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Everything posted by radioKAOS

  1. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Don't give the QM ideas!!! Well seriously, there are lots of people/supers/whoever who would like to get their hands on one of those Crowns. Powerful they are.
  2. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Then it's time to gather all of them and then buy that EDM back to Heaven. You know, return them to the rightful owner, the big 'G.' And I don't mean Gabriel.
  3. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Which Crown would that be? The Silver Crown is already put away by 'The Order' DS has the Iron Crown. He will be mine.
  4. Re: Favorite Abuse A couple of interesting ones I've found recently.... +SPD w/ Charges. Fits certain concepts really well, is cheap as all get out, and more useful than you can shake a stick at. Per Steve Long: If a character buys extra SPD with Charges, he uses 1 Charge for every extra Phase he uses from the SPD-bought-as-Power. Which allows for this construct: 5 Time Stream Manipulators: +1 SPD (10 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1) Giving you 4 Turns in which you can have an additional point of speed. Next up: END Reserve with Charges. Interesting concept, like using up 'chunks of END' off of a source of mana or something. legal per 5ER p159: "If a character buys an Endurance Reserve with Charges, activating a Charge gives the character the defined amount of END that Pahse. If he doesn't use it all that Phase, the unused END "vanishes," depriving him of the ability to use it (he could use another Charge next Phase to get more, of course)." So this gives us constructs like this: 2 Quantum Singularity Power Source: Endurance Reserve (10 END, 0 REC) Reserve: , 250 Charges (+1) Assuming you don't need to use more than 10END in a Phase, you're golden. It will be a rare instance that you'll use more than 250 Charges in a day, and even so, according to the Charges Rules, anything above 250 Charges for this construct is a +1 anyhow... so up it all you want...
  5. Re: New Avengers I like that Peter threw Logan out the window.
  6. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver lol, well I'm sure there'll be none of that from Gabriel, but yeah, trash talking is a necessary and fun part of the game. We'll just have to see whether Gabriel can back his words or not. He means to anyhow.
  7. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Alas, poor Flicker, I knew him, Horatio... I am saddened that Gabriel wasn't around to see Flicker's final foray, and shall miss gaming with you Markus. As for the Angel getting overconfident... you must realize that one of his disads is a psych lim... "Believes he is sanctioned by God." I'm sure it won't be an easy match, and by far Gabriel is outgunned, no doubt, but being able to do double damage against him will certainly help sway things in my direction. Besides, being the underdog means that 'the force is with me' and soon that crit will be reality.
  8. Re: JEFFVERSE - Jeff T's name quest I can just see it now.... "What? there are SUPER POWERED BEINGS ON THIS PLANET?!?!" "Yes sir, it seems to be true." "HOW on Earth could we possibly have missed that???" "Seems to be an oversight, sir." "OVERSIGHT???"
  9. Re: predatory martial art Will you be buying HKA-Claws as a power? Some ideas: Eye Rake: Martial Flash Rend and Tear: Killing Attack Rip the Man Flesh: Offensive Strike Pounce: Charge [buy some superleap to make this really effective] Tail sweep: Legsweep [if he has a tail that is]
  10. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver We defeated you in our first encounter, demon. The power of the light and the way of the one true Lord shall overcome your pathetic attempts at godhood. A true angel has arrived and I will not be denied justice, even if I have to bring the full power of my vengeance down upon you. Run evil one, run and hide like your kind is wont to do. It will not help you, I am coming for you and the power of God is with me. Prepare to meet thy maker Midnight Angel.
  11. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver I think the three of us could have taken down Dark Seraph. As long as no one else was on his side of course.
  12. Re: Martial Arts, Weapons, STR, and HA's Q I would agree, except for the fact that no one seems to have mentioned Campaign DC Maxes when showcasing these ridiculous power constructs. That iis what would keep these powers in line.
  13. Re: Martial Arts, Weapons, STR, and HA's Q Of course, we must remember the Campaign Max DC limit, which in this case is 16. According the the rules on p404 5ER, that limits me to 5.333 Dice. [As a GM I might even handwave that to 6D6, for simplicity] I don't think that's all that game breaking, really. Once you take into account the Campaign limits [and rules for DCs of advantaged attacks] it works out nicely. So to look again at your famous construct Presti [Presented to Mr. Long many moons ago...] We take the HA, along with the advantages that affect how a target will take damage, and work out that 1D6 will equal 4 Damage Classes [21 Active]. So in truth, you could have this construct be viable in a 16DC Max game with up to 4D6 [from all sources combined]. If you were in a [much] higher point game with higher a DC max, you could certainly do more damage, though the full 16D6 damage you speak of would be equal to 64 Damage Classes.
  14. Re: Need help: Heat Metal Not to pick nits, but if the "Only on Metal" is only affecting the Damage Shield, then it's still usable as a Continuous, Uncontrolled RKA in other situations, no? In this instance, in order to make the power 'only usable on metal,' don't we need to apply that lim to the power itself instead? It automatically affects any 'naked advantages' when placed there. This way it is still usable as a "Continuous, Uncontrolled, only on metal RKA," [to attack metal objects themselves] and as the aforementioned "UAA Damage Shield" power. [Edit: Wait, do we now have to allow for "no range" to be added to the RKA???] RKA: 1d6 energy (heat); Continuous (+1); Uncontrolled (+1/2); Only on Metal (-1) No Range (-1/2);??? plus Damage Shield (+1/2); Usable As Attack: x1 mass (+1); Active 37 + 8 Real Points = 18 (or 15??) + 8 = 26
  15. Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver Sounds like you guys had a blast, hope it continues on next adventure!
  16. Re: Tactical Principals I agree it is poorly worded and can be confusing, unfortunately I am out of town atm, but I'll recheck when I get home. I do disagree with your reading of it at face value, but I'll check it out when I get home. I believe the idea is that you are committed to the Haymaker once you declare it.
  17. Re: Who Ya Gonna Call? (and How?) In a modern Superhero setting the police could easily send out a 10-code call 'requesting super-human backup' over the CB. Any hero with HRRH or the base could pick this up.
  18. Re: Interesting telekinesis situation. Zephyr should have created a diversion first. Put some innocents in danger and let the Heroes sort it out. It was a poor decision on the part of the GM.
  19. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Congrats Avengers! Looks like it will be a great game!
  20. Re: The Marvel Magnificent Seven (Avengers) Tis a good group.
  21. Re: The Marvel Magnificent Seven (Avengers) I'd go with: Captain America Thor Iron Man The Vision The Scarlet Witch Hawkeye WonderMan Now that's a line-up everyone can be afraid of. I mean respect.
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