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Everything posted by Greatwyrm

  1. Re: "Spell" Limitation in Grimoire Which spell do you mean exactly?
  2. Re: "Spell" Limitation in Grimoire I'm pretty sure you'll only find that on attack spells. Spell is a combination of can't be spread and can't be bounced , if I remember correctly. It should be explained a little better at the beginning of the magic section.
  3. Re: How do I create a warp field? Maybe some kind of movement power, usable as attack, AoE, no conscious control?
  4. Still thinking of myself as a newbie, I like throwing stuff like this out so you more experienced folks can tell me stupid things I've missed. So, here's an idea for a magic system I've been thinking on, kind of inspired by Rolemaster's spell lists. The basic idea is a skill based spell system. Each 3/2 skill gives you access to a list of 5 or 6 spells. As you buy more levels of the skill for the list, you gain access to more advanced spells. If you spent 3 points, you could use the most basic spell, 5 would give you the first and second spells, and so on. The guidelines for making lists would be the most basic spell has an AP limit of 10, with 10 more for each level. So, the second spell could be up to 20 AP and the sixth would be up to 60 AP. All spells need to be thematically related for the list, but not necessarily the same Power. The spell skills would have a base penalty of -1 per 10 AP. Every -1/4 in limitations offsets this penalty by 1, similarly to how PSLs work. There are the basics. If you have any mechanical suggestions or warnings, please speak up. I know it would be a lot of work to create all the spells ahead of time, but I'm not really worried about that. I like the idea of a skill based system. I also think this would be a good way to make some lists more common in some areas or to special schools.
  5. Re: New games setting from sanguine.com They've been around for a while. I remember picking up a copy of Ironclaw at GenCon the same year D&D 3e came out. 2000 I want to say. I've since sold my copy. Nice little game, just couldn't get any interest in my group. I'm pretty sure they've put out a revised edition since then.
  6. Re: Expending energy for effects... how would you? You don't have to use the power at full strength each time, do you? Can you build it to accommodate the maximum effect and then just spend as much as you want to power the healing?
  7. Re: Creating the power H to H Reflection
  8. Re: Full Attacks - a D&Dism in HERO Ah, just didn't see the connection.
  9. Re: Creating the power H to H Reflection
  10. For those not familiar, in D&D, higher level characters can make multiple melee attacks in a round, but only if they don't move (actually don't move more than 5', but that's not important here). In a Digital Hero article I stumbled across, it discusses using the rules in UMA to make new manuevers that anyone can use. All they have to do is total to 0 points. So, working with that idea and Naked Advantages, would you allow a manuever that let you use something like Autofire 5 (+1/2) on melee attacks, but only if you took a full phase action (-1/2) to do it (no movement)? If not, what would you change or would you scrap it all together?
  11. Re: Creating the power H to H Reflection I kinda expect stuff like that over in NGD, but here? Anyway, I don't think making it only in melee adds any power. I'm not suggesting using the same power for both ranged and melee attacks by adding a limitation.
  12. Re: Creating the power H to H Reflection Forgive me for not reading all of the other thread. How about buying Missle Reflection, but with the same -1/2 Hand-to-Hand attack limitation that is mandatory on HTH Attacks?
  13. Re: Monty Haul DnD vets: need your help for NPC villain team
  14. Re: Monty Haul DnD vets: need your help for NPC villain team You have to have the dark-elf, 2 scimitars, ranger. A half-orc assassin would be good. A wizard with a ridiculously powerful staff. A cleric with impenetrable defenses and craploads of healing magic.
  15. Re: The Incredibles -- WITH SPOILERS Oh, yeah, everbody loves to pick on us poor insurance people. Sometimes I wish we were as well respected as used car salesmen or medical malpractice lawyers.
  16. Re: "Essential" Graphic Novels / Trade Paperbacks Thanks for the tips, everybody. Looks like I've got some reading ahead of me.
  17. Re: A newb with a problem Which is another good thing to do. There really aren't a great many HERO players in my area (as far as I know). So a lot of my learning has been here on the boards. I've asked a number of questions like "if I build X like this, will it work like I think it will?" Most of the folks here are happy to help you grasp the finer points of how it all works or at least tell you where to look in the book.
  18. I would have put this in the HD section, but it seemed like that was more for questions and bug reports. Anyway, I downloaded v2 from the website a couple nights ago. I was able to install it, back it up, teach myself the program, make my first complete HERO character, and sample most of the export templates, all in under two hours. The folks who worked on this did a great job. It's a tremendously useful and easy to use tool.
  19. Re: A newb with a problem As a recent newbie myself, one big thing that will help is that you have to have a solid concept of what you want before you start throwing points around. This isn't like D&D, where you pick a class and then take one ability from column A and one from column B (not trashing D&D mind you). The HERO rules are kinda like Home Depot. If you know what you want to build before you try to buy stuff, you'll be okay. If you just walk in and start looking around, you'll find way too much crap to deal with.
  20. Okay, I admit I'm a little weird. I like superheroes. I like supers movies and cartoons. I just don't like comics all that much. It's really not even that I don't like comics, I just don't like having a single story spread over months or even years. I've recently discovered the wonderful world of graphic novels and trade paperback collections. So, what would you recommend I should pick up? I'm especially looking for stuff that's particularly representative of certain characters (e.g. If you only read one Captain America story, get this...) or stuff that's "groundbreaking" (which I'm led to believe The Watchmen is). I've already been sold on Batman: Dark Knight Returns and The Watchmen . Any other suggestions?
  21. Re: Animated Series Style Character Images I don't think that's a bad first attempt at all. Probably better than I could manage.
  22. Re: Exotic Methods for Executions? Well, you've got all the old standbys -- beheading, crucifixion, drowning, being eaten by things. In fantasy, you get the added bonus of magic. I'm sure a high wizard with unlimited resources at his disposal could come up with plenty of magical ways to kill people in a rude and exorbitant fashion. A spell to turn you into a pinata and let the local children beat you apart and eat the candy. A spell to just completely obliderate you. A spell that basically burns you at the stake, just much slower. (RKA 4d6, gradual effect - 1 point/5 min.) A spell that mind controls you to kill yourself by cutting yourself a part a little bit at a time.
  23. Re: Mystic "The's" TheQuestionMan could compel people to answer any question. The subject realizes they are being compelled to answer, but they may not realize they're still free to lie, if they choose to do so.
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