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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Caught a few eps myself as my son was watching. That show should be required watching for Dark Champs games. The stuff they were doing to M-16s was just sick -- and looked like a lot of fun to shoot if I'm not paying for the ammo... (Gotta love the triamese...) http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/sons-of-guns-triamese-m16-debut.html
  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games
  3. Re: Ok GM's weigh in. We've been talking players CvK...how do you handle these things
  4. Re: Ok GM's weigh in. We've been talking players CvK...how do you handle these things Even before 6e (which resulted in the need for fewer Complications), I was moving away from CvKs unless something about the character's b/g really demanded its inclusion. It was getting too difficult to decide just what exactly it meant for one (ie: the PC won't kill, or the PC gets unhinged if anyone tries to kill). The more important problem is it forces the GM to create situations where the PC(s) killing someone is practically necessary. If a Complication doesn't complicate the PCs life, it isn't a complication. If the GM never puts the player in the situation of contemplating lethal force, then it isn't worth any points to have a CvK. In part, I'm just not interested in seeing how convoluted Batman's reasoning can get to justify letting the Joker live or how many people a character will let die just to keep the villain's 'literal' blood off his own lily-white hands.
  5. Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer? Most people don't really think about dealing that level of violence -- which also tends to explain why most people don't really have a CvK. They've never considered it as a possibility/option. And as Rex said, the military actually has to train people to overcome a base-level aversion to killing. Though arguably our culture's immersion in violent media and video games (etc) is considered an aid towards that goal by at least some people (did I qualify that enough?). It has also been argued that at least part of the logic behind demonizing your opponent in the media is to strip away their humanity to make killing them more easily justifiable.
  6. Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer? Hmmm, and he had a CvK in 5e fwiw... Though frankly I consider having a CvK to be the exception rather than the norm, even for heroes, and Kinetic received his powers as an adult so presumably he formulated his ideas on the subject before he had powers. Given the deaths of his parents and so many others in the Battle of Detroit, I would imagine he has a less idealistic viewpoint on subject than some. In any event, given the lack of a 'stated' reason, it's GM's discretion.
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The PCs in Loose Ends: (from left to right: Gale, Aquatic, Scion, Soldier of Christ) *note: Scion went with one of the alternate versions from what I posted a couple of pages back*
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Don't trust the color chart, it's not always right. You can do various shades of grey -- finding them can be a matter of hunt and search though. Arrow over the options and watch the selection square on the interface. Dk Grey is Column 15, Row 3. There are lighter greys at Col 4, Row 10 and Col 11, Row 11.
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The 2011 version has a new interface -- and includes English labeling... Here is an update of one of my LE game's heroes along with the previous version... Scion (this is the closest to his original look, if the player goes with one of the other tweaks I did I'll put that up as well)
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Gale's player decided it was time for costume change...
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The images I've been posting lately are 2011. I will note that F2011 is not intuitive. After selecting your option from the 'Item' drop down, you need to click on the large 'N' (novo) immediately below it on the next row for it to appear on the screen.
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine re-doing the character image for one of my player's fashion model brick, Tremor. First image is as close as I could come to her old DC animated look. Second two are just playing around with alternate looks. She's not as bad as Janet van Dyne, but she's a fashion model married to a fashion designer...
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Yet another NPC from Loose Ends (oringinally from my Hawthorne FtF game)... MASC (Mobile Armored System, Combat)
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This is stitched together from several posts from one of my Hero Central games as a 'flashback' for the character in my current 'Loose Ends' campaign. This particular sequence is from the character's early history, talking to her Case Manager following her first act of overt heroism (rescuing a lineman from a power pole after an accident)...
  16. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) I don't think she'll go for the 'ward' idea... And there's the question of what sort of baggage she's got. I'd worry about giving the GM ideas, except I'm pretty sure he already has them... ;D
  17. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) And at least none of the guys hit on her... (though it looks like the new people are willing to give her a chance despite her age...)
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine A couple more NPCs from Loose Ends: Shadowstrike, and Citrine - The Yellow Guardian (I don't usually use capes, but in her alter ego Citrine is more than a bit of a 'meta-geek' with some confidence issues -- she's going to agree with Abby (link)...)
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Every good knight needs henchmen. Evil knights too...
  20. In my games, the Black Paladin has managed to lose his sword and I'm replacing it with a new one. The English name would be Burner of Souls (aka: Soulburner). My computer is translating that as Bruleur D'ames. (appx) Is this a good translation? Does anyone have a better one?
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Found the time and urge to attempt Gale from my Loose Ends campaign in the current version of Fabrica...
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The newest member of my Hero Central 'Loose Ends' campaign... Soldier of Christ (with and w/o helmet - didn't think of doing the image with him holding the helmet until later and I'm too lazy to redo it)
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Another NPC from Loose Ends (original character was a PC in my FtF game)... The public ID hero: Force
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Finally felt the urge to try a new image of my original Hero Central character (currently an NPC in my HC campaign) in the current version of Fabrica. Kodiak
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Oh, very nice...
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