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Everything posted by clsage

  1. Re: Power Build Suggestions: "Spectral Gun" MP Aha !....I had not even thought of checking my copy of DC. Thanks for the reminder. -Carl-
  2. Re: Power Build Suggestions: "Spectral Gun" MP
  3. Re: Power Build Suggestions: "Spectral Gun" MP Hmmmm....Sweep manuever perhaps ? Thanks. -Carl-
  4. Re: Power Build Suggestions: "Spectral Gun" MP Yes, the "gun(s)" are psychokentic forms (lacking a better description) which, when he is in hero ID, look like a sixgun in a belt hoster. I'll need to double check the listing for ver. adv. but that might be a better way to go than my initial plan.... Thanks. -Carl-
  5. Re: Power Build Suggestions: "Spectral Gun" MP
  6. In my infamous, mostly unplayed (so far) campaign world, I have a hero (The Arizona Kid) who is basically an energy projector with the SFX that he appears to have a six gun in his hand when firing his various energy blasts. The simplest way to do this would, as far as I can tell, be to add the "Gestures" limitation to his multipower slots. No problem there. And so far I have the following, very rough, slots: Single shot - Energy Blast, Gestures Richochet - Energy Blast, Indirect, Gestures Rapid Fire - Energy Blast, Autofire, Gestures I know that there should be more "gunslinger tricks" that can be added to the multipower and they are probably obvious but.....Any suggestions ? Thanks. -Carl-
  7. Re: Namedropping And his faithfull "sidekick / comic relief": Jackie Chan I'm basing this linkage on a story Jackie has told about how, on a movie set where he was just a generic stuntman on a one day call, Bruce Lee missed a kick and knocked him in the head. After the director called cut, Bruce came over and was very apologetic and was making sure he was ok. Shortly after that the stunt co-ordinator called Jackie over and told him that he was extended on the shoot for another 24 hours. Jackie believes that it was due to Bruce Lees' intervention, as a sort of apology....So, what if, in our "comic world", Bruce took Jackie under his wing in a more significant way. And together, they begin battling The Triads. Here, from the ever usefull and always appreciated Surbrook's Stuff, are versions of our "dynamic duo" in Hero terms: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptionshkaction/brucelee.html http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptionshkaction/jackie.html -Carl-
  8. Re: [interest in a HeroCentral game] Count me among the number of folks who are interested in knowing more... -Carl-
  9. Re: How Many U S Heros ? While it's been awhile since I actually ran a campaign (sad to say ) I have been building a "background" for awhile and (in all honesty) have been stealing and modifying npc's from both: http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/ http://surbrook.devermore.net/index/archive.html (and mucho thanks to the contributors on both sites ) YMMV of course..... -Carl-
  10. Re: Superhero Politics You might not need any more Soviet ideas but I had to share two: Molniya (Russian молния - lightning) --- Obviously an electrical based energy projector Tunguska (Russian Тунгуска - a sparsely populated region in Siberia famous for the massive explosion that occured in the region in 1908) --- Another energy projector with special emphasis on explosion based attacks -Carl-
  11. Re: How Many U S Heros ? From a totally personal point of view, I'd potentially give Alaska and Hawaii a few more supers, at least on an ocassional basis. In part due to the long cultural histories of both places and the potential for "Mysto-Cultural Lab Accidents" (eg: surfer is exposed to artifact and becomes Kamehameha, defender of Kauai; Energy flux during auroral activity envelopes someone out panning for gold and they become Northlight, protector of Fairbanks; etc). That said, I don't see an issue with teams in the cities you mention, depending on the team size. Again, going by my personal "world backstory" (for an as of yet unplayed in game universe (sigh)). In it, there are "groups" that have formed in NYC, Boston, Washington DC, LA, SF, Chicago, St Louis, the Orlando-Tampa-Cocoa/KSC metroplex, etc. As well as the beginings of the re-birth of a "National Team", The Guardians Of Liberty, which in the Golden Age was based out of Boston and will probably end up being based in NYC for its modern incarnation. Of course, things also depend on your definition of how large a hero group needs to be before it becomes a "team". The cities/metro areas I mentioned above have various sized groups, from three members (the obvious minimum) on up....And, I suppose, my groups are a bit less formal than (as an example) the classic JLA, etc. They might be seen by some as more of a "network" where various heros have methods for easily contacting each other, share databases, etc. The major exception would be the G.O.L. who are, after all, my JLA/Avenger analogs..... Just my slightly greater than $.02US. YMMV. -Carl-
