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Everything posted by clsage

  1. Re: Any Info On The Tressilaine Empire For 5thEd ? Thanks GA and LL...I'd pretty well figured that it was a group that was left behind with 3rdEd or so. I appreciate the confirmation(s). I do like the backstory for Cancer tho'....I wonder if any of the current empires might tinker with "organic crystal cannon fodder" and he could be worked into a current CU version that way. Maybe the Xenovores ? Hmmm..... -Carl-
  2. Re: Sanctuary.....Anyone Use It ? Hmmm....Okay, I must have the 3rd Edition version then. Just Pooka, Rush and Strikeforce amongst the powered staff listed (tho' there are short mentions of Waxman, Metalla, Trasher, etc as well). And the actual physical location given is in a small neighborhood adjacent to "campaign city" with such places as a video store and a day care center down the block.... On the whole I'd definately agree it's a very silver age concept. And while I have no real proof (not certain on the publication dates, etc) I suspect that it may have been an attempt at creating an "Empire Club for paranormals"....maybe. As for playing in it myself...nope. Back when I purchased it I was "gaming group-less" but I was sort of a "compleatist" when it came to Hero system items so....Shrug. Anywho, thanks all for the opinions. -Carl-
  3. I came across a mention of this spacefaring empire while sifiting thru some old gaming material and reading The Zodiac Conspiracy entry regarding the character Cancer...I don't recall any mention of it in Champions Universe or elsewhere in 5thEd. Is it one of those groups that have yet to make the transition or did I just miss it ? Thanks. -Carl-
  4. Re: Building an intelligent Super-vehicle? If you have the chance, post the cycle when you've finished building it. I'd love to steal.....errrr, take a look at it. BTW, have you considered a Nitrous Oxide system for "sprint speed bursts" ? -Carl-
  5. Re: Tricks for a Triplicator? I may have missed this if anyone else has mentioned it but....How about "the old high/low" ? One of the triplicates does a legsweep from behind at the same time as another does a spinning blow to the head or neck from the front. Basically it's a flashy take- down and I'm not certain if you could justify any additional damage but it would (if successful) place the target on the ground so the pair could then pop him with a matched pair of martial strikes as "punctuation"..... -Carl-
  6. Re: Building an intelligent Super-vehicle? You may want to give this page a gander: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/mathew/champions.html There are several Transformers as well as a version of KITT http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/mathew/cskitt.html that might give you some ideas..... -Carl-
  7. Re: Alien Stereotypes And for those who wish to use the afformentioned species.... http://www.starherofandom.com/b5/package_deals/vree.php -Carl-
  8. Re: Seeking "League Of Shadows" Analog In CU
  9. While recently going thru some of my old gaming stuff (ah, memories !) I came across the supplement "Neutral Ground" by Rod Smith. The basic concept is that there is a "club/society/organization" which provides a sort of haven/meeting place where you might just see Ras Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne sitting across a chess board from one another and (tho' cautiously) sharing a brandy..... And I was just curious if anyone here uses such an establishment in any of your current campaigns and if so how it works out for you.... Thanks. -Carl-
  10. Re: Help: Folk Heroes. This suggestion: Made me think of this one (for duplication and martial arts): The 47 Ronin ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty-seven_Ronin ) Granted, they were more historical figures than folk heroes but.... EDIT: After going back and seeing that you have already filled the MA slot perhaps they could potentially fill the "weapons-master" slot....? -Carl-
  11. Re: [Characters] Rocket Girl and Black Scorpion I like this character very much and will probably be stealing (errr.... borrowing ) her at some point....That said, when I saw you gave her: I was a little curious why you gave her: As opposed to the Escrima package.....Not that Escrima would be any more in her conception...And, not having my copy of UMA handy, I don't know if it would cost more (or less). Just color me curious.
