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Everything posted by clsage

  1. Re: online character generator
  2. Re: online character generator It doesn't seem to work (at least currently from this computer) for me either. I get a message regarding a scripting error.... As for other online generators....I recall there was one I had seen but I'm not recalling where...I have a vague idea it was from one of the sites listed on "The Stuff Real Heroes Are Made Of", the main menu of whichi is here: http://www.sysabend.org/champions/ now, as for which of the plethora of sites it was that had the generator ? Sigh. No clue....but I'll give it some thought. -Carl-
  3. Re: Opinions On Being An "Ex-Viper Member" Excellent idea !! Thanks SS and BoneDaddy. Hmmm. Well, since the op we went on was to recover a flash drive...and given Max's penchant for "incursions into data systems"....If we assume the nest got raided while we were on the op, that would leave the drive in Max's curious little hands.....Oh my, that could work too! Decisions, decisions. -Carl-
  4. Re: Power Build Question: Manipulate your own projectile Poor Dan Turpin...... BTW, I might add a "Requires a skill roll" modifier to the indirect, lest you accidentally zing your beams into some poor bystander. -Carl-
  5. Re: Opinions On Being An "Ex-Viper Member" Hmmm.... Well, the gear would be primarily defensive (armor, etc) and commo/surveilance/computer stuff. The character was the teams computer/systems op nerd, someone who would feel a bit naked without having their laptop nearby. And since the only active assignment that the team undertook was a raid on a farmhouse to recover some data he wasn't too far up the "food chain"... I'm thinking an 8-, with Viper seeking to kill - or submit for experimentation...which is probably a death sentence too. Since I doubt that he would hang around the same city the nest was in, but he'd probably be on the same coast. -Carl-
  6. Re: I have created a Regulation Act Hmmm...I'm a bit reticent about this. I see some significant ethical issues for (as an example) a hero who builds power armor to protect the innocent but who abhores war. Could he trust the government not to manufacture "knock-off versions" of his suit for use by the army ? [Yes..I'm an Iron Man fan and this dilemma is one from that comic] Intellectual property rights and his refusal to allow the army to use the suits might not hold up, if the government could claim "use for the common good" or eminant domain.... I like this feature...I may have to borrow it for my own congressional act, The Special Response Groups Act of 1964. -Carl-
  7. I'm curious as to the assembled Herophiles opinions on the following: I have a character from the (sadly) now defunct Viper agent campaign on Herocentral. And I am considering using the chars background for a potential DC talented normal character (or maybe even a low powered super.. ..maybe). And while it wouldn't take much to just drop any reference to Viper from the build (or re-build) I like the idea of the char snagging some advanced tech when they and the Washington DC nest parted ways. But that leads to the question: In most peoples world builds, how much does Viper hunt it's entry level agents who go AWOL ? What I'm looking for is a general concensus....I'm suspecting that, to be consistant with the Champions Universe, it would be an 11-, potentially to kill. Thoughts ? Thanks. -Carl-
  8. Re: Weapon Damage in Traveller Hero Rep for just mentioning such an image. -Carl-
  9. Re: Jedi Mind Trick? Not sure I understand why the addition of the Radio group if the effect you're after is "to be non-descript and ignored" by concious bengs but not machinery ? Are you working on making him/her non-descript to radar as well ? I might think about adding a "requires skill roll based on ECV", just for flavor....Just my own preference with how I'd emulate the effect as I understand it. -Carl-
  10. Re: Helpful Ghost You might want to take a gander at: http://angel.fcpages.com/csdennis2.html The character sheet is for Dennis Pearson, a ghost that resides in Cordelia Chases' apartment in the TV series "Angel". -Carl-
  11. Re: Government Sanctioning And Such Thanks....I am definately stealing...err, adapting your question and answers/FAQ entries for my SRG info package. -Carl- I must spread some rep around.....etc.
