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Everything posted by clsage

  1. Re: Teen Champions Villians Hmmm....I'd disagree about "Zoom...". Granted, different tastes, etc. But I'd say it's worth watching all the way thru, if just for some flavor ideas in regard to a teen team, such as the cliche (but still classic) "us vs them as method of building cohesion in the team" structure which shows itself later in the film.... Just my $.02US. YMMV. -Carl-
  2. While I know that someone did a spiffy write-up of the force lance as seen in Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda and it's been posted here on the boards, when last I looked the HTML markup doesn't seem to want to be legible on my system so I need to ask a favor: anyone have a plain-text version of the write-up that you would be willing to post ? Thanks. -Carl-
  3. Re: Teen Champions Villians And for a more powerfull version you might want to take a gander at: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsanime/p_ako/bko.html as presented by Michael Surbook. His version totals in at....540 pts. Definately a mastermind sort of gal who could potentially give a Teen Champions team a bit of a run for their money..... BTW, anyone else catch the general similarities between B-Ko and Royal Pain from "Sky High", or is it just me over analyzing again ? -Carl-
  4. Re: Alien Wars: DropZone PBP A personal favorite from a mostly unplayed campaign of way too long ago: "The Wraith Rangers" (an LRRP / Delta force group emulation - small unit, deep insertions, etc - component of the Orion Starforces) -Carl-
  5. Re: Philosophical question Tangentally, there was an excellent episode of "The New Twilight Zone" entitled "A Profile In Silver" which dealt with the whole issue of temporal ripples caused by a historian from the future (who happened to be a distant relation of the Kennedy clan) who couldn't stand by and let his ancestor be assasinated. After saving JFK, the world starts to go to crap and, in an effort to save the future, the historian leaps back and replaces his ancestor....Thus the discrepencies in the autopsy data, etc..... -Carl-
  6. Re: adventure ideas? Hmmmm....South Pacific Vacation (provided by Mr. High Society perhaps ?) Turns Bad !!! Shipwreck ? Plane crash ? Either way, the team find themselves on an island with virtually nothing and must begin by simply surviving....Oh, and did I mention that the island also happens to be a training site for major para-military villain organization from your campaign world here> ? So as they work to escape being stranded, they also have to decide between hiding from the "baddies in training" or taking them on and perhaps using the baddies own gear to escape, as well as cleaning out a nest of evil !! My $.02US. YMMV. -Carl-
  7. I had this idea while here at work and so I have yet to get the chance to check in the UMA so I figured I'd ask here and get pointed in the right direction..... I was thinking of a martial artist who, like some of what we see in some sentai shows (Power Rangers, etc), only seems to have martial arts abilities while in his(her) hero ID (at the start of the campaign at least....). Is there any proviso within the rules allowing for such a limitation on MA's ? If so, what page(s) might I find it on in UMA (or other appropriate texts) ? Thanks. -Carl-
  8. Re: the speed zone ....ok im lost please help While I can't answer your question myself, I might recommend reposting it in the "HERO System Rules forum" and Mr Long could potentially give you your answer..... -Carl-
  9. clsage

