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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. I tied to find a nice clear Apple but all I could find was this Rubik's cube
  2. spoil sport. but approved. and remember don't tell DocMan where they came from -- our secret
  3. You know what this thread needs... Starlord's Avatar...
  4. Bazza

    Got Grimoire?

    Boy aren't you lucky, I'm still waiting...
  5. what about The Ride of The Valkyries for Grond?
  6. Where do you think I got it from in the first place?
  7. radiant The red reminds me of radiant not crimson nor red. What about Radiant Storm? Radiant Rose Radiant Fury The Radiant Rediant (substitute "e" for "a") ok I'll stop now.
  8. Can I grab a copy? My GM will be sooo jealous
  9. Le Trésor Maudit by Some French guy
  10. That must be some library you have
  11. That sound's like what Dr Doom did to Ultron in Secret Wars, were you inspired from that comic?
  12. Has someone converted the Runes themselves to HERO?
  13. Demonsong, do you mind if I borrow some of that to help convince my "other game" group to give FH a look see?
  14. Bazza


    I'd be interested in that.
  15. You sound like someone who works in a FLGS 'cause mine spends a lot of time reading as well. But due to the cost of shipping to Aus ad the small size of the business, we get them in fornightly. *Fingers crossed* "2 weeks to go?"
  16. I found out yesterday that I may have to wait minimum of 3 weeks for my copy of FH to arrive. My FLGS receives its Diamond orders fortnightly and FH is not coming in next weekend with the shipment. On the bright side, I can do some exercise and weights so I can lift it when it does come.
  17. Amen to that. I'm about 6 issues behind reading Thor, funny that, eh?
  18. Bazza


    According to the sources I've read Quintessence was the 5th element. Is Quintessence equivalent to Ether? I forget.
  19. A time for reflection... Steve now that it is written, 17 months later after you posted that msg how do you feel now that the book is written and being distributed to FLGSs? What has been the best experience you've had when writing it? What is it about the fantasy genre that it is one of your favourites?
  20. Without D&D, there would be no RPG industry, thus no HERO Games thus no hero system. Think about it.
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