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Everything posted by shem_whistler

  1. Re: Stargate Hero Heh, I had that scene in mind when I was writing this, I really love the universe created in Stargate, it is very well crafted, with many factions and groups doing their own thing. Shem
  2. Re: Stargate Hero Well, the Jaffa were cloned from a clumsy New Zealander........... Shem
  3. Re: Stargate Hero Yeah, the Jaffa troops are pretty Stormtrooperesque! I agree that they are used to primitive races and as such have no real experience in Modern Earth (Tau'ri) Combat. I also agree with the type of weapons used, the majority of Earth weapons are designed to be as efficient at killing as possible, terror is less important. If the Jaffa were interested in killing as efficiently, I'm sure that Goa'uld tech would allow staff weapons to have a faster rate of fire. Though if the Jaffa killed more people then their Gods would have less slaves to work in the mines, etc. Shem
  4. Re: 5ER Picture caption contest. p.58 Step 12 - insert inter-locking flange bolt B into slot Q. Damn it, I don't have an inter-locking flange bolt B. p.68 There was some concern amongst the Oscar judges that John Woo's remake of The Piano would not do so well as the original. p.84 Steve's neighbours were concerned that he was starting to develop Road Rage. p.91 Harry Houdini regretted taking the booking for the Corleone wedding party. p.123 The two horse cart of the apocalypse. p.135 The critics didn't feel that Minions on Ice was up to scratch. p.151 In retrospect the costume made of jam seemed like a bad idea. p.170 Ah c'mon! No one told me that King King had a spandex allergy. p.291 Thank you for purchasing this home manicure kit..... p.330 Ming really hated Flash Gordon's annual vacation. p.335 Bill and Ben really should have put more points into their PER stat. p.365 This '30 mins or its free' promise was really taking its toll on Steve's knees. p.387 Steve racked his brains on a way to get out of the situation whilst keeping his male pride intact. p.544 They were out of parrots, but I got a great deal on this sabret tooth kitten. p.546 Steve wass starting to think that WF; Kitchen utensils was not as useful as it first appeared. p.549 I can see my house from here.
  5. Re: Stargate Hero 150 pts was getting very tight so a lot of the skills are basic level. With a higher point version it is something I would look to increase. Cheers Shem
  6. Re: Stargate Hero This came up with some of the earlier characters, it was difficult with a 150pt character to try and fit it all in. I'm thinking of doing 350pt versions which will be season 9 characters. As for the Ancient Gene, I did it as a Perk on Jack's write-up. Cheers Shem
  7. Re: Stargate Hero Finally completed my Teal'c write-up. Many thanks to Arooo, for showing me his stuff on the symbiote powers that I have blatantley used and added to. Comments as always please. Teal'c Player: Val Char Cost 20 STR 5 16 DEX 18 20 CON 8 15 BODY 10 12 INT 2 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 12 COM 1 6 PD 2 7 ED 3 4 SPD 14 8 REC 0 40 END 0 36 STUN 0 6" RUN02" SWIM04" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 76 Cost Power END 24 Junior: (Total: 50 Active Cost, 24 Real Cost) LS (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: 200 Years) (11 Active Points); IIF (Goa'uld Symbiote; -1/4) (Real Cost: 9) plus Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), IIF (Goa'uld Symbiote; -1/4) (Real Cost: 5) plus +5 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); IIF (Goa'uld Symbiote; -1/4) (Real Cost: 6) plus +6 CON (12 Active Points); IIF (Goa'uld Symbiote; -1/4) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic) (Real Cost: 4) 0 Powers Cost: 24 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver 4 Bassak Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6, NND [Notes: The Bassak Strike takes a 2d6+1 Hit Location.] 3 Ke'i (Legsweep): 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, Weapon +1 DC Strike, Target Falls 4 Tyger (Bind): 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, +10 STR Martial Arts Cost: 11 Cost Skill Everyman Skills 0 1) AK 8- 0 2) Acting 8- 0 3) Climbing 8- 0 4) Concealment 8- 0 5) Conversation 8- 0 6) Paramedics 8- 0 7) Persuasion 8- 0 8) Shadowing 8- Jaffa Package Skills 3 1) Tracking 11- 2 2) +1 with Staff Weapon 3 3) Combat Piloting 12- 3 4) Stealth 12- 2 5) TF: Goa'uld Vehicles 3 6) Tactics 11- 3 7) Language: English (fluent conversation; literate) 3 8) Language: Goa'uld (fluent conversation; literate) 0 9) Language: Jaffa (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 4 10) WF: Goa'uld Weapons, Small Arms, Unarmed Combat 3 Scholar 1 1) KS: Goa'uld (2 Active Points) 11- 1 2) KS: Jaffa (2 Active Points) 11- 1 3) KS: Lok'nel (2 Active Points) 11- 1 4) KS: SGC Operations (2 Active Points) 11- Skills Cost: 33 Cost Perk 4 Fringe Benefit: SG-1 Team Member 2 Contact: Bra'tac 11- Perks Cost: 6 Total Character Cost: 150 Val Disadvantages 20 Sholl'vah - Hunted: Goa'uld System Lord 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 5 DF: Military Uniform (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Virtually Everyone) 10 Distinctive Features: Jaffa Tatoo (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Psych. Lim.: Honourable (Common, Strong) 15 Dependence: Goa'uld Larva Takes 1d6 Damage (Uncommon, 1 Hour) 10 DNPC: Rya'c 8- (Normal) Disadvantage Points: 75 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  8. Re: Holy Poker Card Shuriken! For a good cinematic example of this skill in practice check out Jackie Chan's "Cityhunter". One of the main characters has this ability. Cheers Shem
