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Everything posted by tiger

  1. I found this image on this forum years ago. I was just wondering if anyone knew who the artist my be.
  2. I'm using summon to create a evil twin of a target. Because it make a evil twin that can attack the target or anyone else, would it be best to add usable as an attack?
  3. I've see a modified version of multiform before that was used to mimic her powers. Was expensive but a unique answer to the problem.
  4. Perhaps a strange questions, But is there a range limit on how close the power and the endurance reserve need to be. I mean if you have a Force Field working off a Endurance Reserve is the a limit to how far the two can be apart?
  5. Lets see 1) Champions 2) Fantasy Hero 3) Traveller Style Sci-Fi 4) Spies 5) Cops 6) Wild West 7 Star Trek STNG 8) Gamma Hero (Gamma World Theme) 9) Super Villain camapign 10) Warhammer 40k (Imperial Guard Squad) 11) Teen Heroes 12) justice Inc/Pulp Hero I think that's all of them
  6. Hey all Time to clear some shelve room. So I'm selling some old old Hero System material. Thought I'd mention it here before posting on Amazon or Ebay. Email or message me if you's like a list of the books
  7. Working on a spell that would allow the caster to make a bridge or a staircase out of the earth. Basically cast the spell and the earth will rise up and span a chasm or turn into a staircase to climb to a higher ledge. Thought about using going to use the advantages Usable by Others and Area Effect 2M to represent the width. Question: Thinking of using either Flight or Stretching Thought?
  8. Working on a spell that will allow the caster to form a bridge or staircase out of the earth. Instead of flight I was thinking of stretching useable by others..legal? Would addition to STR need to be added to represent the ability for multiple people to use the bridge or staircase? Thanks
  9. tiger

    Free Adventure

    Found a few errors in the original PDF, fixed them and uploaded a new version http://www.tigerseyemedia.com/tiger/Night%20of%20Knights.pdf
  10. I thought I would mention that the groups in each book in Villainy Codex series will be linked or should I say have a common thread. Villainy Codex Vol I deals with the conflict between mutant and non-mutant. So there is a anti-mutant group as well as a pro-mutant group. Villainy Codex Vol II - Arcana will center around magic and the villains given will be based around magic. Villainy Codex Vol III - Assassin's Ball will be centered around two groups thy can be hired to assassinate just about anyone. Others in the series will have a similiar design to them. Hope this clarifies thing for you
  11. One team are all mutants, not sure if that is what you mean of course. Another group uses the knights from the middle ages as a theme, though not all of them look like a knight. There are some mentions of the Champion's Universe, it is designed to be able to be put into anyone's campaign. Hope this helps
  12. Thanks for the input. I do apologize for the typos, thought I got them all. Fat fingers do cause problems at times I will remember you points on my next project so that it is better than the last. always want to improve. Will also re-edit Vol I and send it to Jason so that the individuals that did purchase it can be give a correct copy. Thanks again for the input
  13. tiger

    Free Adventure

    Made a new link to the adventure instead of a hidden URL..Figured it be easier and give a page for any other freebies I come up with http://www.tigerseyemedia.com/tiger/product.html
  14. tiger


    Hey All I updated my product page to show the next couple projects I plan on completing and thought I'd share for those who might be interested in knowing what's coming. http://www.tigerseyemedia.com/tiger/product.html Thanks
  15. Working on a character who will grab some one and them roll down the street, or whatever. This will make the person that she is rolling with dizzy. Figured the attack like this, but wasn't sure if it would be legal. Dizzing Roll: Let's Roll: Flight 25m, Position Shift, Combat Acceleration/Deceleration (+), No Turn Mode (+), Usable As Attack (+), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used (75 Active Points); Must Follow Grab (-). END 7 plus Dizzying Effect: Drain DEX 3d6 (standard effect: 9 points), Armor Piercing (+), Personal Immunity (+) (45 Active Points); Linked (Let's Roll; -). END 4
  16. tiger

    Free Adventure

    Hope you enjoy!
  17. tiger

    Free Adventure

    Hey All I've put up a free adventure on my website. It uses the situation and characters from my first Champions product Villain Codex Vol I. Anyone can of course use the adventure, your simply have to replace the agents and robot listed. Have Fun http://www.tigerseyemedia.com/tiger/Nights%20of%20Knights.pdf
  18. tiger


    Just what to say thank you to everyone who picked up one of my titles. I appreciate it very much and hope you enjoyed them Thanks again Greg
  19. Working on a character with a VPP that's she has no control over..basically a trigger that happens when someone comes within X inches and is attacking her. The question : she is attacked in a phase she acts but by someone with a higher speed.. When it's her turn to act would the VPP be considerd her action? Or would the NCC make it a seperate action and she would then have a action of her own as well? Not trying to get a free extra action, just seems that she would get one not " knowing" about the other power
  20. I've purchased this previously from their website. An awesome product, I highly recommend it!
  21. Yes it is, exciting and strange after playing all these years. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, hope people enjoy it as much as I did creating it.
  22. Seems a bit weird having your own product up for sale
  23. Hey Steve Working on a character that has a AOE that is always working. There will be one specific person that is immune to it. The question is buying personal immunity for another character legal or would be adding selective to the AOE with the Limited power limitation that selective one applies to character X need to be used?
  24. Is there a place to leave suggestions? Didn't see a link in the email.
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