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Everything posted by radioKAOS

  1. Re: Marvel's Best Martial Artists I'd like to see Shang Chi and Stick fight it out.
  2. Re: Multipower active points vs. reserve points: why? Agreed. Not positive about the variable lims for the pool cost. Seems good, but sounds like it could be abused somehow. Not that I'm sure how, or anything.
  3. Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build Very tough? like 1500pts tough? What point scale are you using?
  4. Re: Negative Experience lol, at first I thought your post was about your PLAYERS, not their CHARACTERS... Agreed with the people before me, negative XP is not the way to approach this. Use this as a beautiful role playing opportunity. The problem I think you may be having, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that you feel 'in game' consequences won't be enough to get your point across to these players. You feel that 'hurting them in the pocketbook' is the best way to get their attention.
  5. Re: Multipower active points vs. reserve points: why? So what about the option of having the AP capped, but allow usage of the pool as 'real points' as in a VPP? So a 60pt MP could allow for 2 [or more, really, if you had a LOT of lims] 60AP powers to be used at the same time, so long as the real cost is within the 60pts?
  6. Re: How complete is Sidekick? lmao, beautiful, rep ya if I could...
  7. Re: Why the "Big Release" Polls Are Flawed Post-Apocalyptic Hero is the one I would buy.
  8. Re: How complete is Sidekick? I'd go with the 5ER if possible. Granted it's a few bucks, and if you may not be playing it in the near future that may not be all that practical, but it far outweighs [pun intended] Sidekick. And it's worth the price.
  9. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Yeah, if Archangel doesn't trounce the lot of them, by himself!!! Of course, him being a Holy Being, and them being Vulnerable to Holy Attacks makes things a lot easier for our Hero
  10. Re: Marvel's Best Martial Artists Just saying, if he trained ole DD, he's got to be pretty good
  11. Re: Marvel's Best Martial Artists Wasn't there a guy who trained Daredevil named 'Stick' or something? Was he blind and had a staff?
  12. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Um, thanks. Sorry everyone for the late response, I had stopped coming by this thread because no one could get a word in edgewise about any other fights besides how strong Spidey is vs how much of a chump Firelord is. And wow, did you guys ever post quickly... Sorry, my point was that the fight was ridiculous because they stretched the bounds of reality too far, just as they did in the Firelord/Spidey fight. A little bit of bad writing to allow both Spidey and Wolvey to come out lookin' kool. I'm not of the school that thinks that way, and from what I remember in the book it seemed more like 'Spidey was distracted by his rage' and Wolverine somehow 'kept his cool' and snuck the fist up under Pete's chin. But regardless, it was good to see Spidey throw Wolvey out the window in the Avengers. I used to be until they made him super buff and gave him claws made of bone... ew. Oh yeah, I agree wholeheartedly.
  13. Re: CHILL - Sense the Unknown (how to in HERO) Agreed with having it as it's own detect/power. I believe that only the characters [and important NPCs] had the ability to Sense the Unknown. Normals couldn't, or am I wrong? It's been a while since I've had that book around... great game. Though I disagree that mechanice were a nightmare, I really liked the mechanics.
  14. Re: A Difficult Write-Up 10 Psychological Disadvantage: Must attempt to create 'powers' for everyday items. Common, Moderate 20 Psychological Disadvantage: Must attempt to utilize all options for any power construct, including, but not limited to: EDM, Desolidification, Transform, Summon, UAA, Indirect, etc, etc etc... Common, Total
  15. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Ok, so whether or not you think the 'OHOTMU' has anything to do with it, there is a reason they added the Karma rules into it. A character gains Karma by adventuring, and Spidey has had more than a few titles in his name for a long time now... lots of adventures, therefore lots of karma to spend! I'm sure Firelord doesn't spend as much time adventuring, you know, based soley on his comics appearances. Spidey spent a ton of Karma to take Firelord down, to be sure. Plus you know, Spidey is far cooler than Firelord, so he has to win, it's the Woverine Factor.
  16. Re: What was your first character like? First Fantasy Character was an Elf Ranger, eventually turned Cleric, level 14 in Palladium by the time we finished. Arion Valicor. The source of many epic adventures. First WoD Character was Markus Drake, Tremere, ended up being so evil he became the recurring villian for our WoD Campaigns for years to come. The character came right off the page, I ended up having to ask the Storyteller if I could spend Willpower to stop Markus from doing the things he would do. He said no. First Champions Character was The Ray. Light based flying Energy Projector based on the character of the same name. Favorite moment was when he was staying at the 'Genesis Mansion' under the tutelage of 'Prof. Genesis' and he joined 'Genesis Force.' There was a fight when Fatal [sabretooth] snuck into the Mansion to fight Deathstrike [Wolverine]. The Ray could become desold, so he hears the noises of battle, specifically hearing Fatal yell that he's going to rip out Deathstrike's guts and drink his blood... He gets out of bed, goes desolid and pokes his face out of the door asking "What's all this about blood and guts?" just as a spray of Deathstrike's blood came washing over the door.
  17. Re: Simplification of Combat Agreed. Though I do have to say it's a great justification for purchasing those new powers and or advantages for powers.
  18. Re: CHAR: Wonder Woman Ghandi: Give me a steak, medium-rare.
  19. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Um... Help?
  20. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Well not to slit our own throats here, but I thought you had something cooking up with the Crowns of Krimm...
  21. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Green Goblin. He beats Spidey all the time. Spidey held his own against the Surfer and laid the smacketh down upon the Firelord. Surfer has beaten Galactus. Galactus is brother to Death and Eternity. Green Goblin is in the same league as Death and Eternity, face facts. Wait... Surfer could beat Superman, eh? [Just use the power cosmic to transform Supe's costume into Kryptonite, the air into Kryptonite gas, etc... ] Then the Goblin could beat just about anyone in the DC Universe as well. And all of this power for what, <350pts? woohoo!
  22. Re: A Difficult Write-Up Well for MacGuyver...
  23. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Spiderman vs. Wolverine. Granted, Wolverine is the only Marvel character that can come close to the popularity of Spidey, but come on... Spidey had Wolvey up against a gravestone, and was pummeling him in the face with 'blur effect' super-pissed punches... breaking the gravestone I might add. While this is happening, Wolvey sneaks his hand up under Spidey's chin, "Snikt Bub", using only the outside 2 claws to prove he could have shanked Spidey right through the brain. So ok, Adacrapmium Skeleton [maybe Spidey's hand should have broken?] and healing factor [Healing 12 BOD/Turn I imagine...], but come on... Wolvey's brains would have been mush jingling around back and forth inside that skull of his... and Spidey's Sense should have alerted him to the attack! My guess is that it was the only way they could see fit to end the fight between these two characters without one of them getting killed and letting them both look 'tough' still...
  24. Re: THE ULTIMATE SPEEDSTER -- What Do *You* Want To See? More on the 'Vibrational'' type powers. How speedsters could possibly affect Sound or Light, perhaps through vibrational methods. Sounds like this will be a great book.
  25. Re: Death Owes Me a Favor Um, wow, interesting. I would think this would be a usable as attack version of a +X amount of Body with the 'Only to Prevent Death' Limitation. For the Global, add Megascale Area of Effect.
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