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Everything posted by name_tamer

  1. Re: Need an 8th PC character concept and some other help How about a metamorph?
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. All terriffic, but I think this one in particular is some of your most pleasing work.
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains
  4. Re: Ummm...Where's Mechanon? Yes.
  5. Re: The Godzilla Scenario
  6. Re: Top 10 List of the Lamest Superheroes of All Times A character of this sort is written up in Digital Hero #37, at 200 point and 350 point power levels.
  7. Re: Calling all Archers Trickshot (from DC:TAS) wields a longbow with trick arrows. Der Bogenshutze (from Champions Worldwide) does too (and has a much broader, more four-color array of them).
  8. Re: DC Heroes to Champions In case Lord Liaden is on vacation or something, here's the thread he has compiled covering conversions: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23298 Scroll down to "DC Heroes." Edit: I guess you probably knew that already.
  9. name_tamer

    Ego Boost

    Re: Ego Boost Third time reading this & I just got it. You will be repped.
  10. name_tamer

    Ego Boost

    Re: Ego Boost This seems a little odd to me too. The only published character I remember getting close to that is the Revered Elder, from 4E, who did in fact have a 50 EGO.
  11. Re: Kilowog Thanks everyone. Kilowog seems different from your average GL to me, because of his Brick/Gadgeteer qualities, so I was looking to see if anyone has attempted to write up that combination of archetypes with a Power Ring. It seems like the answer is no, but thanks for your input anyway!
  12. Re: How Many U S Heros ? According to Champions Universe, the 1:1,000,000 ratio is pretty accurate on a worldwide basis, but varies significantly by region. The U.S. has a superhuman to normal ratio of about 1:100,000 to 1:1,000,000, and China has a ratio equal to about 1:5,000,000. So given a U.S. population of about 300 million, and a China population of about 1.3 billion, that means between 300 and 3,000 U.S. supers, and about 260 Chinese supers, out of a worldwide total of about 6,000. CU also cites to estimates that only 40% of superhumans actually become costumed heroes/villains. Applying this multiplier, the U.S. gets about 120 to 1,200, and China gets about 104, out of the worldwide total of 2,400. (The 40% ratio, of course, could also vary by factors such as a more extroverted society in the west -- or superhuman recruitment programs in China).
  13. name_tamer


    Anyone seen/done a writeup? I've checked the usual suspects like the Great Net Book of Real Heroes.
  14. Re: CHAR: Hellhound Very Nice.
  15. Re: Fictional Cities BTW, for those who are not afraid to visit the MnM boards, this link contains some interesting maps of fictional cities.
  16. Re: Vampires in Supers Setting I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Baron von Darien. It covers a lot of the bases people have talked about here ... as a 1000 point superhero.
  17. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTY -- What Would You Like To See? Borealis 5e. Not just the writeup, but the history of some of his failed plots, as well as lots of plot seeds for the future. What is his organization like? Give us more about his philosophy. Just a super-patriot, or does he actually believe there's something inherently superior about Canada. Why does the Northern Guard keep disbanding? Is it a curse, or something about the Canadian (super-)character?
  18. Re: EC and MP? It's not really responsive to your question ("What would you, as GM, do?") but what you're describing appears to be standard procedure for officially-published 5E Champions characters. See (for example) the writeups for Witchcraft, Icicle/Snowblind and Talisman in Champions, and Gravitar, Menton, Eclipse, Feuermacher, Mentalla, Thunderbolt I, and Firewing (among others, I imagine) in CKC (although Sapphire and Pulsar, in Champions, and Maelstrom, in 5ER, each buy their flight and force field "naked", and could shave some points by putting them in an EC).
  19. Re: Villainous Matchmaking! Sentences I never thought I'd see. That is priceless.
  20. No, seriously! This is a term that gets tossed around a lot, and everyone seems to know it when they see it, but I've never seen it defined. So ... Can you define it in 100 words or less?
  21. Re: Firewing vs. Gravitar? I don't see why he'd kill her. Although Firewing certainly has no CvK, he does have a Code of Honor that supposedly prevents him from fighting unfairly; I would think that would include killing a downed opponent (unless the Phazor ordered it in the arena). The flavor text indicates that his code of honor wars with his Psych Lim: Determined to Win, but if Gravitar is down, he will have won, so no problem, right? OTOH, if his Enraged gets triggered, I guess he might try to do BODY to a downed foe. Eurostar, though, you're right, would definitely kill her if they could. Edit: Metaphysician beat me to it.
  22. Re: Sentinels As has already been pointed out, Marus is an aquatic flying brick. And although you said you weren't looking for writeups, his is in Hidden Lands. Edit: And Diamond is in DH#9.
  23. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?
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