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Everything posted by StGrimblefig

  1. Re: Traveller Hero I am sorry to bother anyone, but I sent an email on Oct 19th (via the "send an email" link on Shadowcat's profile), and I have yet to receive any details. Was that the wrong "off-list" contact method? If so, please advise as to a better method (and hopefully, that there are still some left).
  2. Re: Internet connection If you do a Detect, are you going to give a negative modifier to the PER roll based on the number of Google hits the question returns? Of course, that assumes that you are running the game with a computer at the table.
  3. Re: All Books In Warehouse: APG, Both 6th Ed I just checked the tracking number (from the Purchase Review page) and mine are now IN TRANSIT! Wow, they are already sending the post-GenCon online purchases. Bonus XP for you guys.
  4. Re: 6ths are out of Customs and on way to warehouse! Oh, I thought you were giving the power to the people, not to the base. My bad.
  5. Re: All Books In Warehouse: APG, Both 6th Ed Sweeeeeet!
  6. Re: 6ths are out of Customs and on way to warehouse! Cool beans! Oh, hey! Darren's news is great, too! Anyone else want some of these beans? They're cool...
  7. Re: Theory of Relativity is WRONG. Well, maybe. Let me ask this one thing: If one assumes that gravity affects light the same way it affects everything else, then what is the mass of a photon? Wouldn't that be a necessary component of any analysis of light/gravity interaction? The last I remember, the "rest mass" of a photon was determined to be an imaginary number. So, of course it behaves differently than planetary and stellar matter, because it has a very different mass than anything else. Of course, it has been a while since I looked into it, so things could have changed.
  8. Re: 6th Ed: Movement Would it be possible to just buy the Reduced endurance as "only for combat movement" with an appropriate reduction in the advantage? Depending on how much the GM thinks the END usage for non-combat speed will actually be limiting, it could be no change to the advantage, or it could go down to +1/4.
  9. Re: Campaign Guidelines Form? There is a Campaign Ground Rules Sheet in the 5th Ed Resource Kit, if that helps.
  10. Re: Brand new to HERO & finding my feet You might also want to check out the Links page of the Hero games website. There are lots of good resources out there, many of them created by forum regulars (which makes it easy to ask for a clarification if one is needed).
  11. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Is there a button on this forum to both add rep and report people at the same time? To quote the great Jack Benny: "Now cut that out!"
  12. Re: Essential resource Just another reason why you should always build your own lair, rather than buying used.
  13. Re: Traveller Hero Count me in! It is probably not something I should spend money on right now, but I am not going to let this pass me by again. rep for you, shadowcat!
  14. Re: Alterate Timeline: 9-11 Averted I tend to see 9-11 as one of those "nexus points" where our world and a multitude of game worlds intersect. In my vision of it, the attacks still happened. Some normal people did some heroic things. A lot of people still died. I could see one of the planes surviving, if a super happened to be on it at the time. This allows me to have the characters in a world a little closer to our own, although the existence of supers in the world would cause the response to the attacks to be quite different. Of course, all of this would have happened before the PCs start in the game, so it is not something for them to particularly anguish over. But, it shows the players that big, flashy supervillains are not the only ones to watch out for. So how did the terrorists avoid detection and defeat in a world filled with supers? First, the same way they avoided it in the real world. i.e. by not doing anything particularly illegal until the day of the attacks. Second, one of them has a super ability -- an area affect invisibility to all forms of clairsentience. This is not a very useful ability in most situations, but extremely useful for this particular group. You see, if they are not doing anything to attract the attention of any superheroes, and the FBI/CIA/NSA/whomever have not detained them, the only way for them to be detected would be with some form of clairsentience (or perhaps a large-area danger sense -- big red stopsign powers, in any case). Thoughts, questions, flames? I can take it.
  15. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet The tiger's might was brought low by a simple panda.
  16. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition D@mn the art! Full print ahead! Okay, maybe a little art is okay.
  17. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition The previous generation disapproves -- It is ready.
  18. Re: Black Holes Attack and Devour Stars from the Inside Why bother shooting them at the star? aim at the offending planet itself. Not only would it slowly eat away at the planet's core, if aimed properly, it would continue to "orbit" such that it would break the surface periodically, causing destruction and chaos in the process. Then as the black hole gained mass and the planet lost it, it might even eventually change the planet's orbit. Fun, huh?
  19. Re: Cartography of Non-Spherical Worlds There was a microgame wargame by Metagaming back in the 80's that was set on a toroidal (donut-shaped) asteroid with a black hole in the "hole." I cannot remember the name of the game, now. Of course, they just used a normal hex map and allowed movement off of any map edge to continue on the opposite edge, but still.
  20. Re: Traveller Hero I know how you feel. I blame Mongoose. They didn't HAVE to have an exclusive license in order to make their version (in fact, they don't -- SJG still sells GURPS Traveller books, but they are in an 'alternate timeline'). That is the one of the reasons that I did not and probably will not buy the new Traveller. I keep looking for TH, though.
  21. Re: The HERO System 6th Edition Here's a suggestion for 7th Edition: Embed a circuit card into the front & back covers which incorporates a GPS receiver, satellite phone transmitter and auto tweeting software. That way, the books can be periodically reporting their positions via twitter. Okay, maybe putting this in EVERY book is a bad idea. Just a few key ones, then. We do not want to fry the ship's crew with the massive outpouring of RF energy, now, do we?
  22. Re: APG Cover Preview It is a very nice looking cover. It almost looks like a crazy character sheet. So, when is someone (with more time and pdf/rtf/eps/etc. skill than I) going to make a HD export format that looks like this?
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