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Everything posted by StGrimblefig

  1. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game You are correct -- my bad. I went to Croatoa a couple of nights ago to refresh my memory. Sure enough, the place I was thinking of is just a park that happens to have a lot of ghosts hanging around, and no day job icon showed up.
  2. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I think Croatoa also has some graveyards.
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS POWERS: What Do *You* Want To See? Perhaps an appendix on the theory and practice of creating Talents (and maybe even Knacks), with examples.
  4. Re: Power that does less damage the larger the area I could almost make a case for using a normal (i.e. non-AoE) Blast, and merely Spreading the attack when desired (6E2 49-50).
  5. Re: The Singularity? Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. If or when the technological singularity occurs, from most people's perspective we will have entered an age of magic. It is only an horrific step sideways to Cthulhu.
  6. Re: The Singularity? Great Cthulhu demands another barber! . . . and some mustard!
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares One that came to me in the shower, after watching too many kid's cartoons (w/ my 4-year-old): Special Agent OSO meets Dethklok Paw Pilot: "Three special steps, That's what you need." Nathan Explosion: "Three special steps, then get ready to BLEED."
  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I also have been playing 5 years. My main Hero is St.Grimblefig, a lvl 50 Magic Defender. My main villain is a lvl 45 Magic Mastermind, Lord Grimblefig, who was created as a dark reflection of the hero in an accident involving a powerful magic mirror, the Circle of Thorns and an attack by St.G (I am still trying to figure out how to build this mission arc in the Architect system).
  9. Re: Wold Newton Just watch out that he doesn't become the progenitor of his own line... that would be "bad."
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Depp would be great as Johnny -- you remember, he was the one that, when handed a report andasked what he made of it, said, "I can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl!" He would play it a bit more dark, of course, but then it IS a Tim Burton movie.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ben 10: Alien Nation
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Or Touched By An Angel:Special Victims Unit
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares No wonder this character was such a puzzle, with a name like Sue Dooku.
  14. Re: New Model of the Universe Says Past Crystallizes out of the Future This doesn't seem to fit into the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum theory (as far as I understand it, anyway). Of course, making analogous models of things about which we cannot currently perform proper experiments is easy and fun. But they cannot all be correct, can they?
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The side that wins, of course. "The Empire was corrupt and had no honor! They deserved to perish! *I* would have killed Darth Vader, though."
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Heracles and Caerus go to White Castle
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Sisterhood of the Traveling Wilburys
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Man Who Would Be King Kong
  19. Re: Free Sci Fi settings? Not to mention Star Hero Fandom. Oh, I guess I just did.
  20. Re: An interesting alternate to HAP? Here is my attempt: KARMA Cards It generates 4 cards, each 5x5, for a total of 100 unique permutations of a 3d6 roll. The javascript is in the html file, so just "show source" if you are interested in that kind of thing. It has a bug, though -- occasionally, it will come up with a cell listed as "undefined." I have not the time to debug that right now. It usually goes away if you reload. Perhaps you can use that as a "free space" or something. Oh, and thanks, Lemming. Your code helped jump start my thought processes. P.S. -- my 500th post! W00t! I am finally a full mem... wait... what, there isn't a member level any more? Aww tinsel!
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares No, it's just bad. IIRC, wasn't Godzilla recharged when he ran into high-tension lines in the movies? That would mean that Pikachu could do very little to hurt the big G. In fact, they could do a lot more damage if they worked together -- Pika being the healer for big G's tank, so to speak. Back on topic (sort of), who would play "World of Giant and Pocket Monsters" MMO?
  22. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Muchas danke, monsieur bunneh.
  23. Re: An interesting alternate to HAP? Interesting adaptations. I would like to see the code for your generator, Lemming. The problem, of course, is that the numbers at the ends of the range occur so seldom that it is going to be a looong time before the row or column they are in can be completed (a '3' for example, occurs once in 218 permutations), while other values occur so often that many rolls will not be able to cross off anything on the card. If you look at the example pages, they use a 5x5 grid (headed by K - A - R - M - A to maintain the BINGO analogue) and some numbers occur more than once in the grid. I assume that you can only mark off one square on the grid at a time, no matter how many times a value occurs. They also (in their usage example) show that a player is playing all 4 of the grids on the page, not just one (again, much like many BINGO games). As for generating your own grid; It might be more 'fair' to randomize 25 values out of the 218 element permutation space. You could even generate 4 grids at a time by randomizing 100 out of 218. I will think on this a bit...
  24. Re: Will Stronghold No mention of the Villain from the movie? Is she so easy to build that it is beneath mention? Okay, she is a pretty standard gadgeteer, although she is described as a technopath (and she did assemble a freeze ray pistol by waving her hand over it), so perhaps it should be based on mental characteristics somehow. Unlike many gadgeteers, however, she has pretty impressive social abilities.
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