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Everything posted by name_tamer

  1. Re: Opinion: EuroStar I have no horse in this race. It looks to me like Gravitar kicks Eurostar's butt in the "arena match," in large part becaus of her AE TK. Certainly Eurostar will not want to encounter her in that way, and that's the stuff of which fun role-playing is made, right? But assuming G does face Eurostar in the so-called "arena match," there seems to be some chance that Mentalla will have a chance to defeat her (a more or less chance, depending on which optional combat maneuvers the sides are allowed, and how the GM rules on various issues). Here's my question: if Eurostar's biggest problem is the AE TK (and I realize it's not the only one: she has a great CV and really high defenses, but bear with me), then will it be worth their while to Abort to Dive for Cover? I know that maneuver has some serious penalties associated with it, but I've not seen it played enough to know how penalizing they would be. At worst (if all Eurostar were standing in the same hex) they'd have to dive 11", which at -1 per hex would be unfeasible (and impossible for many of the members who doesn't have a large enough half move). But assuming a more reasonable configuration for Eurostar (e.g., they're at the points of a hexagon, approximately 6" apart from each other, making the "diamater" of the hexagon about 12" if I've done my back-of-the envelope geometry correctly) -- then some of them would have to dive only about 6" if G tried to catch as many of them as possible in the AE. Still a pretty big penalty to the DEX roll, but it might be worth a shot. Of course, G could try to center the AE on Mentalla, but that would have its own difficulties for G (In particular, what's Mentalla paying for those "+2 with EC" levels if she can't use them as a bonus to her Dive for Cover roll while using her flight? It can't just be for her Missile Defense.) And in case it's not obvious from my low post count or other signs, I'm relatively inexperienced and am looking for others' opinions, not to start a fight (or to personally insult anyone).
  2. Re: Sanctuary? And if it did, it would have to be vastly different in tone to fit the more Bronze age feel of 5th Edition. After the battle of Detroit, no hero is going to just "hang out" with Dr. Destroyer. The same could be said about the Crowns of Krim, or lots of other, truly evil, villains in 5E.
  3. Re: Teen Champions INTERIOR Art Thanks!
  4. Re: Champions U help! What about the Engineer (from Villainy Amok)?
  5. Re: Teen Champions INTERIOR Art Well, sure. And I understand many people may be a little gun-shy about this subject (I've been following the Teen Champions cover thread ). But I'm trying to decide, without seeing the book, whether I want to buy it from the online store; I have a playtest copy so I have my own opinion about the content (generally quite good), but have become gunshy about interior art lately (I was able to see a copy of DC:TAS before buying it, and the interior art was a deal-killer for me). So, any opinions are welcome (that said, MitchellS, thanks for taking the time to respond at all!)
  6. Any comments from someone who's got the book?
  7. Re: Are the MC8 worth it? IIRC, the Fab Five are written up in DH 9-12, and Star*Guard and associated characters are written up in DH 5-7.
  8. Re: Are the MC8 worth it? They are definitely worth at least $5.
  9. Re: Teen Champion Cover! I couldn't agree more with you about M&M (in whose books the art almost always rocks), or about the cover "sucking the person in." I guess many of us on these boards are probably going to give any Champions product a fair shake regardless what the cover looks like. So for me, the cover is just gravy; the useful stuff is inside (including the interior art). But for bringing in people from other game systems (M&M) or other genres, the cover is much more important.
  10. Re: Teen Champion Cover! Tastes vary, and I rather like this cover. But MitchellS's idea is inspired and would have been much better. That said, for me the cover art matters less than the interior art. Is it going to be like CKC, or like DC:TAS? For me that's the difference between buying and not buying.
  11. Re: A time-portal opens... Thanks Wanderer. You've done us a great service.
  12. Re: A time-portal opens... This thread has some impressive-seeming characters in it. If someone saved them, could you re-post them in a format that is legible on the new and improved boards?
  13. Re: How would you do this? Don't have my books with me, so it'll be quick and dirty, but something like this should do it: Power 1, Extra Time (Full Phase), Linked (to other powers) Power 2, Extra Time (Extra Phase), Linked (to other powers) Power 3, Extra Time (?), Linked (to other powers) I'm not sure there's a limitation value in 5ER for Extra Time (more than an Extra Phase, but less than a Turn), so you may have to make it up. I'm also not sure it's strictly legal to link a Power to more than one other Power, but in this construct I don't think it's abusive, and it sounds like you are the GM so you can monitor it.
  14. Re: Villainy Amok Has anyone used/planned to use the Bottled City of Naldar? Personally I think it's nice to have another bit of crunchy Silver Age goodness in the CU.
  15. Re: Strength Damage: Pathetic or what? Regarding Ironclad, I will point out that although he doesn't have a lot of typical brick tricks, he does have Find Weakness with Punch on 12-. Not much help against John Q. Normal, but wonderful for smashing up high-DEF inanimate objects (and supervillains) -- something MA with a stick-guy can't do at all effectively. Of course Ironclad also has STR 60 (roughly the strength of 1000 men), so it's not apples-to-apples anyway.
  16. Re: Champions Universe Help DH #13, to be exact.
  17. Re: Plot for Mastermind Actually, Mr. R is referring to the character from Green Ronin's Freedom City setting, who, although he has some of the same elements as the Byrne-era Alpha Flight villain The Master, is a different (and IMHO much cooler) character. Mr. R, what kind of world are you working in? Do you want plot ideas for Mastermind in the Freedom City universe, or are you trying to integrate him into the Champions Universe (or a homebuilt world)? Mastermind doesn't really seem like the type to use supervillain flunkies, but he certainly would have to plan for the interference of other master villain types.
  18. Re: Malvan/Elder Worm Curse Thanks for the responses. I found the reference.
  19. A long-time lurker finally speaks up. I've seen several references on the boards referring to the "Slug Curse" or "Curse of the Elder Worm" as an explanation for the Malvans' moral and political decline, but I haven't seen any reference to it in the official Hero materials. Have I missed a reference in my reading (I have most of the books I think might contain a reference, including Champions Universe, CKC, Galactic Champions, and Terran Empire, but I may have missed it -- a page reference would be great), or is this someone's campaign storyline? Thanks in advance
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