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Everything posted by Savinien

  1. Re: [CAMPAIGN] Adventures in Aerth Martin looks around at the strange sights around him and shrugs as nonchalantly as he can. Heresy is all the same...baubles and trinkets and tricks. He guesses that the orrey has its uses. Following stars is not necessarily heretical as the One True God did make the stars. It is the sin of man to use them for his own divinations rather than those of the True Divinity. "Doom from you or from Prophecy? Are you alone? Are you the Oracle?" The Puritan keeps his gun at the ready and makes sure that this old man is the only one present, looking past the machine and all the workroom equipment. Looking about, Martin feels rooted in place, as if his blacks have become too burdensome to move. Even peering about the Orrery and worktable beyond proves difficult. No one else is visible. --{There is no use in fighting. The calculations have been done, Doom rides the night sky and Death comes with it!}-- "What witchcraft is this!" yells Martin. "What do you mean by Doom! Where is this Death?" He fights against the strange magic and wills himself to move towards the chair with the intent of cutting it or the man to ribbons. Suddenly, the room is gone and the Puritan finds himself on his back, his heavy black cloak spread beneath him on a flat metal table. Heavy chains are around his wrists and ankles and one more across his chest. Above him, a glaring lidless, pupiless eye shines down on him with an inner light. The Death comes from above, as your anger rages within. Do not fight it, you cannot stop it. Martin first seeks to break his chains. Then he will will his gun to appear in his hand since, by the One God he knows that in reality it is still there. And of course he will fire away at the eye. As Martin strains against the mental bonds holding him, he sees the eye shift. He gets a sense of moving quickly through cold darkness, though he can still feel himself bound with the chains. As he is hurtling through the darkness, he can feel others with him, and pinpoints of light flying by. Suddenly a great yellow eye is visible with small orbs circling about and he is reminded of the room below (the orrery). One of the orbs grows larger as he approaches and he notices small mountains orbiting the planet, their peaks attached to the planet with long ropes, or chains. He feels as if he's picking up speed and headed directly towards the flat surface of one of the 'mountains'. He begins to recognize details, including a series of three interconnected bodies of water, above that a vast desert surrounded by mountains. His journey continues, though he can feel the chain bonds weakening, stretching with the force of his indomitable will. Near the center of the lakes, is an island, a pinnace at anchor nearby. The island is awash with a jungle, a tall spire of stone at its center. I have drawn the end game to this existence. The horrors of our own imagination are at an end and the cruel game of our ancestors over. Martin's mind's eye smashes into the tower, massive waves wash aside the pinnace like the Hand of the One God, smashing within moments into the coasts of the Tri-Lakes. And, then the insects swarm over the rest, dominating the people's of Aerth. Give up, Puritan. It cannot be... That is when the chains give way and a deafening explosion of smoke and lead shatter the eye. The orrery and lab return, the Oracle lies slumped in his chair, blood oozing from eyes and nose. The Eastlake pistol and sabre are in each hand, though the pistola has not fire.
  2. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy It seems really cool, but with a year lead time, I'm not giving the attention it deserves, nor what I'd probably give it in a few months!
  3. Savinien


    Re: Middle-earth It would be the grey kind.
  4. Savinien


    Re: Middle-earth What are you looking for specifically, voodoo? Thanks for the mention, L.Marcus. You're so much kinder than K.Marcus was.
  5. Re: CoC HERO feedback sought All of yhour changes seem well thought out and specific for YOUR needs. You've kept the things from HERO that you liked and kept the things from CoC that you like. Seems like a win-win situation to me. Sign me up!
  6. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy Sure. Definitely sounds interesting.
