as bombs, drop cow and the large animal may take out a demon and the others (some demons being stupid) will start eating the meat in a blood frenzy. at some point: Sarah's PC: "Flaming F*cking Cows." .. downhill from here. Now we decide to light them on fire, and bless them (Dr. Faust is a religious type and demons burn when holy objects touch them). then: Koh: "We can slit their throats first so we don't feel guilty about causing the cows pain when we drop them." Dr. Faust: "Then they would be quieter." Koh: "Yeah! Stealth cows!" -- Proving to the GM that at times the game is in fact a Warner Bros. Cartoon. We won the battle. Other points of note from that series of sessions: Regarding the plan to fly in on rocs for an arial invasion: Molly: "OK, get me a big bird." Dr. Fausts PC: *giggle* Koh's PC: Looks at Kait - *giggle* "OK, now I'm picturing this big yellow bird out of Sesame Street..." Dr. Faust's PC: *busts up laughing* The group is half women and half men. By some random fluke this game had all female PCs.. this almost never happens.
  23. that sounds about right. -- On another note: The reason that you add "Affects Desol" to an Atomic Bomb is because if your GM is actually dropping one one you he wants to MAKE SURE YOU DIE. By the time the campaign reaches the point where a GM drops an A-Bomb, or any other nuclear weapon, on the PCs they want to end the game and start over.
  24. ah, so Improperly Broken refers to bad type setting and line breaks. gotcha. the misconstructed powers are Properly Broken. I get it.
  25. The standard Ablative has the activation roll. There's an option where the defense power start losing bits (5 AP) as BDY gets through. We usually use the second option since it more realistically portrays armor getting weakened
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