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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Humm...I can defently see him as an evil baron in a Fantacy Hero campain. As for Cyber Hero, honastly I have no ideal except to make him an example of the way of thinking "I'm rich! I can do ANYTHING I want!". (Which is proably true in a Cyber Hero campain). He dosen't have much to go to be a villian in a Horror Hero game. No selling off his beuties...just torcher rape and kill. (And you thought he coulden't get even darker than he already is). For Victorean Hero, um, I don't think that will ever be writen considering the state of Hero Games/DOJ is right now. But if thay ever DO write it, he woulden't seem so out of place (othoe I guess I should do a pulp victorean version and a steampunk version of the charater...not stats but ways he can be played). As for Star Hero, isen't that what Captian "Dirty" Tom Rackhan is for?
  2. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Thank you, MajorTom. I just have to remember to include a chapter on adaptation of the charater for a lighter campain in my fan supliment.
  3. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete And your just learning now that my spelling sucks? I knowned that fact for years.
  4. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yep...thay say "Fall", but that asumes a perfect world. Winter if it sees lots of problems with the printers and binders and shipers.
  5. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Recently I came across a problem with Mister Wicked. That is, can the charater be watered down enougth to be in a 'light' Champions campain? Any ideals on how to 'soffen' him and his org. so that he could be used in Champions without destroying the sleezball factor (well, he IS a villian, so there should be some sleeze and cheeze about him)?
  6. Re: A Wicked Situation... True. But the charater can (and proably should) be able to water down-able.
  7. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. It's just you, Badger. Well, he was a complete creation of MajorTom which fit into the group. Next thing your going to tell me is that The Gorehound reminds you of 80's slasher movie villians...
  8. Re: A Wicked Situation... Nope...no portal unless the gamemaster says otherwise. The thread is ment to tie into my "Mister Wicked" charater (villian) thread.
  9. Your heros find an disused subway station underground (even if your city dosen't have a subway system), and finds an abandoned storehouse/prison. It is empty except for one woman dressed in victorean underclothes and tightly bound and gaged in a cage. As you get closer, you can see the fear in her eyes, ESPECALY if your male. She can tell you her name, but has no memories except for her time in captivity. What will your charater do?
  10. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Um, can anyone tell me when Champions Compleat can come up for pre-sale, so I can send Hero my $40 without waiting for it to be up on the Hero Store?
  11. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Grazor is a stranded alien who is superstrong and resistant, but his body is slowly being poisoned by being on the planet. And since he is stranded, and was fleeing his own race, who wanted him as a solder to die in a galatic war, he will not contact his home race to get him off the planet or cure him.
  12. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. I beleve with the information we have so far, we could have a start of a decent supliment for both the Champions and Dark Champions universe. Question: Would you buy such a supliment, conserning it's semi-"adult" nature of the villians within it?
  13. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! And who is the mad scientist responciable for all this? Ask Doctor Baiji. Formaly a concerned Chinies biologilist, he atempted to hault the extinction of the Chiniese Fresh Water Dolphin ("Baiji") by fusing the DNA of the Baiji with himself. Now he can hold his breath for a long time, and withstand some strong water preshers along with fast swimming. And his hearing extends to the semi-sonic range. He then got on the 'revenge for extention' kick and created his teamates.
