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Iuz the Evil

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Everything posted by Iuz the Evil

  1. We are big on that whole First Amendment thing out here. Crazy left wing state and all that. He can run. Say whatever he wants. And be ridiculed/blown out at the polls. As it should be.
  2. Game dropped yesterday, just finished setting up PC on television and getting all the updates. Played until 1am and now headed to work. I'm so tired. Really fun, but I need a better mouse and keyboard. Text is a little small due to room set up, I'm sitting on couch and it's running on my television. Very satisfying though. Reactor online. Sensors online. Weapons online. All systems nominal.
  3. As an OU fan who really wants a decent opportunity for Mayfield, I pray this article is accurate.
  4. Just had my wife get visibly mad and a little shouty about my watching the videos for this game too much. Apparently it's a problem to obsess about an upcoming tabletop turned video game? Huh. I'm not entirely sure who she thinks she's been married to these 23 years.
  5. That appears to have been a successful counterattack. At least with regard to Harebrained schemes, Harmony Gold is done and cannot bring the same suit against them again.
  6. As a mental health professional, I reference him weekly. He will be missed.
  7. HG lawsuit is being challenged on basis of lack of standing, not sure you are up to speed or not. It's not anticipated to impact the April 24 release. Latest update dismissed with prejudice for HBS according to this (they have until May 4 to provide a proper chain of Copyright custody to prove why the other defendants shouldn't also have the lawsuit dismissed for lack of standing): So the Battletech game definitely can drop 4/24. Mechwarrior 5 is looking pretty good, but not final.
  8. It's not Steam only. GOG and direct from Paradox are available.
  9. release on April 24, 2018? I'm literally setting up a gaming PC for this and the fall release of Mechwarrior 5. Been 17 years.
  10. Wait, what? I had considered myself pretty informed on a number of issues. Immigration Court being a civil proceeding and the implications of that for detained children had honestly never occurred to me. Holy crap. That's incredibly awful.
  11. Heroes: Vibe, Vixen, and Violet Mission: Historical research unconvered by Element Lad in the previous issue results in Violet of the LSH returning to prevent interference with the timeline of the 31st century. Vibe and Vixen jump into the action after mistaking her for a criminal when she breaks into Kord Industries to remove temporally displaced technology planted by the true villains of the issue, Brainiac (not his descendent Brainiac-5). Next letter: K
  12. Huh. Not sure what game you watched. Mayfield didn't lose that game, the Oklahoma defense did.
  13. Hela in the MCU is not a goddess, as the Asgardians are depicted as advanced aliens rather than deities. Second only to Feanor among the elves, that'd be in the Silmarilion. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Galadriel+equal+to+Feanor If the phial is gone, then Hela is dead. Depicted in the movie and over and done.
  14. I think it is an extreme stretch to cherry pick the abilities of a Ring of Power to only effect "Morgoth and his creations". If the Rings were so limited the series was a huge waste of time, as the One Ring could only really corrupt other ring wearing individuals. Nenya's purview is protection. Specifically against evil. That'll do for at least two of the three entities (Hela and the Red Skull). Unless as mentioned above you subscribe to the notion that all the Rings of Power have a limited power set far below what is described in the novels. She wielded the "power of Nenya, Galadriel's Ring of Power, which only Sauron himself could have overcome. The elves, led by Thranduil of Mirkwood and Galadriel of Lorien led an assault on Dol Guldur and Galadriel herself threw down its walls, and laid its pits bare." As none of those three are Sauron or Morgoth, they cannot overcome the power of Nenya. QED. Whether she made it or not, Galadriel possessed the Phial. And provided numerous other crafted elven gifts. So she had access to a mini Silmaril canonically. And she had cast back Sauron and his minions. And was second only to (or in one reference equal to) Feanor. That's First Era magic there son, and none of those three MCU villains save possibly Hela can stand against it, and even she can't overcome it unless greater than Sauron (which is ludicrous).
  15. The Lady of Light is probably the most powerful of the six listed entities. With Nenya, she's protected against evil barring Sauron showing up on the other side so that's a pretty big advantage. She also has foretelling, prophecy, scrying and produces magic gear for allies on top of the aforementioned defeat of the greatest evils of her era. I'll take any team she's on. Edit: First age opponent armed with the phial (lightweight Silmaril powered by the light of the one in space), and stronghold shattering magic to go with her invulnerability to evil from her Ring of Power. Galadriel could tell the other two to hold her beer.
  16. Well, they don't have an evil aura until 5th level so probably not based on Detect Evil.
  17. Just not that interested, and I'm a big fan of Superman.
  18. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/stormy-daniels-sues-trump-says-hush-agreement-invalid-because-he-n854246 I'll just leave this here.
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