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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) I've always wanted to use the Flashmen, but never felt GM enough to properly handle them FtF.
  2. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Darned recharge time on rep... I really like how you placed the spider-symbol/motif on Aranea...
  3. Re: Fading Stars...when and why should superheroes retire? I 'retired' one hero to be a father to his child, though he's still on call and helping train the younger generation. My first PC effectively took a promotion from the center seat (to borrow from Trek). When his mentor died, he found he'd been named the man's heir. All of a sudden, he had other responsibilities and he could no longer afford the risks of field action. What he was doing was too important to the big picture, and there was nobody on tap to replace him if he got himself killed.
  4. Re: Megascale Teleport I'm thinking along the same lines as Xavier. Soliloquy takes no time. I'm assuming the 'prisoner' isn't a combat option unless he's got powers your character doesn't know about, but if you can bluff through a good PRE attack you might get enough hesitation from the VIPERs to roll over into the next segment where you can Abort...
  5. Re: Megascale Teleport I assume this is still in the same Phase as the Teleport? If so, she's pretty well in deep doo-doo. The t-port was a full phase action, and she can't Abort to anything in the same Segment she's already acted (ie: if she's acted in Segment 4, she cannot abort to a defensive action until segment 5) per 6e2 pg 22. Still, the GM has some leeway, so there still might be some options depending on what is on your sheet, SFX, and GM's willingness to be flexible. Well, and what the trap is... In the worst case (no options available/acceptable), if the character can survive the initial segment she can abort to the Desolid (or perhaps something else) in the following segment.
  6. Re: How does your Hero relax? Off Time Activities Kodiak: Ride horses or motocross. He also helps a friend with a horse stable maintain the grounds. Playing with his new son isn't something to be interrupted lightly... Speedzone: Time off? Spending time with his fiance is always a high priority when they're not busy with everything else -- but both being science nerds, their idea of fun (outside the bedroom) can involve higher maths..
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'm giving a PC a 'monstrous' encounter while visiting Family in Atlantis for the revolution...[ATTACH=CONFIG]38056[/ATTACH]
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I thought my players would appreciate something cosmically destructive during a period of dimensional instability, and I haven't played with the newest version of Fabrica, so I decided to make a try at Valak. The program froze on my before I was quite finished playing, but I think I managed to get the point across... [ATTACH=CONFIG]38019[/ATTACH]
  9. Re: Dr Zero's Art Thread These are some nice pieces. I'd actually like to hear more about the characters in Vigilance Force, and I like the ways you did the eyes with The Forever Man. A Baleful Moon would look great as a poster imo. Rep if I'm able.
  10. Re: How would your character rate on a villian's threat matrix? Kodiak: Well known in the city, and was team leader of a corporate sponsored group in another city. Base powerset is fairly easy (martial brick) and no known weaknesses, though deeper digging will reveal some anomolies. He's mixed it up with VIPER in the past, and is definitely not going to be considered agent fodder -- Dragon Branch support is a must. However, he's 'movement challenged' and is known more for prowling at street level in rougher neighborhoods. Biggest threat is his friendship and frequent association with Justice (Flying EB/Brick). He'd probably rate a 6, VIPER being more concerned with Mimic (shapeshifting metamorph -- think Rouge from the animated Teen Titans -- and HtH specialist) and Aeroforce (PA with Mach+ flight and a well known hatred of all things VIPER) of the main local team. Facet: Field Leader of the local team and Public ID. Crystalline Metamorph with a SpecOps background. Has a wide variety of options available, but is primarily a HtH specialist with stretching -- but he has managed to hold onto Grond long enough for his teammates to KO him using Growth. I don't believe his vulnerability to sonic attacks is widely known, but will probably be figured out before too long. Good relationship with the local PRIMUS office. He'd be at least a 7. Speedzone: Unofficial leader of the city's unofficial team. Speedster who's handed VIPER some serious setbacks, including taking down the local Nest and capturing its Nest Leader. Known for thinking fast on his feet as well has his ability to get practically anywhere in the city at the blink of an eye (literally at times). Good working relationship with the local UNTIL commander. He's probably at least an 8 (maybe 9) -- he's going to have to be dealt with eventually. Focus: Teenage hero-in-training. VIPER has encountered him briefly, but little is known about him. Flying TK/Brick. Very little is known about him, and agents can probably take him down with only a little luck or sufficient numbers. Level 2, tentative 3 -- he's got that tenacious hero vibe about him...
  11. Tom