  9. Re: D20 style character sheet That's great! I like that a lot, would it be too cheeky to ask for the excel version? Shem
  10. Re: D20 style character sheet Thanks Doc, that pretty much hits the nail on the head. Agreed, it's still fairly intensive and perhaps off putting to new players. Technically you're both right, my intention was to get to the simplicity that Doc is refering to, for new players, but thought that the D20 style sheet might be a useful stop as it is half way between the 2 and might be useful for D20 hardened gamers. That was my thinking. You've told me that idea before and I really do llike the concept, maybe we could start a genre by genre list of suggested stat names. In danger of sounding sycophantic I agree with this as well. Shem
  11. Re: D20 style character sheet Sorry I missed of a core element of this post, one more reason I shouldn't post when I'm tired. The key thing in this is not so much mimicing the D20 system as it was about displaying the HERo information in a way that is easier for new players to understand. The key to the concept my friend has is numbers lite, tell the players only what they need to know. I really like that concept but thought that it was too big a leap for me to make in one go in my head so I thought I'd do this as a stepping stone to a more streamlined version. So the crux of my inital post is to display the HERO info in a different format. For example instead of a skill in something of 13- it would be represented as a skill bonus of +2 and then in game it would be 3d6 plus skill bonus to reach a target DC of 11 modifiers. And then something similar for charactersitics. I hope that makes more sense, it does in my head anyway, my intention is to make up this sheet and then and then take an existing chaacter and then display it in this slightly different format, then hopefully it will make more sense. Cheers Shem
  12. HI, A friend of mine, in fact the guy who got me into this whole HERO thing, is really keen on the idea that the HERO system is the software and that you can put many different 'skins' on to it. At the core of this concept is that the character sheet is the GUI between the user/player and the system. The amount of information that you provide the user depends on the ability of that user, I guess this would be represented in software terms as an advanced or standard user option. Bearing my friends concept in mind and having seen previous discussions on getting people from other systems into HERO, I was wondering if, assuming it doesn't already exist, a D20 style HERO sheet would be of any interest. Cheers Shem
  13. Re: [Compilation] "to Star HERO Conversions & Adaptations" Fantastic resource, thanks for finding all these. Could you change this link to the following http://www.starherofandom.com/h_sg2/index.php Cheers Shem
  14. Re: Stargate Hero Nice, I like that a lot, thanks. I'll have to keep that in my head for when I go back to the write-ups. I'm currently working on an SG char sheet template for HD.
  15. Re: Stargate Hero Thanks! Glad you like it and hope that you check in from time to time. There is a writeup for the P90 in Dark Champions and I'm inclined to go with that for starters, as it is the main Sg team weapon. However I know Aroooo has some different ideas on a build for the P90, so when I get round to it I will pick his brains and see what we end up with.
  16. Re: Super-Skills Megathread You could change the name of that to the great quote from Leon "Bullets just seem to slide off him"
  17. Re: Stargate Hero Hi, Minor update. I have just put a couple of Martial Arts prefabs over at my pages on StarHeroFandom, you can find them here. I'm definitely looking for some feedback on these please as it's the first of these that I have done. Cheers Shem.
  18. Stargate Hero Webspace Hi all, Arooo has kindly given me some of his webspace over at StarHeroFandom. So I hope you'll come and have a look over here Cheers Shem
  19. Re: Stargate Hero Hmm, wasn't sure the best way to do the language sides, as he can communicate with nearly every race in the galaxy! Therefore I thought that the Universal Translator Talent would cover this without trying to define all the languages he knows. Good point about the Linguistics, I will increase that.