  14. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. I also promoused a 'who is who' list to recap people in this thread. Mister Wicked: Our monster of ceramonies. Henchmen List: Muselman Alvaez (handyman) Muselman Bruno (handyman) Muselman Mace (handyman) The Muselmen (extra henchmen when needed, generic) Ferris (driver) The Warden (head of the guards) Boris Raspution (second-in-comand of the guards) Guards (generic henchmen, guards the 'product') Miss Helga (maid/Milinda's keeper) The Overseer (Mister Wicked's second, in charge of 'breaking', also auctionear) Doctor Graves (doctor) Scarlotti (butler/major domo) Madam Blonde (bodyguard) Madam Brown (bodyguard) Madam Black (bodyguard) Profesor Peril (deathtrap design and maintance) Seamus O'Malley (Profesor Peril's assistant) Erich Wagner (Profesor Peril's assistant) Casey Smith (secret subway conductor) Edger Thibideaut (cook) Su-Cooks (Edger's asistancs) "Sparky" (Wicked's electronics expert) Hierlings (thoes people who are hiered per-job, or who's services he buys): Madame Oblivia (memory eraser) Nicholas Midian (lawer) Miriam DeWinters (secertary to Mr. Midian) The Baron (fence) The Eliminator ("removal of waist") Safari Master (huntsman) Cliants (thoes who pay for what Wicked has) Captian "Dirty" Tom Rackham (space pirate from the future) The Gorehound (serial killer who came into monie, from Hudson City) Black Mano (Lesser Morbain) The Aquier (Argent agent) Victoms: Milinda Wicked (sister) Harlot ('broken' brick superherion) Phillipe Bouchard (scrapgoat) Pauline Dubois (teacher) "Product" (generic product)
  15. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One?
  16. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. It's Thursday, and I promoused you stats for a typical Guard of the Wicked Orginzation. (Which reminds me, what should Mister Wicked's Orginzation be named?) Typical Wicked Guard Value Char Cost Roll/Notes 13 STR 3 12- Lift 150kg, 2 and 1/2d6 HTH Damage [1] 14 DEX 8 13- 13 CON 3 12- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 11 EGO 1 11- 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack 2 and 1/2d6 5 OCV 10 5 DCV 10 4 OMCV 3 4 DMCV 3 3 SPD 10 Phases: 4,8,12 5 PD 3 Total PD: 15PD/10rPD (Activation Roll: 12-) 4 ED 2 Total ED: 14ED/10rED (Activation Roll: 12-) 5 REC 1 25 END 1 10 BODY 0 22 STUN 1 Total Char Cost: 65 Cost Powers [END] 60 Argent Tazer Sap: Hand-To-Hand Attack 6d6, Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Focus (OAF, Breakable 6 BODY, 3rPD, 3rED, Universal, -1) AND Blast 6d6, AVLD (NND - Resistant ED, target is completly insulated, haveing internal electrical manipulation powers of some kind, +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END on this portion of the power, +1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Trigger (When linked attack strikes target, no time to activate, resets automaticly, can set multiple times, +1), Focus (OAF, Breakable (see above for body and defences), Universal, -1), Linked (Greater power linked to lesser power, -1/4) [sTR +3] 17 Argent Chemicaly Treated Costume, Fashionstyle: Victoreanprison: Resistant Protection +10PD, +10ED, Focus (OIF, Breakable 6 BODY, 10rPD, 10rED, Concelable, Universal, -1/2) Requiers A Roll (12-, -1/4) 60 Aditinal Equipment: 60 point VVP 20 Aditinal Equipment Control Cost: 30 point Control Cost, Focuses (At most OAF, -1), VVP Can Only Be Changed At An Armery (-1/2) 2 Fast On There Feat: Running +2m (14m total) [1] Cost Skills:Rolls 4 1 Interaction Skill Level 3 KS: The Criminal Underworld: 11- 2 KS: Hobby: 11- 3 PS: Guard:12- 10 2 diffrent Charateristic-Based Skills at +1 each, GM's Choice 1 Fam w/Charm: 8- 1 Fam w/Criminology: 8- 1 WF: One WF of the GM's Choice (usaly Small Arms) Total Powers and Skills Cost: 183 Grand Total: 248 Complications: 100+ Distinctive Features: Victorean Prisoner Uniform (Concelable, Notice And Recognisable) 10 Hunted by Mister Wicked's Orginzation (More Powerful, NCI, Frequently, Watching) 15 Hunted by Law Enforcement (More Powerful, Frequently) 15 Psychological Complication: GM's Choice (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Complication: Another Choice By The GM (Common, Strong) 15 Social Complication: Criminal Record (Frequently, Major) 15 Social Complication: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major) 15 Henchman's Luck: Unluck 1d6: 5 Henchman Bonus: 43 Follower Cost: 50 for one Guard, +5 for each doubling. Background/History: The guards have vareous backgrounds, but thay have many things in common. Thay are all familer with the penal system, haveing