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Everything posted by Nevenall

  1. Re: Subjects of the Realm Mark me down. Though I'm not very good at bating my breath for extended periods of time.
  2. Re: Star Wars in HERO Naw, it's fine, but it will take a bit to read and digest.
  3. Re: Star Wars in HERO I don't about that. I just didn't have any homework to do yesterday.
  4. Re: Transforming the NYSE? My suggestion. Financial Wizardry: +10 Skill Levels with Financial Skills.
  5. Re: Star Wars in HERO I just started a Star Wars campaign, inspired by the Jedi Academy computer game. The campaign starts 6 months after the Battle of Endor, and I have taken the story in my own direction. Luke is the only trained Jedi in existance, and he hand picked the three PCs to train in secret and to become the second generation of the new Jedi Order. I have a campaign introduction, as well as my own attempt at a SW adaptation for Hero, on my web site. http://www.pdx.edu/~danb I GMed d6 SW for a long time and the books would make good references if I hadn't sold them. For this campaign, my inital idea was to stick with the original trilogy as much as possible, especially for Force powers, but I'm finding that the expanded univese material, as they call it at http://www.starwars.com, is handy premade stuff, even if some of it is a little silly. There are lots of SW sites on the web, but here are few I have found quite useful. For old D6 SW http://www.rancorpit.com/ and http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/dark/791/index.htm especially for weapons For the galaxy maps and planets http://www.nav-computer.com/ For general information http://www1.theforce.net/cuswe/default.asp and of course http://www.starwars.com/databank/ There is also a series of books called the Essencial Guide to , and I've have some of those. Alien Species, Weapons and Technology, and Planets and Moons. They promise to be pretty useful. I hope you start a campaign and let us know how it goes.
  6. Re: How would you describe Jedi Senses To answer your actual question, how about Detect (Danger) for 10 points? Danger is a pretty large class of things.
  7. Re: How would you describe Jedi Senses Well, in my Jedi Academy Campaign, I do it this way. I add a new sense group that only sensitive people have access too; The Force Sense Group. As a Jedi develops, he buys modifiers to the Force Sense Group such as range, discriminatory, and telescopic. Then, all the little things that a Jedi can sense, like the Force, life energy, or the emotions of another, are individual Detect powers which are part of the Force Sense Group. Then all the detects become more powerful as the character adds more to his Force Sense Group. This is my current working draft for the Force Sense Group. Force Sense Group (Force Sensitive): Range +10, 360° +10. AP 20, EP 20, CP 20. The Force Sensitive individual is marked by their ability to access the Force Sense Group. As he develops particular senses, the Jedi can detect phenomenon, and their intensity, but that is about all. Force Sense Group (Jedi Learner): Range +10, 360° +10, Discriminatory +10. AP 30, EP 30, CP 30. As a Jedi develops his abilities, his Force Sense becomes more acute, and he can begin to distinguish various features of the things which he can detect. Force Sense Group (Jedi): Range +10, 360° +10, Discriminatory +10, Analyze +10, Telescopic +10 vs. Range +15. AP 55, EP 55, CP 55. The Jedi’s level of Force Sense includes the ability to sense things without penalty at ranges of up to 250 meters. Though the ability of any particular Jedi will tend to vary a good deal. Force Sense Group (Jedi Knight): Range +10, 360° +10, Discriminatory +10, Analyze +10, Telescopic +20 vs. Range +30. AP 70, EP 70, CP 70. The senses of a Jedi Knight is even more in tune with the Force. He can sense things at ranges of well over 8 km, without penalty. Force Sense Group (Jedi Master): Range +10, 360° +10, Discriminatory +10, Analyze +10, Telescopic +30 vs. Range +45. AP 85, EP 85, CP 85. When a Jedi reaches the level of master, distance becomes almost meaningless due to the power of the Force. The Jedi Master’s sense can reach out more then 262 km.
  8. Nevenall


    I think there is enough interest, but Steve has said in the past he doesn't plan to do one. I believe the reason was because no one has time to edit it. There used to be a web site that collected spell contributions at http://www.spellbook.tv, but that doesn't seem to be around any more.
  9. Thanks for the Input! The sort of thing that I'm thinking of is something like a dream spell, where you can dream about say, some particular person, and in the dream follow them into the future for the duration of the spell. This was also a way one of my players came up with to, possibly, get around the normal range of his clairsentience.
  10. Nevenall

    star wars

    I'm working on my own version of star wars here but it's still pretty incomplete. I add more stuff whenever I can. Oh, and it's all in MS word docs. Sorry.
  11. If I can see into future with Clairsentience, am I limited to future visions which are within the range of my normal Clairsentience? For example, if I my Clairsentience has a range of 200", could I see visions of the future, or past, about a temple which is 1km away?
  12. My fantasy hero campaign is up to 225+ total points, and my Star Wars campaign has just started, at 50 total points. Both are fun, but I find my lower point campaign much more exciting. The characters have room to grown, and the NPCs they run into don't tend to be really powerful.
  13. There is a book for Rolemaster, The Essense Companion, that has a big list of real life herbs and what sorts of medicinal things they were/are used for.
  14. In my campaign the Endorians are a tribe of humans smilar to a tribe of Native Americans. Their wood craft and accuracy with weapons was so amazing, that after the Battle of Endor the New Republic created the First Endorian Scouts and Rifles. One of the proudest units in the Republic's army.
  15. Re: Need help with stormtroopers I've started working on some Star Wars stuff for the campaign I'm running. Eventually, it will all be on my web site. But here is a summery. Blasters : Multipower with an RKA slot and an equivelent Active point EB slot for stun setting. Hold out Blaster : 1d6+1 RKA Blaster Pistol : 1 1/2d6 Heavy Blaster Pistol : 2d6 Blaster Carbine : 2 1/2d6 Blaster Rifle : 3d6 Storm Trooper Armor : DEF 8. Scout Trooper Armor : DEF 6. Or maybe DEF 8 with limited coverage. Weapons and armor are the most difficult to balance, I find. I've given up trying to find any consistance in the movies and just gone for what feels about right. Keep in mind this is more or less a first draft, and has not see the light of play.
  16. I give lots of everyman skills to make up for the fact that you can't try something without the skill. There are some things everyone has chance to success at. I'm terrible at it, but I think I stand a better chance then a 1/216 of pursuading someone. Thus, an everyman skill.
  17. Nevenall


    Oh how sweet it is. I was toying with a Robotech game myself. Here is a good resource I found. Robotech Reference Guide It has energy outputs listed for weapons, and lots of associated information. I was going to use an expanded version of the tables from John Stevens's "Flavor of the Game" Digital Hero article from 2000 to do the damage conversions. But NuSoard Graphite's is better then anything I would have done. I, for one, will await the return of the master.
  18. I only flipped though the d20 book a little so I don't know, but I didn't magic would be hard in a Conan game, as long as every spell has enough Extra Time for Conan to hack that wizard down. I think the most fun part would be making all the weapons distinct and interesting. KillerShrike has some good weapon variations on his site.
  19. I haven't done any work, but I think it sounds really cool. I hope you post your stuff to the forum.
  20. I am generous in my fantasy campaign. Everyman skills add up to 25 points. This does include a Mana reserve which everyone has at a basic level, as well as points for starting money. Each culture package modifies the everyman skills, often quite a bit, but they still only get 25 points for free.
  21. I loved that dog! If FRED is the Fifth Revised EDition, then how about FRRED for Fifth Revised Revised EDition.
  22. Like Indiana Jones, I've never cared for Jr. How about, Son of Fred?
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