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Everything posted by Starwolf

  1. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign You beat me to it
  2. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Directions are good... Solron sent me a couple of his characters and I ftp'ed the files to my web server at godaddy.com Now that my almost 10 year old Thinkpad has gone Tango Uniform... My wife says after Christmas (or maybe for Christmas) I can buy a new modern power house. I am thinking at least 2.4ghz, 1gb ram (2 would be better), and at least a 160gb hdd, plus 802.11g wireless built in, and widescreen if I can squeeze it in.
  3. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Will do brother... I am working on the site now and I have the space available so if you want to e-mail me the hdc files you want me to back up just send em on.
  4. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I like the character format on Nol's site, is that an HD exported format? if so can I beg a copy of the export template?
  5. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Thats a REALLY great idea. I also have some server space I will upload to ( now that the idea has been planted). But first I have to recreate the files to upload. I think I am going to go to a triple backup plan, one backup across my network on a seperate machine, one online to my hosting web server, and one on a jump drive (they are selling 1gb jump drives at office max for $20.00). That ought to stave off any future hardware gremlins...
  6. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign AGHH! My laptop just ate itself.... I am having re-create data on my desktop (luckily Terries laptop still works for her). Anyway, I am now officially bummed out. I have to recreate Wade. reinstall ORPG and setup a new character node. Thank goodness for GA's export template. But did I mention I am bummed Outside of that I hope everyone has a good holiday and try not to OD on trichtophan
  7. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Luke: We're going in that!?! Han: That made the kessel run in under 6 parsecs... she's faster then she looks...
  8. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Hmmm... gambling, that sounds like a plan too, last time I did pretty good... and with Milo to bet on... Oh wait we are supposed to rescue him... Hmm maybe we could rescue him after the match. No wait, then the other fella would be... well we have a few days to think of something. But I like the undercover gambler idea.
  9. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Too late... at least when I went blind I had a nice image imprinted on my retinas
  10. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ok... hang on while I remove the foot from my mouth... I think I like that idea...
  11. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign heh... dress up like a hooker AND use shaped charges... Of course I am troubled by the thought of a Yazarian hooker Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  12. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Thanks for the chat logs... I was missing the first couple also
  13. Re: SJG's Traveller Deck Plans - dang wrong scale! Very nice and at only $4.95 per pdf reasonable. The deck plans are scaled to 1" = 5 feet, close enough for Hero use. They have a very Fireflyish feel to them but easily usable in SH/TE of course ship stats and crew lists are in D20 format but they can easily be converted or just use the deck plans and create your own stats and crews. My review says :thumbup:
  14. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Thanks The site looks great!
  15. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I was just over on Nolgroths page and most of the links to characters seem to be down. Which made me think of a couple of things... 1) I have a huge amount of space on my godaddy acount (100 gb storage) so any of you guys that would like to put a page up there with a sub-domain (free of charge of course) are welcome. Your website url would be yourwebname.corsairslair.com. 2) In a similiar vein I also have 1000 free e-mail accounts and you can have an account if you like. Your e-mail address would be yourname@corsairslair.com. 3) And finally I have lost the url to your site Dale, can you repost it?
  16. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign You certainly can use our names. Mine is Phelix, and my wife is Terrie.
  17. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Dang I thought I had em but no Joy... My chat logs only go back to Sep.
  18. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Caspar is definately the shortest in the group coming in at just under 5 feet. She comes just about to milos sternum/lower chest or just below Sam's shoulder height. Thats why I thought that bar scene played out pretty funny when Ta'Rang said it's 8 to 2 (obviously forgetting Doc) and she piped up with Hey it's 8 to 3 don't forget Milo
  19. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Yep thats about right, and those are the base figures excpet I applied a petite morph injection and Keila character head to the V3 figure and the Vrusk and Yazarian based on the character sheets I have seen and input from the players would come up to about Milo's nose, and Wade would be slightly taller than Sam and shorter than Ta'Rang about to Milos Chin.
  20. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ok, here is my first WIP of Milo... He is wearing the armored space suit from the Shard armor pack and a Video/Comm headset. You can't see the ponytail from this angle but it is there. There are matching gloves, helmet, weapons, a hand scanner, and backpack/thruster pack for the comic bok shots. Do you want me to make a mini for ORPG to match this image? Enjoy!
  21. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign You are a sad, sad "BIG" man... I worked on Milo last night but am not quite satisfied with the result so far. I will have a very rough first WIP posted today. Next week it Caspar, and TaRang... then finally around thanksgiving Shr'Kaak and Wade... provided the GM lets us live that long
  22. Re: Picking up and using weapons If the game is a Supers game, the gun should be paid for with points. If the player in question doesn't want to "pony up" the points then the gun should become non-functional (dang when you took out the bad guy, he dropped the gun and the firig pin is broken), or it is out of ammo,... you get the idea. If it a heroic game or even a Dark Champions game, you might consider using the equipment pool rules from DC, and let the player add the gun to his/her "armory".
  23. Re: A new Player here Hi there Luca and welcome back. First a comment on your last statement... Run, don't walk to the online store and get HDv3... it has some great enhancements, with more coming, and at $25.00 you can't beat the price. As to your 3rd point the armor: As you know in Hero there are a "plethora" of ways to do things, that said here is how I would do it... Change Environment 2" radius, reduce OCV, Personal Immunity, 0 END points) RSR a PRE Attack roll, OIF: armor, Uncontrolled, plus 40 PRE, Only for making PRE Attack roll, OIF: armor, Uncontrolled. The reason I would do it this way is that it sounds as if the effect comes from how fiercesome the armor looks, which to me suggests a PRE attack. By giving the Armor its, own PRE stat it can make the attack roll regardless of who is wearing it. If you set the PRE to 40 this will effect most characters/NPCs most of the time (even the really though ones). The uncontrolled limitation transfers control of when this may come into play to the GM. Finally as GM this can allow a scalable effect for example: PRE success to +10 = -1 OCV PRE Success from +11 to +20 = -2 OCV and PRE Success > 20 = -3 OCV For campaign resources there are several freebies available in the Free Stuff section of this board. Another good resource is the Digital Hero e-zine available in the Digital Hero section. Also check the Links section for some other great Hero sites with loads of great content. If you would like to have some of your groups characters checked for "equilibrity", I would suggest posting your campaign type/parameters here and then follow up by posting the characters (I recommend 1 character per post), then I am sure that lots of the guru's on the boards will come along and comment/make suggestions. I hope this helps
  24. Re: Do I need the core rule book? As an option you can run a basic game with the Sidekick rules, it is a sort of Hero light intended to introduce Hero to new players. For my games I use the big book as a GM manual (though my players are free to use it too), and my 2 sidekick books as at the table players manuals, then I use Star Hero, Terran Empires, The Spacers Toolkit, Alien Wars, and Worlds of Empire for game material like a campaign backdrop and pre-built vehicles/equipment.
  25. Re: Failed PS: Artist Roll? What Dale said
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