    Super Metals

    Re: Super Metals While it's not from my gaming experiences there's Nysteel, from the Time Wars series of novels by Simon Hawke. It makes it's first appearance in "The Ivanhoe Gambit", where plate armor made from it is at least as strong as steel but the time commandos wearing it can sit crosslegged and engage in combat with little or no encumbrance. -Carl-
  10. Re: "Back when I started playing Champions...." **One of the GM's in our group programmed his Commodore 64 to serve as a dice roller. **Any commercially available supplements had about 18 pages total, with villain descriptions taking up half a page each (including the character sheet and illustration). **Mechanon's origin was a clear homage to Ultron (he was built by the commercially available NPC heroes group for use as support at their base/etc...). **Foxbat had his own advice column. Written on a typewriter repaired by Plasmoid. **VIPER bases were hex shaped. And so was Stronghold -Carl-
  11. Re: Aliens - where are they? I have not seen a 5th Ed write up for them yet so they may not exist in the current universe but there is also the Kite, the insectoid race that Thok belongs (belonged?) to from the old Enemies books. The most recent version I know of is in the 4th Edition book "Classic Enemies".... Additionally, tho it is also 4th Edition, you might want to take a gander at "Alien Enemies" for potential species. -Carl-
  12. An idea came to me (perhaps thanks to the Nyquil I have taken for my current cold ) -- The Legion of Superheroes flight rings also (as I recall) have an emergency beacon function, to allow for summoning other legionaires when needed. What about a "Summon via Teleport" function, which brings the rest of the team (or any within range) when triggered ? My initial thought would be that it would have to be basically written as: Teleport - IIF; No concious control; Trigger (receipt of remote signal) Still working out the distance multipliers and such.... Anyone have a cleaner way/other suggestions for building this ? -Carl-
  13. Re: Need an 8th PC character concept and some other help For free cheat sheets and such you might want to take a gander at the free stuff pages here on the HERO Games site...for example: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/freedocs/Two-Page%20Combat%20Summary.pdf And for potential NPC's and/or just plain cool hero's and ideas there is Surbrooks Stuff at: http://surbrook.devermore.net/index/ And The Great Net Book Of Real Heros at: http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/ Given your current mix of PC's I think I'd join the chorus and suggest a Martial Artist (maybe something between Spiderman and Batman - a fast moving, highly deductive wise guy......). My unplayed universe character of that type is named Dark Knight (yes, it is a Batman homage. So sue me. ). -Carl-
  14. Re: Need Help with Character Concept [battle Armor with AI/Ghost Mentor] Nice....I personally might add a limitation something to the effect of: "Must follow preset evasion program unless the A.I.'s EGO role is made" (ie: the suit walks away from battle to save the occupant....) Darn it !! I had hoped that, after just getting a shipment of about a dozen HERO texts, I wouldn't have to go shopping for awhile. But the more I hear about TUV the more I know I have to save some more pennies and visit the online store!!! -Carl-
  15. Re: Sunshine (movie) Sounds a little like the film "Solar Crisis" from 1990....Of course, in that the astronaut team was being sent to use a super-bomb to redirect a massive, planet torching, solar flare that is expect to burn the Earth to cinders. Apparently the plotline was derived from the Japanese novel "Kuraishisu niju-goju nen" by Takeshi Kawata. And the director of the film was so dissapointed in the final result that he used the standard Directors Guild pseudonym of Alan Smithee rather than his real name on the credits. Personally, I kind of liked the visual style presented. And a talking, semi- sentient super bomb and a female pseudo-android science officer have a certain charm to them....Plus cameo/supporting roles by Peter Boyle, Jack Palance and Charlton Heston. Here's a Wiki link if your interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Crisis_(film) -Carl-
  16. Re: Looking For Input On Society Concept - Empire Of The Wolf
  17. Not quite sure where to put this so I'll stick it here...... I'm attempting to wrap my mind around a concept mentioned in passing in the Doctor Who episode "Tooth And Claw" and could use some input: An imperial society, drawing it's political power from a lineage of lycanthropes.....the Empire Of The Wolf. So....What sorts of societal structures would the assembled Hero-philes imagine would develop in a society ruled by werewolves ? Any thoughts ? -Carl-
  18. Re: Bad Powers This was actually the main muguffin in a movie version of the 1960's TV series "Get Smart" --- A villainous fashion designer with no real talent develops a weapon that will obliterate all clothing worldwide, leaving his fashions supreme !! -Carl-
  19. Re: Grond, underpowered pansy? Mmmmmm. Tasty! -Carl-
  20. Re: Flavor Power for Brick How about a "paw based attack" ? My first blush idea would be a shockwave style, indirect EB attack ("Slapping the pavement before him, Rampant Lion makes the ground tremble and shudder, causing his opponent Dread Mantis to stumble and fall....."). If you have access to a copy of The Ultimate Brick take a gander at the "brick tricks" listed in it. Lots of nifty ideas. -Carl-
  21. Re: Help Finding Zipped Files Of GNBORH Thank you very much !!!! I knew that I had seen it somewhere !!! Thanks again. -Carl-
  22. As the subject line of this thread implies, I'm attempting to find a zipped file that I KNOW I saw at least once online. The file had the entirety (to that point at least) of all the character sheets published at "The Great Net Book Of Real Heros" ( http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/ ) ......Yet no matter how I search, I can't seem to locate it again online. So I turn to you, fellow Herophiles, in hopes that you might help. Is my brain addled by to much reading of "Justice League International" or does such a file truely exist and I am simply missing it's net location ??? -Carl-
  23. Re: Nitro Injection System For Motorcycles Thanks all for the input...and ghost-angel, thanks for the page pointers...now I just need to save some pennies and buy the "Vehicles bundle" from the online store. -Carl-
  24. As I don't currently own The Ultimate Vehicle or the Vehicle Sourcebook I'd appreciate any help/insights...... I'd like for one of the stock characters I'm building to have access to a slightly modified motorcycle as her "megascale movement device". Easy enough. But I'm not clear on the most accepted method for building in a NOX injector system into a vehicle. I'd wager that there is a description of a basic NOX system somewhere in DC, DC:TAS, TUV or the HSVS but, as mentioned above, I don't have access to those at the moment so..... My initial thought, since I want the gadget to have a slight level of "unreliability/variance", is as follows: AID, recoverable charges, IIF Is there any better way to simulate this ? If the system is in one of the published texts please point me to the appropriate page(s)....Thanks. -Carl-
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