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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Posts posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Since we're pretty much at the end, some personal thoughts on this one. 



    As I'm sure many noticed, though only one person said so to me directly, Nagus Sterling was inspired in part by the Ferengi (and WoW goblins, among others). Their philosophy is so formalized as to be a quasi-religion, and I wanted to explore that a bit. I was going to try to play up the 'positive' aspects of greed like ambition but got sniped on that end. So, I dug deeper into the ultra-capitalism angle. Hedonia was inspired by the histories of Las Vegas (obviously) as well as Orlando, two thriving real-life cities that were built on cheap, worthless land. I'm sure there are others, too, but those are the ones that I know well. I got to work in some classic greedy fantasy tropes like dragons and dwarves, too. At the end it twisted into a sort of crime lord drama, but that wasn't my initial intention. Perhaps that is a commentary on that way of being?

    My story was not a shot at modern politics or politicians. Not specifically anyway. I tried very hard to veer away from certain allusions. My story was not about him. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


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