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Everything posted by StGrimblefig

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Repped. Mostly for the GandALF picture at the end.
  2. Re: Those Meddling Kids... Unless the Shaggy character were an NPC, and his being offed was a recurring gag -- like Kenny from South Park -- but then it wouldn't be a 'straight' Scooby Doo campaign.
  3. Re: Do I need a metaplot for Star Hero? The fun thing is that you can start a campaign with a fairly generic, open-ended meta-plot like "keeping our heads above water on a tramp freighter in the Empire," or "life in the big city planet," and then after playing for several months, find a way to tie together several previous adventures into a "behind the scenes" meta-plot. Then you get to present the players with a "Sixth Sense" moment where they realize what all of those adventures were "really" about.
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Courtesy of my 4-year old son: Star Shrek
  5. Re: Computer in a pair of contacts IIF seems like the right way to me. They will not be cheap in terms of CPs, but building them is not an issue. The fact that it is a computer can be treated as a special effect, unless the GM wants the player to be able to load and run software other than the functionality described above (which could prove difficult, given the form factor and lack of USB ports). You could put a limitation on those programs that require network access (items 2-4 above), to represent the fact that if they are unable to access the net, they are not useful. This may be absolutely necessary to allow the GM to prevent them from becoming a balance issue (i.e. using the old "Transporters are offline, cap'n" trope). One alternate implementation might be that the lenses themselves are just a display device and "dumb terminal," with the actual functionality existing "in the cloud" (to use the current buzzword). This could be done as a MP (using flexible slots) for all of the lens' functionality, representing the fact that each program requires a certain amount of bandwidth (i.e. AP) to run. My first impression was that they seem a lot like Ghost in the Shell's cyberbrains stuffed into a pair of contact lenses. If that is the case, perhaps Kazei 5 would be a good place to look for build inspiration.
  6. Re: How to build: Ghostbuster Gear (5e) Wasn't there an article in the HERO System Almanac a while back about spirits? IIRC it specifically had examples of this kind of equipment (with names changed to confuse the lawyer-bots). I will have to check when I get home tonight.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares How to Drain Your Tagon Vampires in Schlock Mercenary.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares anactor is to actor as anaerobic is to aerobic?
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Who is, sadly, not nearly as cool as the original Captain Iron Chef from Japan.
  10. Re: Total NEWB gushing over how amazing this forum is The key is to realize that it is not the spoon that you build, it is yourself. In fact, there is no spoon.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares How about Ghost ... in the Shell Where we find out more than we really wanted to about Major Kusanagi's relationship with Batou. Or maybe the Tachikomas and Batou.
  12. Re: New Electricity Damage Table Not to be too picky, but isn't it the amps that do the damage, not the volts?
  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Now if only they would let me change my powerset when I respec, so that I don't have to start over to have my Mastermind use the Demon Summoning power that he really should have had from the start.
  14. Re: Rules intention question because nobody complained about the hit location stun modifiers?
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares No, that would be Dances with Smurfs. This sounds more like a competitive thing but, back on the Avatar thing, how about The Last Smurfurai?
  16. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store So the Tailor is really just an alien Anthropologist, running an experiment on this planet of (semi-)intelligent primates?
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares It's Garry Shandling's List
  18. Re: There are three things I can never remember. They are...um...there are FOUR thin It seems like a question of higher memory versus lower memory. Higher memory includes those abstract things like names and dates and visual associations, while lower memory contains things like "muscle memory" and reactions. A lot of martial arts and other combat training involves repeating things over and over to get automatic actions/reactions to things without having to engage your higher brain functions. With this in mind, it would seem to me that the character in question (just like the Bourne character) would not be able to consciously initiate the use of the abilities in a fight, but once the fight started, training and muscle memory would take over without the need for conscious thought. This seems to me like an Activation roll at the beginning of the combat, or even almost like a Berserk/Enraged roll. The more I think about it, the more I think the Enraged roll is a better analogue. He is put under stress, and at some point he "snaps" and his training takes over.
  19. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Of course, the costume is more than just a mask. Removing the mask does not remove the costume. That being said, the question of whether the Secret ID is revealed by the super or by another is clearly a question of choice. Having been duly warned against revealing oneself as a part of the agreement with Icons, if the super chooses to do so, they have obviously chosen to abrogate that agreement.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares vs. Barney Calhoun (from Half-Life1/2/etc.)
  21. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model James Bond: Contacts (organization, good relationship) everybody on Earth named James
  22. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store
  23. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store If you go with the idea that the powers are granted by the costume (as in Greatest American Hero), how does one gain abilities over time (i.e. how do they spend experience points)? Do they have to go back to the tailor for 'alterations,' or is it just previously undiscovered abilities of the costume? Do they have to pay extra for the owner's manual?
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Behind enemy Drumlines
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