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Everything posted by Greatwyrm

  1. Greatwyrm


    Re: Movies I guess I'm the only one that actually liked Scorpion King? How about the Harry Potter franchise. I've seen a couple people tackle it in HERO. Definitely a no-go in D&D.
  2. Re: "Yor Momma" one liners needed Yo mama so fat, all of Bigby's hands couldn't keep her in one spot. Yo mama stink so bad, she makes ghasts cry. Yo mama so ugly, she coulda' been dead in second edition.
  3. Re: Generation Ship Campaigns Kaeto-B-KLN-1, please report to sector DED for re-education.
  4. Re: The Ultimate Brick, wacky examples? Why would you use casual strength for this? The 797 burns through a heck of a lot of fuel to move a load like that. It's not like it's just moving 360 metric tons of earth with the engine in idle. It's probably using most or all of its strength to do it.
  5. Re: A Neat little special effect... This is a pretty neat attack. I gotta remember this one. Anyway... Off the top of my head, I'm thinking of two ways to handle the FW part. You could do it linked probably. The thing with that is, if they manage to jump and break the wall, what happens to the rest of the explosion? The other way would be to make an advantage out of it. Not having my books with me, I'd probably give it the same value as NND, and the same limitations. After all, one of the normal defenses is to dive out of the way. If you had a NND attack and wanted to make it un-dive-for-cover-able, you'd essentially have to pay for the advantage twice (and double up on Does Body, too, if used). That's a nasty combo, so it should be expensive.
  6. Re: HERO for the GURPS gamer This was really the biggest thing that got me to go with HERO over GURPS. Some things in GURPS feel like bolted-on after thoughts (specifically Magic). HERO's internal consistancy was a big plus for me.
  7. Re: Redundant Internal Organs Damage Resistance or Damage Reduction, only vs. body damage. High levels of the Resistance skill (I think that's the one that helps you resist wounding effects). Lack of weakness.
  8. Re: Why play Fantasy Hero over other fantasy games?
  9. Re: Naming the Beasts I like to use a Latin translator and then fiddle with the results a bit. I find the latin word for the thing itself or something that describes it, and then mess with the spelling a bit or change a syllable here or there. It helps me come up with more realistic sounding names at least. They sound more like they're from a real language, because in a round-a-bout way, they are.
  10. Re: Social Limitation: Legacy I really like this. I think it would also provide a good motivation for second generation villains. Always trying to one-up their senior namesake. They might sprial more and more out of control as they try to come up with bigger and bigger crimes. "Oh, sure, you're evil kid. But let's be honest, your old man really knew how to cut a ransom demand." Also, this could be a good motivation to turn from good to evil in the first place. Kinda like how cops' and preachers' kids seem to cause the most trouble.
  11. Re: Should this be called Dark Champions?
  12. Re: Should this be called Dark Champions? I don't think either of those points are in question. Yep, he wrote it and owns the company. He could call it "The HERO Guide to Spam and Other Canned Meats" if he wanted to. Unfortunately, that title also fails to give a very clear idea of what's between the covers.
  13. Re: Dark Champions Campaigns I'm hoping to run a game similar to the Dark*Matter setting for TSR's old Alternity system. I'm trying to find ways to integrate it with some events from a Spycraft game I ran about a year ago, too. Maybe even have the group run into some of their old characters, who don't realize the "supernatural" department even exists in their organization.
  14. Re: Tell me a little about Champions? No, I'm sure you can still be on the volunteer payroll. I was hoping it was more of a tool book than a specific setting. Had I known before the order, I'd probably have added it to the list.
  15. Re: Tell me a little about Champions? Thanks all. I think I've got a pretty good handle on this. I wish I'd asked before I put in my order on the Half-Price-Damaged-Stuff sale in the online store.
  16. Re: Tell me a little about Champions? I'm talking about the most recent version of Champions, published after 5e HERO came out.
  17. Now the operative word here is "little." I know Champions is probably the main thing that got HERO rolling in the first place. I'm really coming around to the HERO system and I don't really need any point/counterpoint about how Game X isn't as good because... Here's my situation. Most of my regular gaming buddies don't like traditional superhero games. I've got some other ideas for games that probably border on supers, so I thought the 5e Champions book would be a good buy. Here are my questions. 1. Is this more of a toolkit book or more of a setting book? For example, would its function be closer to FantasyHERO or Turakian Age? 2. Assuming a toolkit, are there things in there that you have found to be useful in other genres?
  18. Re: ET phone home, but do they accept Collect Calls? The true test of intelligent, extra-terrestrial life is whether or not they want to talk to us. If they return our calls, they can't be that bright.
  19. Re: Selling people on Hero system when they're already inclined against it...? Let me start by saying I'm a big D&D/d20 fan, but I'm well aware of it's limitations. Ask them if they've ever wanted to play a balanced and playable fighter/mage. Ask them if they've ever wanted to make their own spells and be pretty darn sure of the power level without much guesswork. Ask them if they want their characters to be powerful because of their abilities or their accumulated treasure. Then hand them a copy of Sidekick and walk away for a few minutes.
  20. Re: Character Help: name for female powerd-armor Muslim heroine How about Iron Djinn? If she's quick and agile, maybe Dancing Scimitar.
  21. Re: Sell me the FH line I can't speak to the last two titles, but I never seriously considered running a FH game until I got FHG and MMM. I just don't have time to make everything from scratch. Not to say I'd use everything in those books as-is, but it's a lot easier to make small modifications to good work than to make it on your own.
  22. Re: Turakian Age with no Kal Turak True, but what's the point of being a contender if you never get a shot at the champ? Sooner or later, everybody wants that one fight, where they know they've bitten off more than they can chew, just to see if they can pull it off.
  23. I was thinking about how to write up some primitive weapons (bone, wood, flint, etc.) that could break if used too long. A regular weapon with Burnout seemed to be a good fit. I was wondering if there's any reason I shouldn't use the unmodified attack roll for the Burnout roll as well. I'm just trying not to have every melee attack require two die rolls.
  24. Re: Help with a power write up (Dancing Sword) How about building it as an Automaton? Slavishly loyal to whoever "owns" it. Then you could possibly add in martial arts or CSLs to reflect the sword's ability to fight on its own (possibly better than you).
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