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Everything posted by Starwolf

  1. Re: Greatest Post-Apoc Film of All Time
  2. Re: Greatest Post-Apoc Film of All Time Red Dawn, and Soilent Green are my favorites... Now if we can get into books, I would have to go with Piers Anthony's Battle Circle, and the action series The Guardians.
  3. Re: Drasalite Hero I am currently involved in a Star Hero game based loosely of Star Frontiers. Here is the GMs website URL, it has a racial package deal for Drasalites. LINK Hope this helps
  4. Re: Valdorian Age world map (dear Mr Curtis...) I second the request
  5. Re: Imperial Ground Equipment They also used space suits in a couple of different episodes of Enterprise.
  6. Starwolf

    Traveler Hero

    Re: Traveler Hero I am involved in a new game, just starting up, based on Star Frontiers. Our GM has allowed us to use packages as a framework to give a sort of definition to the character, then any points left over we could spend free form, so long as it fit with the characters background/conception. From my perspective the only thing you have to beware of is munchkins, min/maxers, and GM's with an antagonistic demeanor towards players. I have experienced these both as a GM and as a player, and either one kind of ruins the fun. A good GM runs a fine line between referee and player opponent, but never forgets that the story and the fun are paramount, not coming up with encounters just to defeat the players... While I agree that sometimes the dragon wins, the players have to be the Heroes.
  7. Re: Dem's the Breaks I hope this gets a smidgeon of coverage, you can't skip completely the death of Wyatt Earp, The Capture of Geronimo, and I believe that Lonesome Dove takes place in this timeframe too, but maybe not...
  8. Re: Dem's the Breaks Thats ok so long as you know who Holmes, Moriarity, Watson, and the Ripper are
  9. Re: US Military .45 Pistols It depends on the range, as to it's penetration against body armor, a .45 inside 25 meters will penetrate most body armor, but beyond the weight of slug makes it lose penetration quickly, of course you could always go with custom rounds, like teflon tips... I am a retired Navy storekeeper, one of the reasons the 9mm was adopted was it's mag capacity advantage over the .45. The Navy's small arms training post Vietnam (the late 70's) had us load an 8 round mag and then Immediately chamber a round to remove tension from the mag spring. We were told that if we had a need to carry a side arm with no round chambered (a practice discouraged) then only load 7 rounds into the mag to begin with. The Navy was all hyped about having a 13 round capacity in a side arm for the 9mm, but having said all of this, the Navy was the last service to actually adopt the 9mm as standard issue, likewise it was the last service to adopt the M16 and variants. The standard issue rilfe was the M14 into the early 80s. My personal preference... my .44 mag, makes big holes in anything I want to shoot at, even armor, and so long as my aim is true, who cares about capacity. I would rather face a rookie with a machine gun any day than an expert marksman with a single shot weapon.
  10. Re: Star Frontiers Conversion You know thats all true of military issue, and high cap mags are certainly available in the civilian sector, but most civilain versions of military rifles like the AR-15 come standard with 10 round mags. You could design the rechargeable power cells like this, where a standard cell is 10 charges but for a fee the character could purchase a 20, 30, or even a 50 charge cell. You might make the high cap cells have heat issues causing burnout with the higher the cap the greater the chance of a cell burning out.... just as the bugs rally and counter-attack Also don't forget that in a non-supers game not everyone walks around with armor (resistant defenses), so even a 1/2d6K can ruin your day as it ignores normal defenses. I realize that even a max hit at 1/2d6 won't kill most NPCs but assuming relatively normal stats (with base 8 and NCM 20) a single shot should be able to possibly stun. I personally hate it when I have an encounter setup and the players wade through the bad guys like they are not there with a flurry of one shot kills. Even Orcs and Cannon Fodder need respect.
  11. Re: Turakian Age Question. Besides if IRRC their goals are very different, Kal-Turak wants to dominate the world, while the Thunese want to ressurect their dark slumbering gods... Unless there became a pressing need Kal-Turak would be better served by a strategy of manipulating events so that the Thunese and other nations war on each other, which weakens them both and bolsters his undead armies. Then it would be easier for him to sweep in and pick up the pieces.
  12. Re: DC inspired by TV Not a TV show but it is cinematic - Sin City From TV: The Unit (Spec Ops Adventures) Criminal Minds (FBI Profilers track down sickies) The various CSI programs (Fornesic Investigations) NCIS (Navy/Marine Corps criminal investigations) MI-5 (British Intelligence Agents root out terrorists) Streethawk (Crippled motorcycle cop turns super-cycle vigilante) Airwolf (Stolen military hardware used by a vigilante to mash bad guys) Walker: Texas Ranger (Tough Rangers use martial arts to create mayhem for the forces of evil)
  13. Re: The Night of the 1001 Character Pics… Frenchman, you can download Firefox for free and it will display the images and IMHO is a much better browser than IE. Aylwin13 - Great pictures and thanks for the link. One question would it be possible to get a single zip that contains all of the images?
  14. Re: Traveller Hero, a major announcement Hmmm I was going to suggest printfu.org but the website seems to be offline right now.
  15. Re: What do I need to start GMing with? Another couple that I have not seen mentioned are the Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook, and The Ultimate Vehicle. These books have googles of pregenerated vehicles for any genre including Fantasy Hero. Like stats for wagons, Chariots, Longboats, Caravels, etc, along with stuff for more modern or sci-fi games. I believe there is even a flying carpet in there somewhere. Plus the rules on how to build your own.
  16. Re: Art Request Excellent that figuree helps a lot, I will work on it and see what I can come up with...
  17. Re: Art Request I'll give it a shot, how soon do you need the Image?
  18. Re: Starwolf's Fantasy Art Thanks for the comments, I have to definately work on the lighting. I think the washed out appearance happened when I resized the image so that I could upload it to the boards, but it could also be partly due to the lighting as well. I am also not really happy with the pose I think I possibly should have posed the left arm lower and more forward. I was trying to show blocking with the dagger while preparing a sword strike. As to why I posted here vs the Herophiles Art Thread.... just a brain fart, it never actually occured to me at the time. I guess that's what I get for posting after 3 hours of sleep in the last 2 days.... But it's all good, thanks again for the critique, I need the input to know where to concentrate, so I can hone my skills. Now learn how to create/modify texture maps
  19. Re: Starwolf's Fantasy Art Hmm... so no feedback? Or did the whole flock go south with Dan on his vacation... Actually my next project I started on today is a pic of my friends Mage from an old campaign in the world of Kulthea. He is a half-human, half K'taa-Viir. I wil post it up in about a week.
  20. Hey fellow herophiles, I have recently begun creating my own 3D art. Here is my first attempt, it is a pic of Aleta, my wife's Gorthudan Barbarian warrior. Enjoy!
  21. Re: Real-Life Super-Heroes Ok, this is just disturbing.....
  22. Re: Surely someone can do something with this: Oak Island Wow! Reminds me of the Lost Dutchman mine in Arizona.
  23. Re: The things I learned playing a ninja! Being an IRL student of Bujinkan... Do what ever works and do it NOW!
  24. Re: If You Had To Play a DC Character… The Terminator - Slade is not only a cool customer but I think he would make a "killer" street level vigilante.. Green Arrow - better than batman and more fun. Batman - cuz he has lots of cool toys.
  25. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… First Choice: The Vision, cuz I like the android wishing to be human thing... Second Choice: Thor from back pre-beta ray bill, I got chills when he faced down Ghost Rider. Third: Hank Pym as Yellow Jacket cuz he had a real attitude and a cool costume.
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