  12. Re: Opinions Re: END Reserve Concept Yeah, I'm still toying with the timeframe of how long the "reload" takes if it gets totally drained....It'd be a minimum of 24 hours on top of however long it takes to get back to the reload location.... True....It may be more of a SFX than a limitation.... -Carl-
  13. I initially posted this search in the Champions forum and a poster there wisely suggested I might ask here so..... I'm building a Batman homage (or more accurately, a "Batmans' heir" homage) and am looking for the CU equivalant to the group "The League Of Shadows", which we see rear its' head in the film Batman Begins to use as a hunted. The char in question is the second person to use that heroic name and imagery. The first hero using the name was her uncle, circa 1930's-ish to 1970's-ish and she sort of inherits his hunted by the League, since as far as they are concerned anyone who emulates that heroes goals and beliefs must be their enemy. Suggestions ?? Thanks. -Carl-
  14. Re: Looking For Equivalent CU Group For A Hunted
  15. Re: Looking For Equivalent CU Group For A Hunted I just happen to have a copy of that sourcebook on one of the other computers here at the house and I'll take another gander at it....Thanks. And you're correct, I should cross-post this to the DC forum.... -Carl-
  16. Re: Looking For Equivalent CU Group For A Hunted Well, the schtick I'm thinking of is that the char (DarkKnight) is actually the second person who uses the persona. She is the niece of the original DarkKnight, who was a semi-vigilante/rich playboy circa 1930's-ish to 1970's-ish and a member of the JLA/JSA analog The Guardians Of Liberty. So her hunted is more of an "inheritance" from her uncle, since the League has a long memory and will want to stop anyone who uses the name and/or image of DarkKnight. -Carl-
  17. Re: Looking For Equivalent CU Group For A Hunted Hmmm....Yeah, I kinda thought I might have to fabricate. I was just hoping that I might find an existing group so that if I try the char in someone elses campaign (unlikely, but I like to be prepared) they'd have a better chance of okay-ing the hunted....Shrug. -Carl-
  18. Re: Looking For Equivalent CU Group For A Hunted Sorry....I'm not certain I'm familiar with them...Did I miss them in my reading of "Champions Universe" or are they from some other text ? Thanks! -Carl-
  19. So as many of you know, the major "Big Bad" in the film Batman Begins is the League Of Shadows. And as I am fiddling with a Batman homage for my campaign background I'm curious as to whether any similar group(s) exist in published CU materials. I've gone thru "Champions Universe" several times but I haven't been struck by any group that would match. Any pointers towards groups, material, etc would be appreciated. Thanks. -Carl-
  20. Hello all....I had an idea for a limitation on an END reserve and was curious as to what others might judge it worth: The END reserve in question has the drawback that it will not recover at all unless there is at least a minimal level of END still in the reserve (priming the pump, as it were). This particular version does not totally dissapear if emptied. It just stays inert till the char gets back to a location where they can "feed it". Then it returns to its' standard levels..... Steve has confirmed for me that such a limitation currently isn't listed (at least as such) in the rules. I'd been thinking that its' sort of like recoverable charges, tho' it's not quite as limiting. So my initial thought(s) were -1/4 or maybe -1/2. But I'd really like to see what others might figure its' value as. Thanks. -Carl-
  21. Re: How do you become a Jedi Hmmm....The Sith as followers of Nietzsche and Rand ? It would make sense for Lucas to have conceived it that way, as there was a historical backlash to such beliefs and behaviours in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Look at how (gasp!!) Star Trek handles such things: references to things being "anti-humanistic", eugenics and its' evils, etc. Now compare the Sith/Jedi conflict with that imagery....Both are definately products of their age. Just my semi-random $.02US. -Carl-
  22. I'm thinking of building an END reserve with the limitation that it cannot recover unless it has at least some END still remaining (to prime the pump as it were). I probably just went right past anything in 5thEd that might refer to the value of such a limitation. Could you point me in the right direction ? Thanks. -Carl-
  23. Re: Looking For Info: Ameboid Aliens Thanks guys...So for a smallish ameboid species we might start with: [Diminutive Package Deal] and -5 STR -5 PRE -2 CON -2 BODY -8 COM Ambidexterity Limited Desolidification (not thru sealed doors, etc) Stretching (1” (?)) Limited Damage Reduction (versus blunt force attacks only) And then for the Ylem add: +5 INT +5 EGO Telepathy 6d6 Ego Attack 3d6 and possibly Limited Mind Link: “I can smell what you are thinking” (only other Ylem within “scent distance” to read their pheromone output, etc) The Mind Link is a feature I seem to recall from some sessions run by one of the authors when they lived here in IL...Not certain if it made it into the printed version tho'. How does that sound so far ? -Carl-
  24. Re: Cable TV Show Demonstrating Martial Arts A sneak peek clip for Krav Maga is here: http://www.history.com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_Video_Clips&display_order=1&content_type_id=55083&mini_id=54986 -Carl-
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