been 'guest of the state' at one time or another. And thay are all men who are greatful for a job...any job...for an orginzation who has there back and takes cair of them. Even if thay have to wear uniforms which remind them of the inside. Quote: Yes. Right away boss. Consider it done. Personality/Modivation: Vareous as the men who make up the guard. Most of them have dark personalities to begin with, and thrive in an enviroment where thay can harm others on comand. Powers/Tactics: Thay relie on there Tazer Saps and numbers to quell riotous 'product' or keep thoes who come to resque the 'product' from doing so. If the target seems to be imune to the sap, thay might bring out many of the other equipment thay are knolagable in. Let's face it, to most supers theas guys are cannon fodder. At the best, thay only exist to go back to the slamer after a sloberknocker and to give Mister Wicked time to excape. Apperance: The guards are dressed like sterotypical victorean and early 20th centery prisoners, with white and black striped shirts. Thay carry there Tazer Saps on them when working. Many of them also wear domino masks (some of them for show...others have flash shields in them...mirrored lenses). Most of them are rather big and musciler in nature.
  17. Re: Battle of Detroit Wow...did you look at all the 'guest apperances'? Someone acualy gone to great lengths to do a "Marksman", "Seeker" and even "Knighthawk".
  18. Re: Yow would you make "the Doctor"? Well, I can only give you guidelines. Psychic Paper: Illusion on a Focus (IAF). Sonic Screwdriver: A slight multipower which should include Telekineces, Flash VS Hearing (It is sonic, you know), and prehaps Overall Levels (as it helps him solve small problems, but usaly dosen't help him solve large problems). TARDIS: It is a vehical with the Time Travel option of Extra Dimentinal Movement. It also has a 'computer' which makes it psychic. It is Invisable to all sences EXCEPT for thoes who are Time Lords, or have been in it before (It makes shure nobody notices it) (NOTE: That is a more recent development for the TARDID. There are many old Doctor Who epasolds where people and things notice it, and take pains to move the darn thing). And it translates all languages into the Queen's English, unless thay speek English of another type, which it does not translate. Regeneration: The Doctor has some standard Regeneration powers. He also has Shapechange on a powerful Trigger (when Regeneration revives him from the dead). The revival from the dead aspect of Regeneration is bought sepertely and has a powerful and limited Charges on it which do not recover. By the way, the curent power source for the TARDIS is a served right hand of The Doctor himself (and yes, he did regrow his own hand afterwords). Time Lord: Prehaps the easest power we know he has...Life Suport: Does Not Age (his ageing is so slow that it might as well be unafected by the ravages of time). He did age ONCE to his true age (Thanks Master), which I beleve it was 5000 years old cronologicaly, and he was still alive. The Doctor is mildly psychic himself. I don't know how it is curently used in the show, thoe. Prehaps he is a universal recever of thoughts, but not a broadcaster?
  19. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete While it is sad that Feedback is still a jumbled mess, it is not a deal killer to me. I'm still going to give the company my $40+Shipping And Handeling+Wisconson Sails Tax moungths in advance (asuming I can scratch up the cash), and have the 'rents wait for it. Just make shure you give me a notice when it ships.
  20. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One? I am suspending this project untill I have a look at Champions Compleat. Prehaps with that one book, the need for this project will be negated?
  21. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! La Capatana is a woman who beleves in military might conquers all. She has an army of robots at her comand, and will do anything in her power to prove that eveyone should bow down to the military, even illegal ones like hers.
  22. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Question: Is there a unified Feedback limitation, or do each power where Feedback is posable have, for example, "Telepathic Feedback" or "Barrier Feedback"?
  23. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Question about the changes in mental powers and Physical Complications. Is it still a Physical Complication to be affected as more than one class of mind?
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