  12. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Anime I'd add "Corporate Statism". That is to say, whatever government might remain is almost certainly in the pocket of megacorporations at best and those corps are the government and the population mearly "employees" (proles) at the worst.... My $.02US. -Carl-
  13. Re: Help With An Acrobatic Style Of MA Oh my !!! Kurt Thomas as I recall...That was the name of lead "actor" (and I do use that word advisedly) wasn't it ? -Carl-
  14. Re: Help With An Acrobatic Style Of MA Ah yes....I have a copy of that free article somewhere on my hard-drive. Thanks for the reminder. -Carl-
  15. Re: Help With An Acrobatic Style Of MA Hmmmmm.... Thanks for the thoughts. I wasn't "married" to the idea of using Savate as a component, it was just a first blush sorta thing....But after watching the Capoeira clip from YouTube it confirms I'll definately be pulling from it. -Carl-
  16. Hello all... While I have access to "The Ultimate Martial Artist" I have to admit I am having a difficult time (fatigue from work perhaps (shrug)) in visualizing what some of the MA's in it might look like. And as I am looking to emulate a visual flavor in this particular character build, I thought I'd ask the assembled Hero-philes. The character in question is Pixette, a rather short in stature martial artist based in St Louis, MO. Physically think of Lacey Chabert from the movie version of "Lost In Space", with a martial arts style that has Wuxia elements and some similarities to the MA style we see being used by Jessica Alba as Max in the TV series "Dark Angel". So if anyone can point towards a specific MA that's already built that has similar elements that I might find somewhere I'd appreciate it. As of now I'm considering mixing Savate and Caporia(sp?), with some sort of added "Must follow acrobatics move / Requires acrobatics roll" limitation(s). Thoughts ? Opinions ? As always, thanks in advance.... -Carl-
  17. Re: Going out with a bang
  18. Re: Seeking MA Info/Help Thanks for the leads.... I do have a copy of UMA...Now I just need to sharpen my "HERO-Fu" and try working out the details..... Thanks again. -Carl-
  19. I'll admit I'm not so skilled when it comes to building MA's for HERO system and my "Google-Fu" has (so far) failed me so I could use some help: I'm looking to build/adapt a MA framework for "Kaysee(SP?) Fighting Technique" as seen in "Batman Begins". According to my recollections of the documentary regarding the fight scenes (as found on the two disk DVD) the technique uses mostly elbows, forearms and upper-body strikes (head-buts, etc). Any thoughts ? Thanks. -Carl-
  20. Re: [Campeign Creation Project] Pirates of the Naebbirac Astroid Belt I'm reminded (to a degree) of how things work in the universe created by Richard S McEnroe in his book "Skinner" (and in his other short stories that take place in the same universe). Smaller ships clamp on at "barnacle rate" and travel between systems allowing the supermassive starliners to take them FTL. -Carl-
  21. Anyone else thought about a campaign based on this SciFi channel series ? Given it's eclectic nature (US Marshals, Department of Defense, Weird Science, etc) I figured this was the best forum to ask.... Any existing threads regarding it ? Thanks. -Carl-
  22. Re: Limitation Value: Instrument Only Flight Pretty much my thinking. I'm probably going to have a "Requires Specialized IFR flight skill to operate" as part of the vehicle design. I think that that, combined with the previously mentioned "Affected By ECM" , should cover the effect I'm looking for. -Carl-
  23. As I don't have a copy of "The Ultimate Vehicle" (yet ) and building vehicles has never been a forte' of mine anyway I wanted to ask the opinion of all those here: what limitation(s) (if any) would you apply to a vehicle that has no windows/viewports/etc and, as such, can only be operated by using the instruments within ? The source for such an idea was from an article about the "Vulcan warp shuttle" seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture where the effects designers talk about their vehicle conception. I'm supposing that it would be something as simple as: Complex, requires specialized skill roll to operate, but does anyone have any other ideas/opinions ? -Carl-
  24. Re: Source Material Alert....
  25. Just a heads up: I caught most of "Heros" last night (here in the US) on NBC. Interesting premise and it plays to a fair number of "game worthy archetypes" that might have some gaming use in an Iron Age style campaign. -Carl-
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