    Champions legacy

    Re: Champions legacy I first started RPGs back in HS with AD&D, but I was introduced to Champions (2e) back in the early/mid-80s in the Navy while down in Orlando.
  12. Re: Estimated date for affordable and portable Augmented Reality? Here is a link I found on a running site following CES (http://www.reconinstruments.com/). Haven't looked at how 'available/affordable' they really are, mostly because I can't see that much use for them yet. Only 'high tech' piece of running electronics I'm quasi-interested in is a GPS enabled watch (Garmin Forerunner 110 w/o the heart monitor is almost in the range I'm willing to spend money on, if I can convince myself I've got an actual use for it).
  13. Re: Hudson City Map Question I have both. One of my players from an earlier game got me the color map as a gift and had it printed out large on a sheet of vinyl. Great resource.
  14. Re: Hudson City Map Question I'd assume it was a tunnel, based on my experience with real rail lines. But I'm not the voice of authority in this matter. I do notice that the description in the book indicates the EL does come down to street level in places (pg 25). The book map also does not correspond to the map snippet you're showing either, for what that might be worth (pg 65) since the color map includes a lot more detail.
  15. Re: What Value for AVAD Resistant Protection Defined as Force Field Very Common to Uncommon. +1
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... After re-starting my Twilight Guard FtF game after nearly a year's hiatus... My son: Are we playing Champions next week? Me: No. Probably next month. Why? My son: Because I'd forgotten how fun it was and I want to play it again.
  17. Tom


    Re: Powerball First thing which sprang to my mind was potential variations on dodgeball/battleball. I'll go looking for the thread later, but I was involved in a HC game where we played a game of powers-allowed dodge ball in 'our' first gym class...
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That is just wrong. Funny. But still wrong... ;D (and I'll rep you if I'm able...)
  19. Re: Viper: From Hydra To Cobra? I have to admit, one of the changes I like in 6e is the reduced number of Disads (Complications) in character development -- it makes taking things like 'Hunted: VIPER' a little less commonplace without cause. And being hunted by VIPER can be hazardous to your character's health if the GM plays them right...
  20. Re: Help with a power If I'm visualizing the power correctly, the TK is probably the way to go for the primary effect of temporarily 'paralyzing' the heroes. I'm not sure how the apparent SFX justifies the effect on (non-physical) energy blasts, but a Linked Missile Deflection/Reflection may do the trick. The Active Point total is going to be impressive, however...
  21. Re: Champions for newcomers. Hooray! As a Hero Central GM, I'd say run a single board but use the 'action' and 'GM' tags to separate out the mechanics from the narrative. However, I'd also say use whatever works best for you and your players... ;D Oh, and 'good gaming'.
  22. Re: Working on New Constantinople *blinks at thread reappearance* The collection of TXT files I've got in a folder on my desktop works pretty well, but as another online GM, it's always easy to accidentally shift minor (and not so minor) details during the course of play... (I'm one of the players in New Conn)
  23. Re: Tropes Revisited: Beautiful Female Martial Artist. Ideas sought That's a nice one! I'd rep you, but 'must spread'... (Those of us who are frugal in spreading are more limited... *sigh*) Here's a pic I've posted in the DCA thread previously... Moonshadow
  24. Re: CU team study: Eurostar A strange craving for Skyline Chili aside, a certain amount of international sea commerce comes into the States via the ports in either Detroit (MC in the CU) or Toledo. And I-75 is the primary north/south route from either...
  25. Re: Hzeel and Hzeel tech based supers I believe Howler's powers are Hzeel based, but she's the only other one I can think of off hand. There's also some information on the Hzeel in Terran Empire.
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