  20. Daniel JacksonHi,Have been very busy for a while, spending some time figuring out how to host files off the forums after all the talk of server issues.However I've finally done a write up for Daniel Jackson.Here he is......Dr Daniel JacksonPlayer: Val Char Cost 11 STR 1 11 DEX 3 12 CON 4 11 BODY 2 16 INT 6 14 EGO 8 13 PRE 3 14 COM 2 4 PD 2 4 ED 2 2 SPD 0 4 REC 0 25 END 1 25 STUN 2 6" RUN02" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 36Cost Skill 5 +1 with a group of similar Skills 3 Conversation 12- 3 Cryptography 12- 3 Deduction 12- 3 Jack of All Trades 1 1) PS: Archaeologist (2 Active Points) 11- 1 2) PS: Lecturer (2 Active Points) 11- 1 3) PS: Researcher (2 Active Points) 11- 1 4) PS: SG-1 Team Member (2 Active Points) 11- 3 Oratory 12- 3 Persuasion 12- 3 Scholar 1 1) KS: Abnormal Psychology (INT-based) 8- 2 2) KS: Anthropology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 3) KS: Archaeology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 4) KS: Cartography (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 5) KS: Customs (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 6) KS: Dating Techniques (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 7) KS: Egyptian Culture (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 8) KS: Field Excavation (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 9) KS: Field Survey (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 10) KS: Goa'uld Customs (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 11) KS: Goa'uld Politics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 12) KS: Greek Mythology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 13) KS: History (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 14) KS: Linguistics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 15) KS: Mythology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 2 16) KS: Norse Mythology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 1 17) KS: Paleontology 8- 2 18) KS: Primitive Cultures (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 1 19) KS: Psychology (INT-based) 8- 1 20) KS: Sociology (INT-based) 8- 2 21) KS: Theology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12- 3 Scientist 2 1) SS: Archaeology (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points) 2 2) SS: Dating Techniques (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points) 2 3) SS: Geology (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points) 2 4) SS: Geophysics (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points) 2 5) SS: Statistics (INT-based) 12- (3 Active Points) 3 Survival 12- 3 Trading 12- 3 WF: Small Arms, Zat Gun Skills Cost: 90Cost Perk 4 Fringe Benefit: SG-1 Team Member Perks Cost: 4Cost Talent 20 Universal Translator 12- Talents Cost: 20Val Disadvantages 5 DF: Military Uniform (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Phys. Lim.: Allergy (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) [Notes: This character has a non-life threatening Allergy, such as hay fever. When the Allergy is active, the character feels ill. In the case of respiratory Allergies, the character suffers from watery eyes, a stuffy nose, and is constantly sneezing and coughing. Topical Allergies cause the character to break out in hives and constantly itch. Dietary Allergies cause the character to grow nauseous and can lead to vomiting, sweating, and balance problems.] 5 Phys. Lim.: Klutz (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 5 Phys. Lim.: Needs Reading Glasses (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) [Notes: A character with this Limitation doesn't have bad eyesight per say, he merely can't read small print without help. Otherwise, he tends to make stereotypical actions, like holding the written material at arms-length and squinting. This problem is easily correctable with glasses.] 15 Psych. Lim.: Must Help Those In Need (Common, Strong) [Notes: This character is driven to give aid to anyone in need. This can vary from feeding the hungry, sheltering the poor, treating the sick, rescuing the distressed, or freeing the oppressed. The character will become directly involved with the needy person's problems. For example, if presented with a battered wife, the character will become directly involved with helping her, possibly by removing her from the situation and maybe even confronting the batterer.] 15 Psych. Lim.: Sticks to His Principles (Common, Strong) [Notes: This character is steadfast in his beliefs and will not be easily persuaded to ignore his principles. He will not normally agree to any plans that run counter to his beliefs. To do so, the charcter must make an Ego Roll after hearing a very good reason. And even then, he will participate reluctantly. If the plans run counter to another Psychological Limitation the character has that isn't Total commitment, he must *also* make it's Ego Roll.] 20 Soc. Lim.: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major) Disadvantage Points: 75Base Points: 75Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 150 Height: 1.83 m Hair: Dark Blond Weight: 100.00 kg Eyes: Blue Appearance: Personality: Quote:Background: Dr. Daniel Jackson was approached by the military to decipher a mysterious hieroglyphic artifact which had baffled their scientists. He was successful in translating the images and the Stargate was activated, on their first mission Daniel joined the SG1 team through the "gate". Daniel holds a PHD in Anthropology and Linguistics which proved helpful when they arrived on Abydos. It was here he met his wife Sha'uri and decided not to return to Earth. Whilst on Abydos he had time to research a map room and brush up on his ancient languages. After O'Neill returns to Abydos and Sha'uri is kidnapped he decides to go back to Earth and join forces with SG1 to find his wife and her brother whilst exploring other planets. His humanistic, liberal approach is often in conflict with O'Neill's militaristic one. Some see him as a soft, brainy, clumsy scientist who carries a wide-eyed enthusiasm with him through every mission but its these exact qualities that his team members find so appealing. He was given the opportunity to ascend by Oma and decided that he could do more good that way and left the SGC. He was descended for his actions against Anubis and has returned back to his previous role in SG-1. Although he hasn't retained the memories/experiences he had as an ascended being, he has occassionally recalled an event which has proved useful to SG-1.Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: And the HD FileI'm also thinking about putting up a site for Stargate bits, so if anyone has any requests for it please let me know.CheersShem
  21. Re: Enterprise vs. Enterprise 'Darmok' "Shaka when the walls fell" My geek-fu is strong
  22. Re: Cartoon Hero Thanks for that, I'll have to keep an eye out for that. Shem
  23. Re: Cartoon Hero That sounds good, unfortunately I don't know what Adventurers Club is, it sounds like a magazine, is that correct? Cheers Shem
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