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Everything posted by Remjin

  1. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest of the three, I liked Chimera best as well because it was fun and the concept came together well... even if the paint didn't. =)
  2. Re: What should I name my new character? Squash the spanish if she's supposed to be american. It would make (depending on how "realistic" the game is) for political and social commentary if she gets in with the media... which brings ooliticians... which in turn means everything will get retarded. If more 4-color and without regard to such things... plenty of good suggestions above. If there's room for more names, lemme pull some out of my butt... an alternate name.. her first + Power, like Lane Power(s) or whatever. Sigil, as in symbol for something Prescience, cuz it sounds cool Allegory, cuz she is one? Radiance, though it sounds like a hippy name or a stripper name Achillite or Achilliess, for the mythical figure and its connotations Mother, as the S-man is for DC, and isn't it the name for God on the lips of all children? Progeny, as a child of the accident and as a superior specimen of her kind ... and that's it for now.
  3. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest Okay, so I finally got around to finishing what I had at least... and since I don't know how to thumbnail and all that, I'll just include this link to the EpicGuard miniatures page which I just updated to accomadate this. http://home.comcast.net/~epicguard/miniatures.html That's my entry, with explanations of what I did to make these darn guys. Again, these are playing pieces, so the paint jobs aren't exactly show quality. Next time, I'll just make pieces specifically for the contest, as apparently I wasn't supposed to make miniatures for my group so much as I was supposed to make up my own group. =) Follow links for character sheets and bios and such on the top nav bar if you want more information on the game itself. Thanks much! P.S. this is for original group, I guess. =) Quartermain = Rapier Chimera = Bloodstone Heavy Metal = Remjin 3 more team members on the way, one up soon, 2 more coming much later...
  4. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest I very much have the feeling I am doing something wrong with what I'm working on.... oh well, pictures tommorow, after I base these fraggers, I'll have to do the diorama part some other time or something... besides, I have 2... no, 3 more models to do now for that group. *sigh* I'm so pathetically apathetic... =) And I ran out of putty for the single fig... so that's not happening afterall, I guess. Well, at least I have time before the next one, now, to properly do it all up right... =)
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Hmmm... actually... yeah, I guess it would be.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... ... and they don't protest? My, the loose morales of today's youth... =)
  7. procrastination... Well, I'm still behind and balking at putty prices because I'm having a cheap phase... on the good side, I did fit new spark plug wires and header gaskets to my car... *sigh* Okay, I swear I'm going to start up again on the miniatures. Today. Putty and tools are already out, found a lot of dried out paint, though. =( These are pieces I have ti finish up for playing with in group, though, so don't expect show paint jobs. Those are hard to patch up after someone chips the fig. By midnight on sunday, right?
  8. Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: If I had time, I WAS going to try and actually sculpt an entire figure... Grond, actually, but time goes away so quickly... but alas, its time to take the children trick or treating... so off I go again. =) Another idea was to try and make a model to fit one of Storn's pics... =)
  9. argh so am I, as I have suddenly become very busy for the last few weeks. This weekend should close up most of it, leaving me free to try and finish these.
  10. Re: Looking for cool ideas for "puzzle-combat" lessee... from your list, since things should be relevant to your PCs... Weaponsmithing.... perhaps an opponent has some sort of uberweapon making it extremely difficult for the pc to deal with him. However, it has a fatal flaw in its construction that can be exploited to render it worthless, and thus the opponent as well. Mechanical Engineering... the field of battle is scattered with remnants of previous battles, and the opponent has a flaw that the pc can recognize but has no way to exploit with their personal powers. However, amongst the rubble are the material/item/components he needs to exploit it if only he can utilize them without being killed first. Presence Attack... the opponent is actually a mutated boy or weak willed in some way. While he has advantage and momentum via his own strong presence and intimidation he's just fine. Break past that, to give him doubt, and his berzerk nature and confidence go out the window rendering him less effectual and perhaps even cowardly. Basic Bully scenario.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... my edit on last sentence... To which Heavy Metal replies... "I don't care what brand they are, that's sick."
  12. Title too freakin' long again... Hmmm... and here I'm doing rush paintjobs already. If I wasn't spending so much time resculpting a bunch of stuff, It'd be easier... but alas, it is what it is... should be done on time, except the single character, maybe, but mostly because I'm doing rather extensive work on that one... I think I'm not going to have time to do a published character... Back to painting...
