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Everything posted by Nevenall

  1. Re: THE Nevenall Ravenscroft Nothing systematic I'm afraid.
  2. Thought I would have some fun converting my namesake character from Rolemaster to Fantasy Hero. Here he is if anyone is curious, or wants to use him as an NPC. He is only Acrobat 6.0+ compatable, for size reasons.
  3. Re: Character: Mage Some times players build characters in ways you will always remember.
  4. Re: Character: Mage Well critiqued, except he has Age 60+ so his maximum INT and EGO are 30. Maybe that's why he's not afraid of the Avoids using Powers disadvantage
  5. Re: Character: Mercenary Ooo, what about being able to control his horse without hands, maybe with his knees, so he can use both scimitars while mounted? He might like that. Though I may be getting carried away.
  6. Re: Character: Mercenary True.
  7. Re: Character: Mercenary He is quite a scimitar master! It might not be in character, but I would consider buying Climbing and Stealth.
  8. Re: Aikido as a Damage Shield/ Abortable Attacks? So, whenever someone attacks this character in hand to hand they take damage porportional to the size of their attack, and they also get thrown to the ground? So, buy as much damage shield as you can and take the Only Up Amount of Blocked Attack (-1/2 or maybe -1) So, they only take as much as they can deliver or as much DS as you have. Then it's easy to add the Block requirement to the DS Then I would link a sizable amount of Telekinesis to the damage shield with the limitation Only to Throw Attacker to the Ground (-1?). I think SOMEthing like that would be the most legal build.
  9. Re: Experts? I welcome anything that encourages people to take non-combat skills.
  10. Re: A Question about Adjustment Powers Points you lose are taken from your boosted points first. So, StrongMan would lose 10 points of stun from his extra 30 and then 5 points of stun would fade. Fade is different from losing points through damage. Absorbo would lose all his boosted stun first. And he has no extra stun left to fade, so he would lose none due to fade. Check out the section on adjustment powers, page 105 in 5ER for more details.
  11. Re: Help With a Magic System Is there a limit to the number of spells that a character can start with? Also, I'm curious to know more about the domains.
  12. Re: Help With a Magic System Looks pretty darn cool to me. Do you make up what ever spell you want on the fly? I would have a hard time doing that quickly.
  13. Re: TravellerHERO PDF in the works I would second that. Thank you all for putting in so much work!
  14. Re: cosmic awareness EC It's not against the rules to create an EC with those powers, it just requires the GM's permission, which is another way of saying, "If it's a legitimate concept then yes, if you are doing it to save points, then no." and I would agree that what you describe is a legitimate concept though others may not, so go ahead and do it. As for your second issue. Making danger sense targeting would allow you to use it detect targets in combat, but all your senses are flashed as the same group, and doubly so if they were in an EC. So, the chances of having your Q Sense flashed and not your Danger sense are very slim. I would save your points on that one.
  15. Re: Reality check time: so what about the players' feelings? I plan to stick with the book as much as possible until my players and I are more familiar with the rules as printed. I used to spend a lot of times playing with various cool house rules but then my players had ABSOLUTELY no idea what was going on.
  16. Re: Stat Inflation This has worked for me too.
  17. Re: Look Sir ... Droids There is always one person who want's to play a droid. There are probably both. Most droids that actually do work, like Episode 1 combat droids are automaton, character droids are characters. At least that's what I would say. I just say no to character droids in my campaign becauase none of us appriciate the traditional comic relief all that much and without that, droids are just automaton.
  18. Re: Star Wars conversions: Stormtroopers questions I just updated my own version of Stormtroopers. If you are curious follow the link in my signature and go to the Characters file. There are three qualities of troopers. 44, 94, and 142 by total points.
  19. Re: The Stormtrooper Effect It gets better after A New Hope, but there are still good example of Stormtroopers being unable to any leading character no matter how unprotected. Whereas if they heros hit, they hit the Stormtroopers in the head or the heart, except in A New Hope where I guess they didn't want to singe the extras. I think that a GM screen and some roll fudging is probably the best way to go, unless you were playing a campaign where this was a really major factor. Like your SW or Rambo type campaigns. I've found that using the optional version of Luck that gives a character points to add or subtract from attack rolls against him, and moving hit locations from vital areas to less vital areas works very well. And you can say that if the Mook rolls a natural 3 to hit you can't use Luck to make it a miss, but you can still change the HL. I wonder how many times Princess Leia got shot at before they hit her?
  20. Re: What are you working on? I'm actively running my Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Campaign I'm working on a program to organize my Hero system materials On the backburner is my Fantasy Hero world The Lands of Thale. Once my star wars campaign is finished, I'm considering creating a Nehwon campaign, but I'm the only one of the group who'd be all that interested. Of course with The Valdorian age I wouldn't have my work to do.
  21. Re: Sith Knights - My Stab at the Force It looks good to me. I like Defense Man. as a power, and Deflection as a presensory power. Oh, and the limitation on reflecting non-energy attacks. I'm going to have borrow that. Sounds like a fun campaign. I know one young Jedi from my campaign who would be interested in joining, if you know what I mean. Though I don't think he would have enough points to meet the basic requirements.
  22. Re: Chi Poison Transform is an instant power, so once it's had it's effect, you can't dispel it. You can dictate how the transform will heal, either it heals back like body damage, or it heals totally under some special condition. Like a special chi healing ceremony. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to achive 2 time the target's Body with Transform. Though this can be over several hits.
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