  12. I know this has probably been discussed in some other threads (and I'll be searching for those shortly but as I am enroute to work....shrug) but I'm curious: In my potential campaign world, the US government passed the "Special Response Groups Act of 1964" which basically provides deputization of heroes as officers of the Justice Department ("We're not vigilantes ! We're duely deputized officers of the law !"). Of course, not every hero is such that they are willing to follow such guidelines and so some heroes ARE viglantes. In game terms this basically boils down to the "Sanction" perk and a "Watched by Justice Dept" disad for those wanting it. Straightforward enough. But....When the heroes ask, how much info do you assembled Hero-philes feel is warented for the JD to have on file for each hero? I can imagine that, in the early days, there was a logbook which had all the data in it and it was secured at somewhere like Chyenne Mountain or Fort Knox. And maybe it wasn't even the heroes full secret ID. But the JD provided a code number, which the hero gave to the authorities when arresting a villain, and this was checked versus the primary log. Fine for 1964...but what about today ? I need to re-read my copy of "Champions Universe". I'm certain there is some stuff I can use in there. But I'd also appreciate any input from the assembled throng..... Thanks. -Carl-
  13. Re: Interesting Tech I'm somehow reminded of the short story "The Sapphire as Big as the Marsport Hilton" by John M. Ford. Scarey tech plus a patient species equals bad for humans. -Carl-
  14. Re: Real World tech for your gadgeteer Soooooo....what's the current exchange rate ? Hmmm. -Carl-
  15. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions I might also suggest "Terror In The Treasures" (I believe that was the name) from Adventurers Club magazine as well. Basically just a big old "bar-room brawl" sort of deal, with the added issues of bystanders, fragile (and possibly magical) artifacts, etc. As I recall the villains used were Slug (definately) and Black Paladin (I think...). Tho' if you wanted it a bit darker you could probably slip in some of the servitors of The Kings Of Edom too. Worth a look, IMNSHO, if you can find it. -Carl-
  16. Re: [PAH] Themed Characters Perfect for disciples of St Attila of Antioch, the keepers of the Holy Hand-grenade. -Carl-
  17. Since this story could be spun into scenarios for almost all the Hero genres I thought the link should go here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070912/ap_on_re_eu/shrinking_kilogram -Carl-
  18. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07252/815920-85.stm I've started a thread about this in the Champions forum but I thought it might be worth posting here too.... Perhaps a cephalapod society who use this method (they stumbled on the frequency while observing a dolphin-like species from their world) to power a version of the industrial revolution....?? -Carl-
  19. Saw an article on this: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07252/815920-85.stm the other day and then today I got to thinking "That might just work as an attack in Champions" (yea, I was pretty board at the time ). It'd almost certainly have to be a linked attack, something that generates the RF and then an arc of electricity perhaps ? The RF would be need to be continuous but the electric arc could probably just be a single shot (if I've read the info on the process correctly). The total damage would be dependant on how enclosed the space around the source was....hmmm. Or perhaps....A new doomsday device from Dr Destroyer !!!! Thoughts ? -Carl-
  20. Re: Fun with Force Fields In one of the issues of Digital Hero there was an article on Force Fields that (as I recall) had some options regarding this....Can't recall what issue it was tho'....hmmmm. EDIT: Found it....Digital Hero Issue #10: (quoting from the DH page article list) FORCE FIELDS ENHANCED As one of the basic defensive Power, the humble Force Field is often taken for granted. Look at it for the first time, again. From that article: Regenerating Shields (-½): This limitation simulates Force Fields that get weaker as they are hit. Unlike Ablative, which causes defenses to have an Activation Roll as they take damage, Regenerating Shields causes Force Field to lose Defense as it takes damage. Many space vessels have Force Fields with this limitation. When a Regenerating Force Field is hit and damage done to the character, the Force Field loses Defense. For each 1 BODY and/or 5 STUN that gets through the Force Field, 1/1 Defense is removed from the Force Field. For example, if a 12/11 Force Field is hit with an attack that does 13 BODY and 26 STUN, then the Force Field will lose 1/1 DEF from the BODY damage and 3/3 DEF from the STUN damage. The 12/11 Force Field becomes an 8/7 Force Field. Note the character’s other defenses (such as natural PD and ED or Armor) do not add to the Force Field’s defense for this purpose; the Force Field’s defense is considered to be “on top,” meaning it protects the character against damage first, before any other defenses. If anything gets through the Force Field to be applied against the character’s other defenses, then the Force Field loses defense. The Force Field regenerates 1/1 Defense at the beginning of each phase the character acts. For example, the character whose FF was just reduced to 8/7 has a 23 DEX and 5 SPD. On segments 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 the character’s FF will regenerate 1/1 DEF at the beginning of his action at DEX 23 until the Force Field reaches full defense. This regeneration occurs automatically, with no effort required from the character, as a zero phase action before the character takes any other action during his phase. That, stacked with the FF being powered by an END reserve, might just give you the effect you are looking for. -Carl-
  21. Re: Looking for Cthulhoid Monsters/races Here's a thought: In the center of town is a clocktower. The square around it lies silent. The undeniable feeling of being watched bears down on our heroes. One of them finally notices that the hands of the clock, which they all had thought was broken and had stopped, are moving....backwards. They begin to hear the sound of something moving up in the tower. They catch a glimpse of at least one man-like shape. Investigating (after all, isn't that what heroes do ?) they climb up into the clockworks, dodging the gears and escapments. The mechanisms rock back and forth, as tho' marking time, yet no sound comes from the clockworks. Then, from out of the shadows appear several of these: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationscreatures/games/coc/shambler.html The combat is joined. The heroes must deal with both foes who can vanish, dragging party members with them and the potentially narrow catwalks and pathways within the clocktower, avoiding being crushed by the clockworks and/or falling several stories to the ground below. My initial $.02US. YMMV. -Carl-
  22. Re: Looking for Cthulhoid Monsters/races Take a look here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationscreatures/creatures.html Creatures from the fiction of Robert E Howard and from the RPG Call Of Chuthulu.....Plus a few others to inspire your imagination. -Carl-
  23. Re: Any Info On The Tressilaine Empire For 5thEd ? Hmmmm...more potential backstory to consider. Thanks !! -Carl-
  24. Re: Any Info On The Tressilaine Empire For 5thEd ? Excellent ! I'll give them a gander...Thanks. edit: Ok...Just gave the Korundar a look. I think I might be able to justify one of their nation-states developing an "intermediary unit" and then one of those becoming a character in the mold of Cancer. Gracias' GA...Your HERO-fu is strong ! -Carl-
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