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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Posts posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. This is a ketchup selection. 


    “Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.” (Acquisitions 4:64)


    While the rules of basic exchange have been around for ages, there are some things that go beyond a mere silver-for-bananas transaction. Negotiation must occur where no rules exist, or where money is not the means of trade. This can get very tricky and requires real skill.  There’s an art to it and it extends beyond the market to the realm of politics or even romance. “Everything is negotiable.” (Acquisitions 4:12)


    Secondary Domain: Negotiation! Diplomacy, debate, arbitration, even oration and acting depend upon the basic skills of negotiation. In an ongoing effort to appeal to Nagus Sterling, the Earl of Exploitation, followers are ever engaged in bargaining agreements and their culture treats a win-win result a loss.



    Diplomats of the realm




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