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Everything posted by StGrimblefig

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Wouldn't that be Twilight 2012?
  2. Re: Force Field that's not-so-much-uberpower
  3. Re: Laser launched rockets My impression from the video (s -- I watched a couple of the related ones in English as well) is that the laser is focused by the shape of the underside of the craft to superheat the air flowing through the vents in the body, causing a rapid expansion of that air that pushes against the body of the craft and produces the thrust. This presents the practical use of the craft with two major problems: 1) The craft is limited to use where the density of air is great enough to provide the necessary thrust. So, no orbital lifting. 2) the laser must be directly underneath the craft, and lined up properly, or it will at best produce unbalanced thrust, which would drive it further, or completely, out of alignment with the laser, and back into gravity's persistent embrace. So, no flying on windy days. Or near the jet stream, if you can even fly that high. It is an interesting technology, but it doesn't seem very useful.
  4. Re: TK Throws This is all well and good, but what about a pull ability?
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Phineas and the Brain Phineas: Brain, I know what we're going to do today! Brain: YES! We are going to take over the world! Phineas: Nah, I thought we'd -- hey where's Pinky?
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Apprentice: Jedi The Apprentice: Sith The Sith version is a lot more like the original, but the Jedi version will last a lot longer.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Special Agent Zoso: A stuffed bear helps children by singing Led Zeppelin songs.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mighty Morphin' Powerpuff Girls
  9. Re: My Champions Universe Timeline. Nice job -- rep for you. I like the way that the "classic" comic book characters are earlier in the timeline and later there are more of the CU characters. It seems fitting, somehow.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Opposed his nemeses, Perry, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and don't forget the Phintastic Four
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I logged on to the test server last night, and discovered that my dual pistol blaster had been bumped up to level 50, and had been given about 50 million influence! So, after spending half an hour leveling up from 6 to 50, I spent a while trying out all of my new powers.
  12. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Question: Why is the PDF download $29.99 in the HERO store, when it appears to be $19.95 everywhere else?
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares That could also be Champions: Voyager
  14. Re: 12-tick action speed system? Pattern Ghost used to have a decent example combat walkthrough posted here somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can find it now.
  15. Re: First Wave of Superhumans: How Long? In my setting, it is cyclic. A full cycle runs about 70-80 years, which includes an up cycle (when supers are possible) and a down cycle (when they are not). Nobody knows why this is, nor in fact, that there is a cycle at all. The most recent up cycle started in the mid-1930s and lasted until the mid-1970s. The PCs are new supers that are just coming into their powers at the beginning of the next up cycle. With this setting, I can include a lot of comic book history without it having much direct effect on the PCs. I can have them "discover" an abandoned base (it could have been either a hero's base or a villain's base) and claim it as their own (after they subdue and reprogram the security system, of course). They can encounter the supers that they read about in the comic books that they never knew were real, although those supers are now too old to resume their crimefighting careers. The PCs get to be the premier super hero team in the world, and they do not have to be cosmically powerful to do it.
  16. Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.? I do not have a direct analogue of SHIELD. I use the OSI, but they are more of an administrative liaison between the heroes and the government. More like a licensing agency, really.
  17. Re: Does your campaign world have a S.H.I.E.L.D.? Sounds more like Dr. Who than either. Although, to be fair, the Doctor that was more involved with UNIT was more of a James Bond than the others.
  18. Re: ?od latnemelE emiT a seod tahW :eR
  19. Re: What does a Time Elemental do? You have to be very careful about wording your commands to a time elemental. If you tell it to retrieve the maguffin that the heroes are escaping with, it is entirely plausible for it to blink out for a moment and hand it to you -- even though you can see it still in the heroes hands on your security cameras. They are more like time than like space, so their concept of when to do a thing is very different from yours.
  20. Re: Are single climate/habitat worlds really possible?
  21. Re: Anyone have a campeign guideline form JmOz, I know you already did your own , but just in case anyone else is interested... There is one in the 5th Ed Resource Kit, which is still available as a PDF if the store.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Courtesy of today's XKCD comic: Dirty Harry meets Rain Man (rather than copy the entire text of the comic, I provided a link)
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares This will not end well, but will have beautiful visuals.
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