  13. Re: Night of the Living Dead Hero Plot Ideas The last part was mostly a joke... but if you imagine that zombies "evolve" and eventually an alpha zombie would arise to take leadership of certain groups and such, it could be interesting... or go the more mystical/psychic route... or whatever. In any case, the idea falls into "organized zombies" which is certainly frightening. =)
  14. argh, camera problems... Well, I was going to post progress pictures but I can't seem to find our porting wire, and my wife's barely awake enough to remember anything about it (she uses the camera most) so I guess it'll have to wait... Considering that I've had to do so much sculpting to get this done, I hope I can at least get some pictures up here for the contest! =) Sheesh...
  15. Re: What Champions supplements should I buy? For character building, just pick up the Ultimate book that relates to your favorite type of stuff. Overall, for multiple-character use, I'd say the Ultimate Martial Artist would be a good one, even if you're not playing a total MA character, most like ot have SOME. Gadgets and Gear is good for technology stuff, even if for just extra gadgets and the like. Has a nice wide variety of equipment. Really, not too many supplements are much about new rules or anything like that. I think The Ultimate Skill might be good, though, but I don't own it yet either. Gotta buy some freakin' spark plug wires first. The rest are specific to archetype or genre, and really just apply the rules already given and stat different things out for you while you giving you general ideas and thoughts on the genre/archetype as well as more specific things as well. You don't NEED any of them, they're just cool to have =)
  16. Yay! And, happy to announce, that I'm actually kind of excited about working on miniatures again! yay!
  17. response I'm currently working on an original team, original single character, and if I have time after that I'm going to do a published single character. Any requests on that one, btw, including an image? I don't have any published settings. =)
  18. Re: Seeking MA Info/Help To simulate this style I'd mostly focus on combat levels and and some DCs. Give him combat sense talent as well for the awareness aspect, and probably defense maneuver IV. Maneuver-wise its simpler: martial strike, defensive strike, fast strike, joint break, defensive throw, should grab it up quock. The DCs represent the brutal nature, the more defensive options have DCV built in for being in balance and ready at all times, and allow him to abort. Of course martial block, martial dodge can be used in addition if you like, and counter-strike is probably very relevant as well, though possibly redundant.
  19. Re: Going out with a bang let's see... not character deaths, but reasoning player's leaving or changing character's or otherwise... we've handled it many ways, but as others have said, it became about the story. I once kicked a guy out of the group for many many reasons, but that guy also had a fascination with "tac nukes"... so I gave him one. Lo and behold, he used it, died in the resiltant blast, and was asked to not return. Kind of gave him his last request. =) It became part of the story since the nuclear explosion was a big deal and actually the result of subtle mental manipulation of our former hero. Thus, in one fell swoop I explained away that nutter's past behavior, removrd him from the game, started a great story-arc, and saved our game... all just by giving the guy what he wanted, and consistently whispering things like "real men don't hesitate" or "mushroom clouds taste better..." and other drivel. Oh, and putting a big red button on it with "do not push" on it.
  20. Re: Alternate Swords, cuz Katanas are overdone! Ah, Markdic, thanks for clearing some of that up. I can't rep you yet, though.... I gotta spread it around some, I guess. Ricasso I'll have to remember instead of my highly technical "the blunt thingie in the middle." As a whole its interesting to see how much peiple know about this subject, and illuminating on the various evolutions of how some of them developed.
  21. Re: Alternate Swords, cuz Katanas are overdone! From my understanding, there wasn't a lot of shield use in the ancient east. Which is part of why their weapons developed as they did. When shields consisted of bamboo, wicker, and wood... when they were used, which was mostly by low cost troops. I believe the chinese actually used shield, in combination with spears, which is pretty much what the whole world resorted to at one time or another, it seems. I am hardly a student of history, though, so please correct me if I'm wrong. The japanese used, as a whole, spears, naginata (later), bows, and swords for the most part. Many of the martial arts weapons from the era (sai, nunchaku, sickles, etc.) were just adapted farm implements. An interesting story about the katana... hopefully I can remember this correctly... for quite some time, they were not all that thick, until they had to fight... geez, I can't remember... someone who used armor.. conquistadors? Well, in any case, so many of their swords broke from those battles that subsequent blades were thicker, and the development of the no-daichi and the katana-(some suffix i can't remember) which were both larger than usual and thicker than usual, even after the aforementioned increases in sword strength. In any case, that's my understanding from limited reading. Again, I'm no student of history, so feel free to correct my mistakes. =)
  22. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. At least, unlike rock and roll groupies, we won't end up having his baby or anything... =)
  23. Re: WWYCD: More Than Meets The Eye... hmmm.. Heavy Metal would rush home to check on his '66 Chevelle which he has smothered with love and performance parts, and really really hope his darling car would actually appreciate him.
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