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Everything posted by Greatwyrm

  1. Re: If magic cost full price... I have to agree with techriron here. Everything in HERO is easier if you start with the concept then look at the rules. Think about how you want magic to work in plain language before you even pick up FREd.
  2. Re: Super Monster-Hunters Need Your Help! I've been in the planning stages of a similar game. I was planning to start the characters off at 75+75. I liked what OneWingedAngel posted, too. If I ran it that way, I'd probably do a 100+100 game, with the limit that the characters can't start with more than 50 or 60 RP in powers. The reason I'd do it this way instead of just giving out 50 points for powers is so the characters could use some of the extra disadvantage points to come up with supernatural drawbacks that relate to their powers.
  3. Re: More cheese In a WoD LARP I was in for a while, "Lame" was vaild both as a negative physical trait and a negative social trait.
  4. Re: Disads for "Cheese Champions!" Social Lim: Nobody believes your character is a super hero. "Yeah, sure, Buddy. You're the Justice Deliveryman . Well, I'm AquaDude and this is Amazing Gal. By the way, nice outfit. Dork."
  5. Re: Disads for "Cheese Champions!" Psych Lim: May only enter buildings by bursting through walls or windows. Psych Lim: Must stop to smile for photo ops, even in combat.
  6. Re: Generation Ship Campaigns I guess I'll give it a shot. ----- GM: Okay, everybody got their characters? Al: Yep. I'm a farmer. Bob: Uh huh. I'm a mechanic. Chuck: Yes. I'm psionic and have an 18- in PS: Basketweaving. GM: Good, we're all set. Okay, here we go. You're all on the generation ship. You sit and stare at each other for 60 years. Nothing happens. Everybody take 3 xp. Bob: So, can I take "Life Support: able to sit for ridiculously long periods of time"? GM: No need. It's an "everyman" in this game.
  7. Re: Favorite game Cliche' --in my best Foghorn Leghorn voice-- I say, it's a joke, son. A joke. A little humor. Ha ha and all that. --/Foghorn Leghorn--
  8. Re: Favorite game Cliche' I've never seen a picture of Doc Savage with a shirt intact. I figured he just bought 'em all torn up, kinda like how teenagers buy jeans.
  9. Re: Generation Ship Campaigns You could to it Planet of the Apes style. The generation ship goes out. Some problem happens and the AI at the helm decides to return home. Over the several hundred years they've been out, either all civilization has destroyed itself or been conquered. The ship arrives home. None of the colonists realize that it's actually the same world their ancestors left X hundred years ago. If you go with conquerors, maybe the people remaining on the homeworld got a message notifying them of the return and have been hoping to use the colonists to help fight off the conquerors?
  10. Re: Cumulative Side Effects Right, but I was just looking at all the points form the spells accumulating toward the same Transform. I don't want to keep track of a Transform for each spell. Having just one Transform would probably go too quickly, if the character used many spells at all.
  11. I'd like to write up a system, mainly for magic, where using powers has a cumulative side effect. Something like how a necromancer may start to look more and more like a corpse over time. I was thinking that there should be a couple of cosmetic changes (pale skin, drawn face), some more serious ones (stinks like a grave, blackened soul), then some serious ones (your arm is undead and flesh occasionally drops off). I'm familiar with Side Effects and Transform, but I'm still having a little trouble. Would I just say the side effect is you gain X necromancer transformation points and once the first effect is in place, start on the next?
  12. Re: Ultimate Brick usefulness outside a supers game
  13. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen OH!! OOOHH!! The Flying Nun!!!
  14. Re: Favorite game Cliche' In a comic book world, an accidental exposure to otherwise lethal levels of radiation can do everything from giving you superhuman powers to balancing your checkbook.
  15. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen I can't believe nobody has suggested Fletch.
  16. I've been very impressed by the Ultimate series so far. Ulitmate Martial Artist and Ultimate Vehicle are two pretty darn useful books. However, could someone give me an idea of how useful Ultimate Brick would be in settings besides a supers game? I'm having trouble seeing how I'd use it in something like a fantasy or cyberpunk game.
  17. Re: Linked vs. Compound Powers - educate the new guy Thanks, all. I think I've got a decent fix on how these work out now.
  18. Re: Vigilante Cops and IA Depending on how realistic you want to be, it's my understanding that in most places an officer is investigated whenever he/she fires a weapon. They don't even have to hit anything or injure/kill anyone. If you end up in front of a shooting review board on a weekly basis, I'd imagine they'd can you just for liability reasons, even if you hadn't done anything illegal. Sooner or later, the city would probably get successfully sued or at least have to settle something out of court.
  19. Re: Should this be called Dark Champions? What's in a name? A first impression. Honestly, if I didn't lurk on the boards here, I doubt I'd have even picked this up to flip through it in the store. When I first heard about it, I certainly expected costumed people beating up badguys in the shadows. The "Champions" part of the name did lead me to expect it to be some sort of supers supplement, even if a low powered one. Now that I've found it's going to have plenty of CSI, Tom Clancy, and James Bond kinds of stuff in it, it's gone to number one with a bullet on my HERO wish list. As Bob suggested up near the top, I like Action HERO. If nothing else, even a subtitle might be helpful.
  20. One thing I've had some trouble getting is Linked Powers and Compound Powers. Sometimes I see descriptions written up as Power A plus Power B with Linked on one or both powers. Sometimes, Linked isn't there. I'm sure there's a good reason for this, but I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
  21. Re: Your Dark Champions Campaigns Although I don't have the original DC material either, I can tell you what I'm planning to use it for. I've been kicking around the idea of a magi-technothriller. Basically something along the lines of a military/spy/investigation theme, with gadgets and guns, but also some very low level Powers available. Some psionics, magic, genetic manipulation, or even early cyberwear. I guess it would be somewhere around X-Files meets LXG. World history is as we know it, but with various supernatural events hidden in the background. I figured it would work well with the general HERO theory about magic, as a natural force, waxing and waning over time.
  22. Re: how would you build this concept\power Actually, I think this is pretty neat. What limitation or advantage would you value that at? It would probably be invisible to everyone but the target, too.
  23. Re: 4 Arms and punching alot. What do you like? If you want really simple, like for a beginner like me, you might just want to make it a HA with the damage you think four punches would do. Wailing away with four arms would just become a special effect. You'd probably end up paying less END in the long run too.
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