  7. Re: [CAMPAIGN] Adventures in Aerth Martin cannot help but pause and marvel at the strange techno-magic of the place. He says a silent prayer again to the One God for only having to face one giant stone man. With his eyes facing up, he ascends the stairs, gun pointed at the shadows ahead ready for anything if it jumps out. Martin finds his trip through the Tower silent as death as he ascends past the next room. It appears to be the ground floor chamber as he can see the massive door he attempted to enter through. At one point, this entire edifice was ostentatiously decorated, but all that remains is dust, ruined engineering miracles, and the tattered remnants of glorious ages past. Marting can feel his hackles raising and notices a slight vibration through the soles of his black, leather boots. The hair sticking out from under his wide-brimmed hat shifts restlessly from a light breeze coming down along the stair from above. An open archway appears to lead into some sort of dining chamber and another door, open, looks like a sort of living chamber. "Who's there?" Martin asks as the hackles rise....oO(More like what. What foul demon lurks in these halls? " "Show yourself!" he commands more for his sanity and belief that there is something or someone tangible to deal with, and not this tomb-like silence and emptiness. Cautiously, he moves past the door into what was once a living chamber. The architechture is extremely old, but the Puritan is quite certain this was the Servant's Quarters. What linen existed is not rotted away and the only thing of note is the lack of vermin. But, then again, perhaps it has been so long since anything lived here, even the vermin could not continue living. The Kitchen is much the same, as well as a small storage chamber. It has been innumerable years since something living walked the halls of this ancient Tower. Back to the stair and continuing up. Martin repeats his challenge ascending the stairs, saber out and gun pointing forward. The Lakesman's voice echoes about the narrow stairwell as he ascends between levels for a moment or two, and then, his alkemic lamp lights this darkened area better than the gloom sifting through the unshuttered windows. The chamber is dominated by some sort of archaic model, a massive bronze globe, shining in what sunlight there is, the centerpiece. Moving about this globe are other orbs of varying shapes and metallic origins, and further orbs circling them. The smaller the orb, the quicker it seems to orbit around whatever object it circles. The floor is a mass of gears and rods, likely affixing to circling orbs above. The opposite side of the chamber holds a workroom of sorts, buried in phylaectum, alkemic scrolls, and notes. An overstuffed chair, the color of which has long faded is flanked by two tables also covered in ancient texts and tomes. Sitting in the chair is an ancient, emaciated man, his skin stretched taut over his skull, eye sockets vast and but a few wisps of hair finding air above an age-dappled pate. His mouth doesn't move and his eyes do not open, but Martin can hear a powerful voice in his mind. "Welcome to your Doom, Man in Black."
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I watched and enjoyed with the wife. It was our anniversary. (nerds)
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER There it is !
  10. Re: Your "2008" Pet Gaming Projects I don't know how the mechanical conversion was done, but Mastermind runs a Transhuman Space game in HERO at Hero Central, called Disillusion. He may have some resources there that could help you out.
  11. Re: Your "2008" Pet Gaming Projects Awesome job!
  12. Re: Your "2008" Pet Gaming Projects I've pushed all of my various campaigns to the back-burner in an effort to get Aerth really moving. I've shifted the online campaigns to a variation on the PDQ system, but considering moving it back to HERO, hoping more players will show interest. So, if you're looking for an online game... The game itself: http://herocentral.net/campaignInformation.htm?campaignId=637173 Hero Games Forum with lots of crunchy bits and discussion: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44510 Campaign Write up in the Setting: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58510
  13. Re: Bloodstone + Dark Tower So, I haven't gotten much attention with my game recruitment efforts, and unfortunately, you can't have a game without players. Even though they're infinitely trying, I need the little buggers. Anyone want to discuss the magic system and how it might work in either PDQ or HERO system?
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have returned, but with nothing to say.
  15. Re: Seeking Magic Systems for the following Fantasy Settings It is probably the wrong place, but I don't want to talk about ths system game mechanically as much as nail down how the system works metaphysically.
  16. Re: Seeking Magic Systems for the following Fantasy Settings I'm not necessarily looking at it from a playing perspective. I'm trying to nail down what IS known about it so I can detail it for a sword and sorcery/ Age of Reason type of game.
  17. Re: Seeking Magic Systems for the following Fantasy Settings
  18. Re: STR Min for Battle ax Francisca!
  19. Re: Seeking Magic Systems for the following Fantasy Settings Bump. I'm trying to combine Blood Stone and the David Duncan King's Blades magic systems. Anybody read them now and possibly have thoughts?
  20. Re: [CAMPAIGN] Adventures in Aerth As Martin extoles a prayer to his beloved Diety, the stoneheart in the neck of the Colossus beats balefully, almost seeming to know its imminent doom. It pusles once more before the deafening crack of the Puritan's Eastlake pistol bellows over the giant's own cries of ire and Martin's view is cut off by the belching smoke and acrid fumes of the discharge. Blinking away the gunpowder fashioned cloud, von Remmen just catches sight of a blood-red flare and hears a cacophonous crack that seems to go on infintely in the instaneous moments of firing into the stone. The Puritan can feel his stomach lurch as the Collosus stumbles and begins to fall. Normally, Martin would be able to bounce and roll with the collapsing heap, treating it as he would a foundering ship at sea, but the damage and fatigue to his body, allows him to only focus and look to his willpower to survive the fall. He attempts to tumble away from the largest and most dangerous pieces. He still has to survive and face the oracle. von Remmen falls amidst the crunching sound of grinding rock. His first roll lcauses him to tumble to one side as the Collosus continues forward, head falling ahead of the rest of the body. The alkemic explosion must have blown the skull free. Martin eventually comes to rest, debris surrounding him and dust and gunpowder soot hidden by his Blacks. Once more the Lonely Isle stands silent, the Spire as indomitable as the Puritan's own will. Methodically, Martin reloads his pistol all the while scanning the surrounding ruin for any more 'things' large or small. Then when done, he slowly picks himself up, gives a bit of a dust off, and heads back towards the portal. .oO(Where are you, you old Devil? Are you hiding down in this tunnel? Will you tell me the answers that I seek?) The smell of fresh earth is heavy in the air as Martin von Remmen makes his way over upturned earth and fallen rock. The Collosus upheaval left a massive gouge in the greenery and the Puritan has to traverse it before reaching the Tower. Having already spotted the tunnel at one end, near where the head what have been, von Remmen does a bit of searching. He realizes some sort of sorcery was done while this behemoth was buried and a round corridor leads away from this resting place towards the spire. The tunnel is walled with rounded stones, the lower portion runnelled for some liquid, still fresh. As Martin bends over it, he knows the metallic smell of it. Blood. Martin snorts disdainfully as the blood at the door reminds him of blood sacrifice. He says a short prayer to the One True God before he crosses the threshold. The circular corridor leading up out of the resting place of the Colossus was barely three feet across, the inset runnel needing to be strattled as the Puritan moved deeper within. He unshuttered the small orb at his neck, a gift from a Netherman he'd met years before and light spilled forth casting his long features in shadow, but illuminating the confining narrows enough to press onward. The smell of blood was nearly overwhelming, but the Iron Will of Martin von Remmen was enough to overcome it. Eventually he reached a nexus and the tunnel opened into a subterranean chamber carved long ago from the innards of the Lonely Isle. This chamber to seemed a hollow cylinder, armored in stone. It occured briefly to the Puritan to wonder where all the cut stone had come from, but it had no bearing on his quest, so he ignored it. A strange apparatus hovered over a series of runnels starting in the center of the room and symetrically pushing outward to five tunnels, one of which he'd crawled up to reach this chamber. The workings of the system were inscribed with alkemic symbols and runes of power. They were seemingly mostly dead as the blood had congealed too strongly in the other four tunnels. It had been a lucky thing for the Puritan, though. If he'd had to deal with five of the Colossi... A stair ascends from the chamber up and along the cyclindrical wall.
  21. Re: ShadowrunHero game? Dust Raven has the Cyber Hero PDF out there. Something like 150 pages of goodness.
  22. Re: Wasteland Hero, 10 Years After Curiosity piqued.
  23. Re: The Last Dominion Kudos to you, G-A. I've had The Last Dominion for ages and still haven't written a review. I applaud your tenacity at these endeavors and hope, someday, to turn envy into motivation.
  24. Re: Designing Sword Schools Wow! Whoever revivified this... I appreciate it!
  25. Re: Bloodstone + Dark Tower As reported elsewhere. I'm reopenning my Adventures in Aerth play by post game at Hero Central. I'm not positive what I'm doing at this point, but interested parties should PM me.
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